DDOwiki.com, #1 source for DDO information.
BTW... I didn't see this (though someone else probably noted and I missed it), but here's my item ranking based on how many on average you will need it to make your gem, focus, essence:
- Scale: 2.5/item
- Stone: 2.17/item
- Arrow: 2/item
- Chain: 2/item
- Shrapnel: 1.83/item
- Bone: 1.5/item
- Horn: 0/item
That's the average requirement across all makes of gems/essences/foci. I've noted that most of my caster recipes only require 1 bone. Stupid bones.
Casual DDOaholic
Earlier I did a calculation on the same idea:
Scale = 50% + 100% + 100% = 250%
Arrow = 100% + 0% + 100% = 200%
Chain = 50% + 100% + 50% = 200%
Shrap = 66% + 66% + 50% = 183%
Stone = 50% + 66% + 100% = 183%
Bone = 83% + 66% + 0% = 150%
However, this path of analysis isn't going to be really fruitful, because it ignores the drastically nonequal popularity of the various options. The most popular choices on tier 1-2 are X-Dom-Mat for weapons and Air/Pos-Esc-Eth, and Negative Focus is the least used.
Though you'd need a sampling of what people are making to truly rank them. I can safely say that Bones are the least wanted item and Scales are the most wanted item in my crafting and ah'ing experience.
At some point the underlying statistics do take control.
If Mod 7 adds trading in 2 horns for 1 wildcard, this will help balance (fill in) the current lack of scales/stones - at least for me.
BTW, check your stone math.
Casual DDOaholic
the ONLY way to get an item of cleansing is to complete the Shroud Raid 20 times?
Or has somebody ever gotten it before their 20th completion or have some dev proof saying otherwise?
And thanks for all the hard work and sacrifices for the recipies!
Now that people are loosening up on group classes in the raid as well as (ahem) playing fairly, I will return to the shroud and see if I too can complete it and get some average raid items to go with my upgraded greensteel...and my future Mineral II weapon of course![]()
Be careful what you wish for, what you say is best; for sometimes what you seek is found, not at the end of the quest.
I AM, -- the truthseeker
So when do we find out what turning in 100 portamal fragmaments gives us? because keensly has 100 but the npc wont take them since keensly quemest countermer are much lowermer than 100... silly portamal fragmaments.
Kargon hoping will eithermer be an alternamate way to get an essence of cleansaming, or (unlikely, but kargon can hope) will be the way to get greensteel rapier/greataxe/etc blanks.
And was told yes the only way for the cleansing is to complete 20 runs at this time to the best of their game knowledge, but also not to ignore the tempting other offers (**** you +3 tome tempers.)
(Sigh) Time to do the completion grind in an enviroment that is paranoid enough as it is.
Be careful what you wish for, what you say is best; for sometimes what you seek is found, not at the end of the quest.
I AM, -- the truthseeker
Added it in a couple of places, it looks something like this:
InkCode:Typical Quantities Required: Glowing Arrowheads Avg: 2.00, Min: 2, Max: 2 Gnawed Bones Avg: 1.50, Min: 0, Max: 2 Length of Infernal Chain Avg: 2.00, Min: 1, Max: 3 Devil Scales Avg: 2.50, Min: 2, Max: 3 Twisted Shrapnel Avg: 1.83, Min: 0, Max: 3 Sulphurous Stone Avg: 2.17, Min: 1, Max: 3
Very helpful.
I hate to say it, but if it hadn't been explicitly pointed out, I never would have realized that you need 2 arrows and 2 scales minimum, for every upgrade, no mater what.
I don't know why the Devs did it that way, honestly. It's not like they didn't have more diverse and balanced options.
/death counter
You have died 67 times.
Looks like the dust tier 3 in the WDA this week.
I love you Abbot♥
Are we certain about dominant focus
Yes I know ALL the evidence points to this being true but I was wondering if anyone had any indication from anyone that we are still missing anything - In fact I have absolutely no idea why they would develop a system with this artificial set of limitiations
Really would love to make a Mineral II Weapon with 30% Healing Amplification instead of Acid Blast![]()
Nice thought but given the wide desparity of double shard upgrades - I seriously doubt that this was the reason. More likely it was creating the mechanic for how to determine which effect.
My best thought (and probably make players rather happy) is to apply the shards sequentially to the item/weapon with the first being the effect and the second providing the tier three bonus. Increased possibilities and an upgrade path that allows 12 ingrediants initially and another twelve later.
What I meant was that they arranged for certain paths to be inaccessible specifically to prevent ultimate optimization of the gear, not that it was blocked specifically because you'd like it.![]()
-Valok of Khyber, The Free Companions
Still furious about the horrendous CS mismanagement of the so-called Abbot timer "exploit," and not going to let anyone forget it.
I've tried PMing Eladrin twice to ask if we're missing anything related to this and got no response. I posted a theory that hasn't yet been disproved (as far as I know) here. If someone has tried varying the gems and not the essences at tier 3 and failed, please let me know so I can finally put that theory to sleep... I don't have enough larges to test it unfortunately.
EDIT: I re-read the thread I link to and it seems someone claimed to have success varying the gems and someone else claimed it didn't work. Perhaps a mistake was made in recording what was combined by one or other of the people who reported in that thread... still not 100% sure but my thinking would be that gems can't vary unless someone provides screenshots of both supreme shards successfully combining!
Last edited by willphase; 05-28-2008 at 04:43 PM. Reason: add stuff
Garth 20/ftr (Kensei) Haeson 20/clr Cairis 12/ftr 6/rgr 2/rog Xortan 20/wiz
Tinosa 20/brd Garthbot 20/fvs Gaarth 18/ftr 1/rgr 1/rog (Stal Def)
Tibetan 20/mnk Automatic DDO raid timers Haezon 20/sor (Conj)