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Or Get Fraps..... A Video would be superswet.
Even if CTRL-P isnt working you can still hit "Print Screen" then Open up Paint and Past the shot.
Or Get Fraps..... A Video would be superswet.
This build cannot be accepted..
It isn't Warforged..
Stupid fleshlings..![]()
I hope you guys don't consider this necroposting. I love this build however I was thinking of respeccing my Dwarf Barbarian I already have(Stopping by Master Freds). If you had to do this build with 28 points, how would you do it?
Edit: thanx Impaqt! I've respecced my barbarian as close as I could to your build as I could with my 28 point build and he has been a blast to play since. he may not always lead the party in total kills at the end of the quest but he's always pretty dang close and I'm OK with that.
Last edited by Dymond; 10-31-2008 at 02:03 PM.
Sarlona: Dymondd Sar Tennith: lvl 15 Human Paladin/Fighter - Rusty Pick Guild
Khyber: SparrHawk Instellius lvl 17 Human Paladin, Storrmyy Instellius lvl 16 Drow Cleric, Teknikal SuhPoort lvl 16 Dwarf Barbarian, Falcynn Instellius lvl 8 Halfling Ranger - Elite Noobs
I have a question about the feat order.
Why not take OTWF at 6th level so he can start to wield dual Dwarven Axes sooner?
If you go
LVL 9 IC:Slash
He'll get rid of that penalty sooner.
I want to build a Barbarian but only want to use a 28pt build. Am I better off with dwarf using axe, human using pick, or drow using rapier?
Also for the choice of those 3 what would a stat build look like?
18 str 16 con 12 dex. And go two handed. I recommend my THF build here:
TWF builds are harder to build, play and equip effectively as as such not recommended as a first character. Unlock 32 point builds first with the THF, then create your TWF guy.
re: Pick vs Axe vs Rapier.
Do not pick rapier - thats not a barbarian weapon - it only has a x2 crit.
Both axe and pick are very solid choices and it really comes down to personal preference.
trolling? I thought all trolls had to be hairy, squat, and perpetually drunk. Besides everyone knows the best barbs come as WFMore damage at the expense of what? middling AC from mithral fullplate and being able to neglect your saves b/c of inflated confidence from dwarven spell resistance? More damage please.
Shadowsteel [TR train wreck]
Warforged have less DPS then Dwarves currently. They also have much worst saves. My build does NOT neglect saves, my character who uses that builds current saves are: 50+ fort, 30 reflex and 34 will.
AC is not relevant.
Some of this will change in module 9. but that's not what the OP (or necroposter in this case) asked about.
I intend to make a max dps WF Barbarian for module 9, and will post his build once I do.
DDOwiki.com, #1 source for DDO information.
What in the !*(@# does that have to do with what I posted? Really starting to not get your insane replies borror, thought you were a smart guy but you keep replying to my posts with nonsense.
Dwarves don't use khopehs. They use Dwarven Axes.
Dwarven Axes + Axe enhancements deal more DPS then Warforged + Khopehs + power attack enhancements. This has been proven many times in the past.
Beyond that, WF must lose Stunning blow to get Khopesh. (which results in heavy loss of damage in 99% of quests where you can use stunning blow for faster trash killing)
Beyond that, THF does more DPS then TWF anyways.
So your post makes no sense at all.
PS: Do you guys posting nonsense in this forum even play a high level Barbarian?
what game are you playing?? that only holds true agaisnt heavily fortified monsters
also greataxe + axe enhancements <<< greataxe + PA enhancements
unless you figure that you miss a ton versus current content; but frankly a 60-70 Str barbarian is going to have a hard time missing agaisnt anything regardless what PA is set at
Last edited by BlackSteel; 05-30-2009 at 01:30 AM.
Shadowsteel [TR train wreck]
I got a high level barbarian. It was my main for almost a year.
Lately I've only used him in shroud. THF, and I twitch.
The reason I don't play him for anything but shroud farming is that he is gimped compared to real DPS builds. As are all barbs. Barbs != DPS.
If you want DPS now, roll a ranger or Monster.
And for mod 9, roll a fighter, paladin or Monster.