I've got a low-level dwarf ranger that I play off and on, and I've got a couple of questions regarding TWF. My dwarf is high-dex, moderate strength, and has the weapon finesse feat.
- when wielding two weapons, I notice that I seem to get two attacks with my off-hand weapon. Is this in fact actually happening? I poked around on the DDO wiki, and couldn't find anything to corroborate or deny this.
- I know how the attack progression works (0/0/5/10) for a regular sequence of attacks with one weapon, but how does it work when wielding two weapons? I ask because, even at level 3, I notice my ranger seems to hit more frequently with off-hand attacks, even when wielding two identical weapons (+7 to-hit with each hand, in this case).
Any sort of clarification on the attack progression (base and bonus) for two weapon fighting would be greatly appreciated. I played the first two portions of STK with just a TWF rogue and my ranger last night, and the two of us chewed through hobgobbo mobs like they were nothing. Neither of us had anything particularly fancy, weapon-wise (both using finessable weapons in both hands), and my ranger has FE:reptile and the axe damage, FE: and gobbo enhancement (1st item each) lines.