Quite. I used the listed formula to make a greataxe, as have several of my guildies.
Pity we can't break down gear like we were told we could, huh?
Person Æ, SarlonaTanka (Elf Tempest Trapper) .:. Darani (Aasimar Inquisileric) .:. Raelyth (Elf Artifonk)
"Good Burst: imbued with the power of good"
This counts as a Good weapon for bypassing DR, right? I am considering making a weapon without the holy damage, but I want it to be able to bypass the DR of the lesser devils, thus Good Burst (aka, the improved "of pure good" without the alignment req.?)
DDOwiki.com, #1 source for DDO information.
The green steel kama base damage is incorrectly listed as 1d6 on the first page. It is 1d8.
Last edited by Zaius; 06-15-2008 at 02:23 PM.
actually deconstruction was never linked to greensteel, i dont know why people keep thinking this, it was listed as the first half of the *real* crafting system, which means the actual crafting system they've been blah blah blahing about for 8 months, not greensteel. Greensteel is raid loot, not actual game crafting, theres "supposed" to be a difference, but with the devs anymore, well who freakin knows.
actually the deconstruction is probably going to work in a similar way to how it now works in pnp 4th ed. you disenchant an item and it gives you magic residum, the amount of whcih is based on the item level, then when you have enough residum you can use it to enchant a different item. that is just the gist of it but i think they are going to do something similar.
Proud Officer of the Dwarven Defenders
-Delard Duerthuer, Delicor Duerthuer, Ardak Duerthuer, Whurring Duerthuer, Urval Duerthuer, Lyali Droazoul
....simple question
Strength Skills - Exceptional Bonus +1
add +1 to the DC when using stunning blow? or trip, etc.....
Stunning Blow - (DC 10 + Str mod)
Scourge of Xoriat (RIP: Guardians of Light)Originally Posted by Gelatinous Cube
Greensteel staff is 1d8 not 2d8
Mavnimo of Khyber-Prophets of the New Republic
"Perhaps the end has not yet been written…”
The Hand of the Black Tower Officer
Najdorf, Assassin :: Keres, Vindicator :: Alekhine, Augur
"It's not 'Zerging.' It's an armed reconnaissance."
Cambo Neebong "Waylander of the Stolen Blade", well borrowed really...![]()
Lover of Loot, All Things Shiny and Participant in R.O.G.U.E Part Quatre Stealth Challenge.
Woot: Hall of Fame Post - Eldritch Device Recipes
So fire overrides positive on a radiance weapon 3rd tier effect?
Aeneas - Boosterseat - Eulogy - Diminutive - Moths