Ok so i have read all 5 pages of this post and with each post lost more and more interest in this discussion. i can agree with MT and Ghoste and
Missing minds backing up the dev's, there's is a thankless job. i read these forums everyday and everyday i feel like doomsday is upon us. however i do agree with the intent of the OP. To make DDO better we have to voice our opinions. i also agree that Turbine has done a very poor job of representing themselves. They have done a very poor job of marketing for what should have been the easiest put together MMO out there. i mean they have 30 years of source material. the rules are already figured out for them and many many games have already been created and successful using DnD as its base. They had 30 years of diehard fans waiting to jump on board and make this a wonderful game. This should have been a win win for turbine. instead we have an incomplete product. even though they had everything all worked out for them and handed to them with a nice red bow on top. they dropped the ball. They are developers thats what they do. they coded all of the current game with little to no problem and implemented massive amounts of DnD source material into DDO over the last 2 years. making a new class should be standard procedure by now. making one character class should be easily done. i mean they already implemented what 7 of them? if it has been in work for 2 years now it should have been completed. i would be interested in knowing how long it took to create the version of the game that was origionally launched two years ago. i know they have a lot of work to do on other things and classes get pushed back but its obvious they have spread there resources too thin. I have said it before and i'll say it again DnD is about characters. its about the heroes. its about making an extension of yourself. if they want to breathe life into this game they should be looking at staying close to the great franchise its based on. implement crafting the way its supposed to be done. implement the races and classes that should have been there from the start, half elves, half orcs, and for god sakes GIVE US GNOMES! i could care less about war mages and swashbuclers to tell you the truth. Monks and Druids need to be there first. they needed to be in the race to lvl 20 with everyone else. which brings me to my next point. who has ever read a DnD class progression that ended at lvl 10. DnD is based on 20 lvls before you get into epics. the game should already be coded and worked out to level 20 in mind. Why does it seem to me they are making things up as they go along? Its also worth mentioning the lack of weapon types in the game.The rules are already there. The spells are already created. All they have to do is convert not create. I love the game as it is. i play it every chance i get. much to my wifes dismay i might add. it is a good game that is close to my heart because i have always loved DnD from the day i read my first rule book when i was 10. Its not nearly as great as it could have been though. I also get the feeling that not everyone shares my enthusiasm for this game. I want to see it succeed. I can find hundreds of posts just like this one. Full of flames and ego. how about we put some heart and concern in the next one. How about in the next mod we fix what is broken instead of adding more content to please the power gamers. Fix the weapons, spears and flails are a good start. we can do without more exotic double sided monstrosities for a little longer i think. Fix greater teleport for gods sake. i've read 5 posts this month about it if i've read one. give us our core races and classes. Give us more character customization or at least put in a way to change your appearance after character creation. implement crafting the way it was meant to be. Give us pants! Then you can go back to adding new material and more monsters and loot and increasing level caps. You have to have a good heart for the body to work right. Fix the problems with DDO at the core. This would silence 90% of the naysayers attract innumerable new players and everyone will be so busy leveling there Gnome wizards and half orc barbarians to lvl 16 they will forget all about when the new mods coming out. They will have so many options before them the world will seem a much bigger place. As it should have always been.............Sorry i invaded your thread. Hope to see you all in game.
Nemonon Vasule