Updated **2/28/08**
***Added PP sale price to everything! Lets make a deal!***
$$$ = Trade offer only!
Fab 5: (any Para 40k pp unless marked)
+1 Kukri of Disruption (85k pp)
+1 Kama of Disruption (85k pp)
+1 Shock Falchion of Disruption (65k pp)
+1 Seeker Composite Longbow of Disruption (65k pp)
+1 Ghost Touch Maul of Disruption (Sold)
+2 Thundering Darkwood Repeating Heavy xbow of Disruption lv:14 (Sold)
+1 Flaming Morningstar of Disruption (55k pp)
+1 Vicious Dwarven Axe of Smiting (50k pp)
+1 seeker Bastard sword of Smiting (85k pp)
+2 True Chaos Repeating Heavy xbow of Smiting (Sold)
+1 Thundering Heavy Crossbow of Smiting (RR Dwarf) (85k pp)
+1 Banishing Shortsword of Righteousness (Sold)
+2 Banishing Warhammer (75k pp)
+1 Banishing Heavy xbow of shattermantle (50k pp)
+1 Banishing Heavy Pick of Tendon Slice (2%(85k pp)
+1 Banishing Light Mace (75k pp)
+1 Paralyzing Light xbow of pure good
+1 Paralyzing Repeating Heavy Crossbow (Sold)
+1 Paralyzing Kama of Lesser Elemental Bane
+1 Paralyzing Longsword of Deception
+2 Paralyzing Battleaxe
+2 Paralyzing Kama
+1 paralyzing Shortbow
+1 Paralyzing flametouch iron Karma of Shattermantle (sold)
+1 Paralyzing Flametouch iron Short Sword of slowburst
+1 Paralyzing composit Longbow of Backstabing
+1 Paralyzing Handaxe of Shatter (60k pp)
+2 Paralyzing Sickle of Deception
+3 Paralyzing Bastard Sword
+1 Paralyzing GreatSword
+1 Paralyzing Shortbow of deception
+4 Flaming Burst Maul of Weighted(1%) lv:12 (50k pp)
+3 Axiomatic Burst Heavy Mace of Weighted (1%) lv:14 (35k pp)
+3 Flameing Burst Composite Longbow of Puncturing lv:12 (75k pp)
+4 Icy Burst Falchion of Pure Good lv:12 (Sold)
+1 Holy light Mace of Weighted(5%) lv:14 (100k pp)
+4 Axiomatic burst Reapeating Heavy xbow rr:hmn lv:12 (100k pp)
+5 Shock Burst light pick of Puncturing rr:hmn lv:14 (150k pp)
+4 Icy Burst dwarven axe of Enfeebling lv:14 (85k pp)
Bane: (Any 25k pp unless marked)
+2 Flaming Kama of Greater Giant Bane lv:10 (Sold)
+1 Transmuting Greatsword of Greater Lawful Outsider Bane lv:10 (trade pending)
+2 Acid Longbow of Greater Chaotic Outsider Bane lv:10 (50k pp)
+1 Flaming Heavy Crossbow of Greter Goblinoid Bane lv:8
+1 Seeker Dwarven Axe of Greater Goblinoid Bane (RR Drow) lv:10
+1 Crippling Longsword of Great Goblinoid Bane lv:8
+1 Crippling Club of Greater Orc Bane lv:8
+1 Seeker(4) Longsword of Greater Dwarf Bane lv:10
+2 Ghost Touch Light Mace of Greater Dwarf Bane lv:10
+2 Greatclub of Greater Reptilian Bane lv:8
+2 Transmuting Shortbow of Greater Dwarf Bane lv: 12
+2 Crippling composit Shortbow of Greater Lawful Outsider Bane lv:10 (Sold)
+2 Crippling Light Mace of Greater Halfling Bane lv:10
+3 Ghost Touch Bastard Sword of Greater Dragon Bane lv:12 (60k pp)
+2 Ghost Touch Longsword of Greater Vermin Bane lv:10
+2 Crippling Bastard Sword of Greater Human Bane lv:10
+3 Shocking Burst Longsword of Monstrous Human Bane lv:12 (35k pp)
+1 Wounding Longsword of Greater Elf Bane lv:10 RR:dwf
+1 Icy Burst Dwarven Axe of Greater Elf Bane lv:10 (Sold)
+2 Holy Burst light pick of Undead Bane rr:drw lv:12 (50k pp)
+5 Ghost Touch Shortbow of Pure Good lv:12 (30k pp)
+5 Silver Bastard Sword of Deception lv:10 (30k pp)
+4 Axiomatic Burst Darkwood Longbow of pw 1 lv:14 RR:hmn (75k pp)
+4 Seeker(2) composit longbow of Puncturing lv:12 (40k pp)
+2 Axiomatic Burst longbow of Pure Good lv:12 (35k pp)
+3 Holy Burst Light Mace lv:12 (45k pp)
+3 Axiomatic Burst Shortsword of Pure Good lv:12 rr:drw (100k pp)
+2 Illusion club of spell pen IV lv:10 (35k pp)
+3 Superior Combustion VII scepter lv:12 (50k pp)
+4 Holy Mace of Dragon Bane lv:14 (200k pp)
+2 Holy Burst Flame Touch Raiper of Slowburst lv:14 $$$
Sirroco ( +3 longswrod Telekinetic/Sirocco) lv:8 (Sold)
Charoush's Inferno ( +5 Bastard Sword Flame Burst) lv:12 (35k pp)
+2 Docent of spell Resistance (19) lv:12 (35k pp)
+1 Full Plate of Greater Acid Resistance lv:10 (50k pp)
+2 Full Plate of Greater Fire Resistance lv:12 (50k pp)
+2 Deathblock Mithral Full Plate of Light fort lv:12 (75kpp)
+1 Padded armour of power VIII lv:10 (40k pp)
+2 Twilight Mithral Full Plate of Power III lv:12 (50k pp)
+5 Elven Chain (200k pp)
+5 Mithral Tower Shield rr:hmn lv:6 (250k pp)
Ring Cha +6 (600k pp)
Helm Cha +6 (200k pp)
Helm Cha +6 / +3 Listen (225k pp)
Boots +6 Dex / +3 swim (350k pp)
Boots +6 Dex (325k pp)
Belt +6 Str / +3 Balance (400k pp)
Belt +6 Str / light fort (400k pp)
Ring +6 Int (200k pp)
Helm +6 Int / +3 Haggle RR: drw lv:13 (25k pp)
Google +6 Int / +5 Search RR: hmn lv:15 (25k pp)
Google +6 Int (20k pp)
Helm +6 Int (25k pp)
Hat +6 Wis / +3 listen lv:15 (250k pp)
Neck +6 Wis / +3 preform lv:15 (250k pp)
Reaver's Ring (50k pp)
Ring of the Ancestors (300k pp)
Ring +15 Diplomany lv:15 (450k pp)
Blindness Immunity / +10 Search Goggles (25k pp)
Blindness Immunity / +10 Disable Device (25k pp)
+13 Balance Boots (40k pp)
+13 Open Lock Gloves (50k pp)
Proof against poison Ring of balance +10 lv:13 (25k pp)
Disease immunity belt of Heavy fort lv:13 (150k pp)
Belt of balance +13 lv:13 (40k pp)
Feather Falling boots of move silently +11 lv:15 (40k pp)
Boots Striding 10%/+10 jump lv:13 (30k pp)
Googles spot +15 lv:15 (75k pp)
Googles Disable Device +13 lv:13 (50k pp)
Ring of Protection +5 (500k pp)
Dream Visor (+13 spot -7 search) (40k pp)
Backstabber's Gloves (+10 bluff / Sneak Attack Bonus +2) (65kpp)
Sign of Xoriat (Cast shout 3/3 , Spot +7 Will Save -2) (30kpp)
Feather Fall Boots / +11 swim lv:15 (25k pp)
Boots Strider 30% / Web 1 charge lv:15 (100k pp)
Boots Strider 30% / +3 move silently lv:15 (100k pp)
Ring +15 open lock (300k pp)
Shield Fragment:
8 (100k pp)
+2 Cha (800k pp)
+1 Cha (50k pp)
+1 Str (80k pp)
+1 Wis (70k pp)
+1 Dex (45k pp)
Items i Want:
Kardin's Eye
Ring of the Djinn
Firestorm Greves
Scourge Chocker
Blue Dragon Scale
Smiting Khop or Scimtar
Banishing Rapier
WoP Weapons
+6 Con Ring
+5 Mithral Full Plate
+3-5 Mithral Full Plate RR Dwarf
+5 Holy Burst Dwarven Axe RR Dwarf
+5 Burst Dwarven Axe
+5 Burst Great Axe
Dwarven Axe of Greater Giant Bane
Great Axe of Greater Dragon Bane
Great Axe of Greater Giant Bane
Tome Pages
Shield piece 3/4
planar gird
chaos guard
20+ Taps
Or make me a offer with anything good.
Please PM with offers. In-game send a tell to : Futo , Ixx , Meez , Hav , or Groo.