Not sure about t he Outsider tokens, but Desert tokens do... THe problem is that a bag only holds ONE stack of 100, then no more can be put into the bag.... Big design flaw if you ask me. No reason why I sholdnt be able to fill up every slot in my bag with Ancient Bronze Tokens.
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Hrm... Perhaps. But cheesy, and more of a divergence from pen and paper... And that only addresses the high end for Flurry, and not the progression from 1st level to 20th. At low levels it should be a minus to hit and a plus to the number of attacks, at mid levels the penalty decreases and number of attacks increases, and at high levels the penalty goes away, and the number of attacks increases again.
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Could we get some clarification on this one? This item has been listed in the dev notes for some time now, but the 2 risia builds since then have no noticeable fixes to greater teleport. Posts asking about it in the dev and risia forums have gone unanswered. Will Greater Teleport be fixed to allow use in public areas, or should we expect it to continue to be broken in mod6?
Actually, if you're using analogs with what's already in the game, it should start off on par with the bonus speed of Rapid Shot (+1 attack per round, all at -2 attack), and progressively get faster until it's a bit faster than Haste at level 9 monk (2 extra attacks per round, no penalty)
"Traps don't do damage. They ask you to do damage to yourself." -Andy Menard
Release your inner dwarf. Then get him some ale!
No, Normal should be 10 stacks at least.. On my ranger till i switched him to mostly melee, I would usually try to keep a full backpack slot full of arrows before any quest.. unless you could have multiple bags a 5 stack(i.e 500 arrows) quiver would be pointless.. you'd only be saving 4 slots.. arrows go quick until you get the enough house D favor to have the sturdy arrows...
Kerron Avon, Human Tempest-Ranger 16 *32 Pt/2200 Favor* Brottor Uthlord, Dwarven Cleric 14/Fighter 1 *1755 Favor* Trellain Silverwood, Elven Archmage 15 *2100 Favor* Gorman Uthgar, Dwarven Tactics Fighter 11 *32 Pt* Wogan, Halfing Cleric 7 *32 Pt/DragonMarked* Sign Gary's Monument Petition: