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  1. #1
    Community Member BelVic's Avatar
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    Default Looking for Beholder Healer

    I am one of those WF casters who don't like to wait on clerics and prefer to figure out way to do quest without them.
    Kinda working on strategy of Invaders before presenting it to the pugs group. Main idea is to use beholders in there for
    good purpose. So instead of healing tanks it's could be better just to heal Beholder who is main weapon in there. ( like Deathstar from Starwars). So if you see LFM looking for beholder healer plz dont' freak out . You can see video below for idea in general ( not the best but still gives general information). I am personally don't like tanks who see beholder and trying to kill as fast as possible. They can be usefull pets if you use them right way.

  2. #2
    Uber Completionist Lithic's Avatar
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    Problem with invaders is that beholders often come in groups of 2 or 3 (or 4), so charm one and the other dispells him.

    Also in most quests that I can think of off hand the beholders need to be killed for an objective, or they are in spots that makes them less than usefull as artilary (dead ends, after ladders, small doorways they cant get through, etc).

    If you can keep one of em charmed though, they can be real fun. Now if only monster summoning 8 had a beholder option....
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  3. #3
    Community Member BelVic's Avatar
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    Even if you have to kill them why not to use for the good before. Free kill are free kills without healing your tanks.
    In VoN3 you probably don't have to kill them at all. You just need to get rune activated without aggro beholders.
    To neutralize them I use enlarge blindness. After blind beholder can hear me and follow if I stay close but not activate
    his spells or anti-magic field. Only if somebody make threat to him then he start using spells. So beholders don't have
    anti-magic field active all the time.

    In invaders you have to kill some beholders but usually they are in dead end an easy to get killed with wall of fire from
    far away since they not moving a lot. My point was to charm certain beholders and even if they don't go everywhere
    you can always bring mobs back to make fight easier. Use him as your main tank. I like suggestion because it's guarantee
    spell duration ( I have 2 mins with extended) so not afraid that he stop being tank at any moment only when spell expire
    and easy to renew it again.

    I know some casters can solo or duo Invaders using instant kill spells, banish and other stuff but I was trying to make strategy
    to make it possible run with average pug group and preferably without cleric ( just somebody who can heal beholder through
    wands or with UMD)

  4. #4
    Community Member Natalae's Avatar
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    UNfortunately I tried this a long time ago and the charmed beholder will not use eye attacks...he only bites.
    Psalm 144:1 Praise be to the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle

  5. #5
    Community Member BelVic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Natalae View Post
    UNfortunately I tried this a long time ago and the charmed beholder will not use eye attacks...he only bites.
    Did you see video ? I only used blind and suggestion spells ( plus buff my pet). Who else if not beholder killed renders and reavers in there ?

  6. #6


    So wait - you made a video about beholders, used Metallica for your music, but DIDN'T use 'Eye of the Beholder"?
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  7. #7


    Obviously you cant just go in there, charm the beholders and do nothing else, and expect the quest to be completed. The op seems well aware of that though.

    In places where you encounter beholders in groups, you can always hypnotize them one or two at a time and then charm them each individually. When hypno breaks, you'll have your own little army of eye tyrants.

    The elder beholders (the ones that need to be killed) are encountered alone, and charm monster will kill them more consistently than finger of death will. Make their save vs finger and they and all their friends come running at you. Make a save vs charm...nothing, just try again. If they fail vs charm, all their friends beat them down, and they become vulnerable to the chaos orbs.

    And for those people who have noticed they don't use their eye beams when charmed: they do now. I don't know when that change was made, but it works great now. And thanks to Turbine knocking up their HD so much, they make their caster level checks for spell resistance more often than players do. Gotta love finding ways to use Turbine's tactics against them.
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  8. #8
    Community Member alchilito's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DaveyCrockett View Post
    So wait - you made a video about beholders, used Metallica for your music, but DIDN'T use 'Eye of the Beholder"?
    lmfao dfc

  9. #9
    Community Member BelVic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DaveyCrockett View Post
    So wait - you made a video about beholders, used Metallica for your music, but DIDN'T use 'Eye of the Beholder"?
    Nah, I decided Master of Puppets should be better. Beholder is like puppet for my sorc. I can tell him when to fight or can leave him to rest for a while. If I want to kill I can use ray of enfeeblement+ray of exhaustion to make him helpless and kill with fists if I want.

  10. #10
    Community Member Natalae's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghoste View Post
    And for those people who have noticed they don't use their eye beams when charmed: they do now. I don't know when that change was made, but it works great now.
    Very nice Ghoste....havnt tried that in a long time thx for the info
    Psalm 144:1 Praise be to the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle

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