Vorpal DA's beat picks / puncturing every time. You can't get infinite DPS (vorpal) with picks. Now put infinity into your DPS math and tell me who wins?
Vorpal DA's beat picks / puncturing every time. You can't get infinite DPS (vorpal) with picks. Now put infinity into your DPS math and tell me who wins?
He clearly does not understand the concept of infinity.
Back to the point: which has better dps?
- WF TWF v.s. WF THF
- Dwarf TWF (DA) v.s. Dwarf THF
- Best TWF barb v.s. Best THF barb
Since I dont play TWF much, I cannot make a judgment.
This seems like an exciting build. I'd like to know if you think this TWF build of yours out dps's the Warforged THF build of yours?
I made a lvl 20 barb based of your build and am TR'ing him into a warforged version to compare.
But i'd be curious to see how the dps of this build works vs your warforged THF build.
Cheers in advance,
As I said in your other thread.. It does not.
But it certainly has it's advantages:
-Faster attack rate means it's more powerful when using special weapons such as:
Weighted (versus smaller groups of mobs, THF tends to shine in large packs especially combined with stunning blow and high proc chance)
Stat damagers (few mobs there still worthwhile, such as Beholders or other super low strength enemies)
- Double tactics chance.. Meaning stunning blow and trip get twice the chance to land on 1 mob.. This means you can get by with a much lower DC then a THF and still land very reliably.
- Higher dex means slightly better reflex save
- Lazy play allowed. (No need to twtich attack as it provides no real benefit)
Can anyone explain to me how this build is wearing full plate? I didn't see the proficiency and I don't see the point in taking a -5 penalty to hit just for the ac... Just started a new dwarf with this and it is very fun.
Howdy all,
I am recently back to the game.
I apologize in advance if this has been answered already.
I have a TWF Barbarian.
I know that if I respec my enhancements I will lose Critical Rage I & II.
It appears that this is considered a prestige enhancement.
So, I assume it is not possible to use both this and Frenzied Berserker...but I hope it is.
I want my picks to crit 18-20 and do x 7 damege
Is it possible or am I SOL because the devs thought of this ahead of time.
Or will I lose my crit rage if I even add enhancement points as I level to 20?
Fellowship of the Bling Ghallanda
Main: Shado
Tier 1 Alts: DareDelvis; Ottis; Tortelvis
Tier 2 Alts and Banks: JoeBiten; Hary Darkness; BurnyCynders; Ashhole; Mournfist; Maimonides; DareDelviss; Aeteentee; DareSoulvis; Rambam; Jawill; DoubleDee; Myzadventure; Krav Maga; Snakecobra; and others
Sorry if this had already been brought up, as in I did not read the entire pos, but how would this build fair in some of the new epic content where it can be difficult (somewhat with PA on) to hit certain red/purple names?
You can only have one PrE at a time from one class. Crit Rage counts as a PrE.
Not only that, if you ever redo your enhancements from scratch, you won't be able to pick Crit Rage again. You can spend additonal AP though and keep it.
Then again, after Con damage was nerfed (0 Con doesn't kill anymore) Crit Rage has lost its lustre. Maybe there would still be an advantage if you use e.g. Deathnips and will play Epic (since mobs there, unless other endgame mobs, doesn't have DR generally). I haven't counted on it, but except some possible exceptions like that that, you can switch to F.B.
Various hedge-wizards and halfwits, please see MyDDO for all your squelching needs
Lyrandar 2006 - Devourer 2007 - Thelanis 2009 - Ghallanda 2010
I am not well versed in computing damage.
I have used the old DPS calculator http://www.afterlifeguild.org/Thott/ddo/ and tried to use averages in computing the comariosn of Crit Rage vs. FBII with and without Frenzy and Death Frenzy, using SoS and Picks. Clearly there is a difference if the weapons have bursting effects.
From my, most likely sloppy comparisons, the FBIII was far superior for both picks and two handers (not even including glancing blows) when the Death Frenzy FBIII is always the winner. But, when neither frenzy or death frenzy are active, crit rage was usually ahead or equal.
I wonder if any one more experienced in these types of comparisons has looked at the DPS differences between crit rage and FBIII most specifically with TWF.
Fellowship of the Bling Ghallanda
Main: Shado
Tier 1 Alts: DareDelvis; Ottis; Tortelvis
Tier 2 Alts and Banks: JoeBiten; Hary Darkness; BurnyCynders; Ashhole; Mournfist; Maimonides; DareDelviss; Aeteentee; DareSoulvis; Rambam; Jawill; DoubleDee; Myzadventure; Krav Maga; Snakecobra; and others
If I change the build for a 2HF barb , will i lose that much dps when i get to the high levels ? and can i change to a 2HF when I would like ?
Wouldn't a Heavy Armored Melee, Heavy Rogue Build...talking like 9 rogue/ 9 barbarian/ 2 fighter be good for a flank tank? I mean the sneak attack damage alone would be the kicker, being armored and having tons more hp would make you more combat friendly then your typical rogue as well and definately less a burden on your friendly neighborhood cleric.
Alongside an intimi-tank I am sure something like this would be extraordinarily high DPS. At level 9 I think rogue gets 4d6 damage before any enhancements to his sneak/flank attack. Wouldn't it be nice to incorporate that into a build that can stay in the fight even after pulling aggro from damage?
Last edited by GhoulsTouch; 04-26-2010 at 12:19 PM.
9/9/2 would be an incredibly weak build. Theres no reason to use that level split and using heavy armour for AC would be pointless with 9 barb levels as you'd be raged all the time. You would also only recieve two tier I prestige enhancements which for rogues and barbs are relatively weak. If you want high sneak attack damage with decent HP make a 13/6/1 tempest rogue.
Also while PUGing you might see a lot of toons wielding a shield, this isnt because there intimitanks, its because they don't know any better and are used to playing tanks with shields in other games. The reality is that unless you run in a static group your very unlikely to spend a lot of time with a real intimitank and even then in 95% of situations a high dps toon would be much more useful.
max dps and twf never should be said in the same sentence. barb damage comes frm str, so your offhand damage is gonna resemble a left hook from olive oil. my max dps twf pally can self buff no cookies to 48 main and 40 offhand.
ftr pallys rangers rogue always are a better match for twf
thf is for people who can maintain 50+ str. str damage is best because it multplies when u use thf wpn as well multiplies more with pa and again it mutliplies more with barb pa or wf pa
thats the dif simple math
Self Proclaimed Super hero to the People with shining red cape!
Forum poets dun need no stinking proper grammar.
I want this build to work...... can anyone help?
I want to build it with the starting stats of the OP dwarven barb, but I also want to multi-class with 2 rouge and 1 fighter for Khopesh.
My thoughts are to be able to TWF with Khopesh and bring in the benefits of evasion with sneak attack to help quickly clear the aggro off other party members.
Any suggestions? Or is this style and thought process just losing too much to really be effective? Pros and Cons?
Last edited by Zeddicuss_Zulander; 05-27-2010 at 11:43 AM.
They call me Emm
Code:Spell Schools 101 Last Edit Date: 06-28-2010 You can get Instant Reputation points for Advice, Suggestions, Notes, or Videos
You never splash more then 2 lvls on a barb. Berserker III is far too powerful to pass up, and you need Barb18 for it.
18/2 barb/ftr with khopesh, toughness and stunning blow would work quite well.
Evasion really is not that good. For the vast majority of the game, having a resistance buff/item + making your reflex save negates the almost all the damage.. The little bit of extra you might get for having evasion is NOT worth it. Not nearly. This build has a great reflex save as is, and will make reflex saves. Just keep up your resist buffs, ask your party members, and later on craft some 45point ones in teh shroud and your laughing.
Pure human with khopesh is another viable alternative, tho I don't recommend it. Too poor saves, dwarven spell resistance rocks.