I think the warchanter is not needed in this build, a better enhancement would be spellslinger. I agree that bards do need to fight at some point. But the build is great for CHA but not so great in DEX and CON.

You are going to get hit in battle period. You need to figure out what you want to do. If it is support, then roll a spellslinger, if you want to fight then build a warchanter.

My bard (Taal warchanter build)

Started with 18 str and 12 cha, 15 dex and 14 con.

Ate dex, con, and cha tomes.

At level 12 I have inproved two weapon fighting, can buff the entire party with blurs, good hope, songs, etc. I can get my dancing balls to stick on elite in cabal ( gianthold). I still have sp left over to glitterdust or whatever. This is a great build and lends plenty of support.

Also, lose the neutral good, you should go true neutral and your UMD will allow you to use pure good weapons. Your UMD is fine.