It was a sad time for the Twilight Avengers last night.

After slaying Velah, we pondered the future. The raid leader opened the chest. Only one item dropped, and it fell to our guild leader Riott.

"Finally!" he shouted, "I'm never running this raid again! The curse is OVER."

And with that he removed his Sword of Shadows from the warded chest.

Congratulations boss!

The raid leader was promoted to officer on the spot, although he was later demoted for suggesting he swapped Haste for Slow in the follow-up Reaver raid.

Riott, I need a Docent of Grace for my elven rogue. Would you mind running the VoN's for the bazillionty fifth time and help me get one?


(Riott is not leaving. He'll probably go back into VoN after a while. This post was tongue in cheek, although Riott's reaction is more or less a direct quote.)