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  1. #21
    Community Member brshelton's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strakeln View Post
    I look at it this way: it's the only quest where casters can count on unlimited mana. How greedy must I be to take away all that blasting fun from them?
    hallelujeah!! i like this guy!!

  2. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by Strakeln View Post
    I look at it this way: it's the only quest where casters can count on unlimited mana. How greedy must I be to take away all that blasting fun from them?
    The mana buff doesn't last for ever. let alone once fly starts getting tossed about it gets even harder to get the buffs.

    Normally, when people are flying, that means in about 20-40 odd seconds later, someone is at the west level and pulling it, which means everyone is swarming the reaver. The charge is only really passed out when you have maybe a max of 3 people around him.

    I've also went out and stood with the tank at the beginning and never gotten the blasted charge. After 3 reverse gravities, I said screw it and downed a pot and played it safe on the expenditures.

    Also, I don't care who kills what. So long as we get the loot and the quest completed (or the goal of the mission) I'm happy. I'm only greedy when it comes to loot and xp.

    And OP, glad you found a working one you can use.

  3. #23
    Community Member brshelton's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Missing Minds View Post
    The mana buff doesn't last for ever. let alone once fly starts getting tossed about it gets even harder to get the buffs.

    Normally, when people are flying, that means in about 20-40 odd seconds later, someone is at the west level and pulling it, which means everyone is swarming the reaver. The charge is only really passed out when you have maybe a max of 3 people around him.

    I've also went out and stood with the tank at the beginning and never gotten the blasted charge. After 3 reverse gravities, I said screw it and downed a pot and played it safe on the expenditures.
    just because you can't charge doesn't mean we can't my sorc always maintains a charge its merely knowing where to stand etc. I frequently charge after the switch is pulled and about 50% of the time go into the puzzle room with a fresh charge.

  4. #24
    Community Member Ringos's Avatar
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    The only time I have failed to get a charge is when the tank can't keep aggro (or someone takes it!) and the Reaver ends up running all over the place. That sucks!
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  5. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by brshelton View Post
    just because you can't charge doesn't mean we can't my sorc always maintains a charge its merely knowing where to stand etc. I frequently charge after the switch is pulled and about 50% of the time go into the puzzle room with a fresh charge.
    Other wizards, other sorcs, other bards, other clerics... I've heard them all complain about not getting charges or the charges taking freaking forever. Who normally ends up with a charge? someone who doesn't care. I just put it down to the Reaver where you are at is nicer than the one I get to see. *shrug* We make do with that which we are given.

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Missing Minds View Post
    The charge is only really passed out when you have maybe a max of 3 people around him.
    I've also went out and stood with the tank at the beginning and never gotten the blasted charge. After 3 reverse gravities, I said screw it and downed a pot and played it safe on the expenditures.
    The poor reaver is so misunderstood... Must be lonely being a stormreaver.

    How many people are standing around the reaver has nothing to do with getting charged... How many people are standing around the tank doesn't really matter either -- the charge can arc to more than 3 people. I've been wondering for months where the "3 people" thing came from...

    And if you stood next to the tank at the beginning of the raid and didn't get charged by the time of the first antigravity (let alone the 3rd), the only conclusion I can draw is that you either a) didn't really stand next to the tank the whole time, or b) got the charge and then lost it when he threw the next one.

    If the tank has a clue (and the clue, in this case, tells him to hold still), it should never take more than 45 seconds to a minute after the Reaver is agro'd for the first caster or two to get charged. After people start getting fly, it's hard to determine where the Reaver's agro is -- and only people standing next to whoever he's agro'd on will get charged -- so the best method is to have everyone that isn't flying to a lever group up in the same spot and mass heal.

    And to the earlier point about damaging the Reaver -- a barb can certainly kill him before he lights all the orbs. I periodically have to stop attacking and wait for the last orb or two when I'm tanking him on my barb. But that's because in a full group we don't care about efficiency in there -- when we used to 2- and 3-man the reaver, the typical strategy involved the tank spending most of the raid turtled up and then DPSing him down at the end...

  7. #27
    Founder Gornin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Missing Minds View Post
    Other wizards, other sorcs, other bards, other clerics... I've heard them all complain about not getting charges or the charges taking freaking forever. Who normally ends up with a charge? someone who doesn't care. I just put it down to the Reaver where you are at is nicer than the one I get to see. *shrug* We make do with that which we are given.
    Only three people can get the charge at a time. If there are too many people trying to get the charge ( including the tank) it will only affect the 2 closest to the tank with aggro. That is what I usually see as the problem and that the tank doesn't turtle up to defend the charge getters. When I tank, I ask that only 2 people at a time out there with me and I will plant my feet and turtle up so that they can stand right behind me without taking massive damage. I can usually get the Reaver down to about half before fly happens. If I wasn't helping the casters get their charges I could probably get him down a lot further.
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  8. #28
    Community Member LOUDRampart's Avatar
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    The bodyfeeder I tried out worked as the op described as well (a dwarf axe of some sort). I decided I didn't like losing buffs so I sold it (and all subsequent ones I looted) on the auction house. Guess it was bugged. Perhaps when I get another I will test it again.

  9. #29


    Quote Originally Posted by Gornin View Post
    Only three people can get the charge at a time. If there are too many people trying to get the charge ( including the tank) it will only affect the 2 closest to the tank with aggro. That is what I usually see as the problem and that the tank doesn't turtle up to defend the charge getters. When I tank, I ask that only 2 people at a time out there with me and I will plant my feet and turtle up so that they can stand right behind me without taking massive damage. I can usually get the Reaver down to about half before fly happens. If I wasn't helping the casters get their charges I could probably get him down a lot further.
    Where are you getting the idea that turtling up is going to protect people about you? It will help you and only you.

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Missing Minds View Post
    Where are you getting the idea that turtling up is going to protect people about you? It will help you and only you.
    If by "turtle up" he means "hold still", that'd help me as a caster in there -- if I know where the tank is going to be standing, I can watch the Reaver's animation to see when he's going to throw a charge, and run in and get it (usually only taking damage from the 3rd stage of the charge). If I have to chase the tank around, I'm likely to be hit by his sword a couple of times as I can't just pop into range in time for the charge to land.

    And man, y'all are going to make me actually test the 3 people getting the charge thing eh? I coulda sworn there wasn't a hard and fast limit like that...

  11. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Missing Minds View Post
    The mana buff doesn't last for ever. let alone once fly starts getting tossed about it gets even harder to get the buffs.

    Normally, when people are flying, that means in about 20-40 odd seconds later, someone is at the west level and pulling it, which means everyone is swarming the reaver. The charge is only really passed out when you have maybe a max of 3 people around him.

    I've also went out and stood with the tank at the beginning and never gotten the blasted charge. After 3 reverse gravities, I said screw it and downed a pot and played it safe on the expenditures.

    Also, I don't care who kills what. So long as we get the loot and the quest completed (or the goal of the mission) I'm happy. I'm only greedy when it comes to loot and xp.

    And OP, glad you found a working one you can use.
    /shrug - I rarely have issues with getting and refreshing a charge on my sorc or cleric.

    I don't care who kills what, but I do aim to maximize fun for everyone. Switching from DPS to bodyfeeder+shield, I increase the party's fun in multiple ways (mo masta blasta from ze casta, ease up on tank healing).

  12. #32
    Community Member bobbryan2's Avatar
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    Man, getting charged up is easy. I almost never go into the puzzle room without a fresh charge, and if I do, I'm grumpy.

    But, I got used to 2-3 man running it... finally rolled up a sorcerer, and soloed him. It just takes practice. If it takes more then 20 seconds or so on average, you're 'probably' doing something wrong.

  13. #33
    Community Member Pyromaniac's Avatar
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    Personally on my caster, i highly appreciate it if the tank does dps to the reaver.

    Some people may not realize that sometimes the casters have to drink mnemonic pots in order to take the reaver down from full to no health...mostly when the reaver won't give up a charge because nobody is tanking him after the main tank flys off to the lever.

  14. #34
    Community Member Draiden's Avatar
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    When you get the reaver sitting on his deathbed and there are still more orbs to ignite, then you will have aggro issues. The issue comes into play after the reverse gravity, because his aggro resets (in spite of how much damage the tank did) and he starts trolling around for a new target (typically a clr or sorc). Ergo, keep the dps down, and when he anti-gravities the group go in and **** him off again with some pummeling (sp?). IMO, the best tanks for this job are the ones who understand this and "cat and mouse" better than the ones who are playing beat the clock on his health bar.

    And, for cube's sake, please hold still so the casters/clerics don't have issues getting the charge. I see a lot of tanks trying to maneuver around behind him or flank him for the extra attack bonuses. Ugh. Other ones still who chase him down when he jumps back to cast. Just be patient, hold still and let him come back to you.

    Oops... off topic.
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