I'd really like to see WIS goggles. CHA on goggles, not so much. But, I do like the fancy clothing ideas for CHA. Though, I suppose that is what cloaks try to emulate in DDO.
I'd really like to see WIS goggles. CHA on goggles, not so much. But, I do like the fancy clothing ideas for CHA. Though, I suppose that is what cloaks try to emulate in DDO.
I definitely have to get the 'eyes of coyle'!!
I know there are some good named items in goggles, but I am really talking about
normal random loot options available in chests.
Some of the items suggested would be nice rares that have a chance to drop in
all chests. Kind of like luck stone, firebrand, gloves of ogre power......
It appears that goggles are not the only thing that could be opened up a bit.
Bracers, gloves, boots, belts, and oh yea TRINKETS. There are a bunch of
low level ones, but what about mid level ones?
Kardin's eye is nice, but what about the beholder in Dreams of insanity? or the three
beholders in VoN3? Resistance +2, +3, +4 maybe? Spot 10? I just think that
we are really pigeon holed in to all wanting the same items.
Faithful Uprising - Guild Leader
Argonnessen - Panguu/Narlges/Rylven/Zenixx/Arrgus/Bazili/Nellas-1/Mandingo-1/Uzzi-1/Pylus/Limubai/Kabooom/Mandingo
belt of the monstrously large buckle - acts as a +5 heavy shield, -4 dex, grants feat: bullheaded
boots of river dancing - grants +4 to the dc of all ottos spells
sho'nuff's boots - greater command 3/day, Fire Shield: Cold Version 1/day, exclusive
pink bunny slippers - enemies save vs. cuteness (DC 22) or have -20% melee alacrity
ballet slippers - tumble +7, jump +7, feather falling
helm of minotaur attraction - bullrush 3x/day, randomly summons a minotaur to "woo" you
a buddy of mine asked for this one in a quest recently
helm of the irritated cleric - *timeout 1/rest
timeout - makes ally ethereal for 30 seconds. ally can't do damage or take damage.
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I think there needs to be:
Thigh High Stiletto boots--+6 Cha, -6 Dex, Instep Stab 1x/day*
*Instep Stab, allows you to make an extra piercing attack at very close range.
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Actually colored contacts tend to make people look freaky. Only very rare people can wear them and look "exotic". Same goes for coloring hair and tanning. Each person has certain skin tones, hair, and eye colors. While you can change them if you don't match them up to the others you look unnatural. Now, jewel green hair, special effect contacts, and OBVIOUS unnatural changes are one thing. When people are an auburn brunette with brown eyes and decide to go platinum blond with pale green lenses, they just look "off".
"Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment."
-Barry LePatner
1. The OP was looking for more things to put in the goggles slot. I was just offering a suggestion along those lines.
2. I don't understand your position on cha=looks. Unless you are saying it should and you are mad at Turbine that it does not because so many of the CHA items are ugly. I simply made the obervation that in DDO CHA does not equal good looking.
3. Why so harsh all of a sudden. This was a fun thread and was making up some fun new ideas (some more serious than others sure, but it was all good natured). You seem kinda heavy handed in your denial here. Hope you feel better soon.
4. Str belt, glove, ring, bracer -- what about putting this on a cloak... the cloak of the mighty! (and if you count the cape of the roc with click strength it is on a cloak.)
5. dex glove, ring, boots, bracer -- the acrobats cloak or batman's dextrous belt!
6. Con necklace, belt, ring... this anywhere else? Maybe it should be???
7. Maybe there is a reason not to allow the same thing on too many items, I don't know, I've not done that much study on it. It sound like a good idea to me. If you have a valid argument as to why putting a given effect on multiple items slots is bad, then lets here it.
Thanks to the OP for a fun thread.
1. Yes I know.
2. Exact opposite. I know attractive people who are not charismatic and vise versa.
3. What was harsh about that? Stated a fact and my opinion on the fact? Earlier on I posted many useful goggles that exist in the game.
4. 5. 6. & 7. The developers already decided what items will affect what attributes. I think for the most part they made good decisions and those decisions cause us to evaluate where we want items to go. It is already possible to get a +6 item from every attribute and wear them all. Doing so though, might force you to give up a useful affect on some other item.
Int - Goggles
Str - Gloves
Dex - Boots
Con - Belt
Cha - Cloak
Wis - Helm
That leaves us two ring slots, necklace, and bracers. If there were gloves I picked up I wanted to wear, then I would have to move the Str one to Bracers or a Ring. Maybe I'm a Rogue and wanted the Int and Wis to stack with various goggles. Now I need one or the other on Rings/Helms/Necklaces. Basically they made it a juggling act for gear which is a nice thing in my opinion. If you want to always have a Fortification item, Feather Fall item, Proof Against Poison item, and Disease prevention item, then you use up those spare slots for attribute items and if you want something like a protection item and/or False Life you need to either get a combo item or pick an attribute to not have an item for. That is why I like that certain stats are associate to certain items.
"Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment."
-Barry LePatner