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  1. #1
    Community Member Kamboe's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Lightbulb Ranger/Pally Build

    Built this build for a friend, thought i would get some opinions about it:

    11 Ranger/ 3 Pally
    Dual Weilding Finesse

    Starting Stats:
    13 Str
    17 Dex
    14 Con
    8 Int
    10 Wis
    15 Cha

    Lvl 14 Stats:
    Str: 13 Base +1 Tome +6 Item = 20(+5 Mod)
    Dex: 17 Base +3 Stat Increase +2 Halfling Dex +3 Ranger Dex
    +6 Item +1 Tome = 32(+11 Mod)
    Con: 14 Base +6 Item = 20(+5 Mod)
    Int: 8 Base = 8(-1 Mod)
    Wis: 10 Base +6 Item = 16(+3 Mod)
    Cha: 15 Base +6 Item +1 Tome = 22(+6 Mod)

    I took the lvls in this order(feats are based on my lvling technique) P = Pally R = Ranger
    2P, 5R, 1P ,6R

    1 - Wep Finesse
    1 - Pally Aura (FREE)
    2 - Lay on Hands (FREE)
    2 - Divine Grace (FREE)
    3 - Toughness
    4 - 2 Wep Fighting (FREE)
    6 - Power Attack
    8 - Fear Immunity (FREE)
    8 - Aura of Courage (FREE)
    8 - Divine Health (FREE)
    9 - Improved 2 Wep Fighting (FREE)
    9 - Wep Crit: Pierce
    12 - Evasion (FREE)
    12 - Abomitable Will(Makes will save based on Cha instead of Wis)
    14 - Greater 2 Wep Fighting (FREE)

    Stats Increases:
    Lvl 4 - Dex
    Lvl 8 - Dex
    Lvl 12 - Dex

    Favored Enemies: (Most common in game)
    Evil Outsider

    Saves at lvl 14(Dont know base of a 11/3 Rngr/Pally)
    ____ Base
    +5 Resist Item(Kardins Eye)
    +3 Halfling Luck
    +5 Con Mod
    +6 Cha Mod (Divine Grace)
    +2 Pally Aura
    = 21 + Base

    ____ Base
    +5 Resist Item(Kardins Eye)
    +3 Halfling Luck
    +11 Dex Mod
    +6 Cha Mod (Divine Grace)
    +2 Pally Aura
    = 27 + Base

    ____ Base
    +5 Resist Item(Kardins Eye)
    +3 Halfling Luck
    +6 Cha Mod (Abomitable Will)
    +6 Cha Mod (Divine Grace)
    +2 Pally Aura
    = 22 + Base

    Base: 10
    Delving Suit: 10 Armor Bonus
    Max Dex Bonus: 6 Dex Bonus
    Halfling Size: 1 Dodge
    Chaosgaudes: 2 Dodge
    +5 Protection Item: 5 Deflection Bonus
    +2 Pally Aura: 2 Misc
    +4 Barkskin
    = 40 AC

    +3 Titan Ring
    +8 Sheild(+5 Heavy Steel)
    = 51 AC

    If I have forgoten anything to make it better, leave me a message
    Last edited by Kamboe; 01-18-2008 at 10:23 PM.
    THE Hand of the Black Tower Member
    Kamboe ~ 16.9 Drow Sorc 35 Cha 2195 Sp [=+=] Inflict ~ 16.9 Dwarf Cleric 418 Hp 1535 Mana
    Camboe ~ 16.9 Bard/Fighter 32 Str [=+=] Minimum ~ 16.9 Halfling Ftr 384 Hp

  2. #2
    Community Member Telulah's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    heheh, not sure if this is important, but the favored enemy is undead... so yeah.

  3. #3
    Founder Osharan_Tregarth's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    It looks pretty decent. I've got a few things for you to chew on. Mostly a personal preference sort of thing.

    I had toughness on my drow ranger for a little while, and I swapped it out for something else. You are going to have access to the first tier of paladin toughness enhancements(+5 hp) and then the toughness hp(+16 or so?) for a net gain of +21 or so hp. Not bad, but not enough to be really world shattering the way it affects the dwarven race. I'd be inclined to drop that one for skill focus umd, or maybe dodge.

    The tempest ranger enhancement line looks like it should be a pretty solid dps line, and for that one you'd need dodge, mobility, and spring attack. Dodge would be my first hedge in keeping options open for it, and you'd be able to eventually pick up superior twf'ing for free with the second tier of the tempest enhancement line(possibly... Still not totally confirmed).

    I've got skill focus umd, and have been putting umd onto my pure ranger. From a starting cha of 10, with my "umd/cha gear on" (head of good fortune for raid loot) I can hit a 23 umd self buffed(counting a planar gird use), and then boost up to 28 when I want to pop a res scroll, or make flame arrow wands, or try to hit a heal scroll to unfeeblemind the cleric, or something else.

    12 - Abomitable Will(Makes will save based on Cha instead of Wis)
    This ones a little more borderline. For rangers, one of their biggest strengths lies in the flexibility to swap equally between ranged usage and melee. With the stat's posted, you're only ending up with a will save 3 pts better than if it was based on your wisdom. I'd be inclined to dump this one for improved crit: ranged, or pick up mobility with an eye to grabbing spring attack with the next level up. Or maybe keep it for now, and just be prepared to swap it out later on, since mobility pretty much does "not very bloody much" for most people that have it right now.
    Osharan, Esharan, Osharina, Usharina, etc... I'm the 'sharans. Epoxy. Notverysexy.
    I've taken the craft disturbing mental image feat... You have been warned!
    Share and Enjoy!

  4. #4
    Community Member Kamboe's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006


    Ya, When i made this build i hadn't thought alot about UMd, i guess it would be a good addition...

    Was debating against AW, but wasnt sure how high his cha could get at higher lvls...

    Toughness is something i would probably keep on him when i make him myself, bc of the pally toughness

    thanks for the opinion
    THE Hand of the Black Tower Member
    Kamboe ~ 16.9 Drow Sorc 35 Cha 2195 Sp [=+=] Inflict ~ 16.9 Dwarf Cleric 418 Hp 1535 Mana
    Camboe ~ 16.9 Bard/Fighter 32 Str [=+=] Minimum ~ 16.9 Halfling Ftr 384 Hp

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