Recently, in order to bridge the level gap among the characters in my guild, we decided to start a new warforged-only group. We decided to add a number rules for these characters to make things more challenging. These rules are:
1. No twinking from our other characters.
2. No use of the auction house to buy or sell.
3. No grouping with anyone other than a guilded warforged. (This is added to maintain some equity in levels)
I had never played a warforged before, but, I thought it might be fun. The response was actually surprising. We had fifteen people in the guild respond by making a warforged character. I originally made a wizard, but, after reaching 6th level, I began to realize that we had no clerics and many arcane casters. I was thinking about higher level content, where resurrection, death ward and other cleric buffs are nice to have. So, I created a battle cleric. Now, I should add here that I have always been fervently opposed to the concept of the battle cleric. However, in the case of an all warforged group, with arcane casters doing most of the healing, I could see that a battle cleric might actually shine. I have not been disappointed. Since the arcane casters have taken on the roll of healing, I can use my mana to transform myself into a very solid tank. in addition, I can command or stun enemies prior to engaging them in melee, which really does reduce the amount of mana the arcane casters have to expend on repairing.
I use the bladesworn transformation only on the toughest of battles, but, this enhancement by itself has turned the tide of battle many times and helped win the day. Two nights ago, we formed a Tempest Spine raid with only seven of us. The group included:
1. Wydgyt 8th level Barbarian
2. Brixer 8th level barbarian
3. Gilimech 8th level cleric
4. Savmodtwo 8th level Sorcerer
5. Numanuma 8th level rogue
6. Smelting 6th level Wizard
7. Drack 5th level Cleric
We had one death, and after getting blown off of Sorjak's lair two times, I used the bladesworn transformation and we took Sorjak down quickly at that point.
We've had a bit of trouble with the rust monsters in Threnal East. We're going to come back to that after we have gained some more levels, but, other than that, this all warforged group has been extremely effective and entertaining and again, this is without any twinking.
In fact, our guild members have had so much fun doing this, that we are planning to do an all halfling group in the future. We've found this to be a good way to get past the doldrums of being level capped.