Hiya Thelanians,
I have the following items for trade:
Sacred Ring of Protection (+4) ML13
Belt of Heavy Fort ML11 (Has 1 point perm damage)
Belt of Greater False Life ML11
Jorgundal's Collar
+2 Seeker (+4) khopesh of Greater Elemental Bane ML10
+3 Anarchic Longbow of Greater Dragon Bane ML12
I'm looking for the following:
Ring of Greater False Life
30% striding boots
***Conditionally traded are items that are spoken for, but have not yet changed hands***
Terms of Trade: It's simple...Once an offer is accepted we meet that night....if by the time I log off for the night the deal is not completed, the item goes back up for trade. If it is not possible to meet due to RL issues...send me a PM and the previous statement will not apply.
I am online every night and I do check PM's all the time.
Thanks for looking