If you had a couple failures, it was prolly cause you tried it on weapons which work out their aggressions on foes...Cleansing Ritual is for Items only, so you can wear more than one without risking Death!
If you had a couple failures, it was prolly cause you tried it on weapons which work out their aggressions on foes...Cleansing Ritual is for Items only, so you can wear more than one without risking Death!
Well, now that we know our characters will be able to wear multiple items, i know i will start skiping on the tier 3 dual-shard effect.
For exemple, my sorc has a Tempered tier 2 effect. I just decided that the elemental guard was just not worth 24 ingredient and will just do a normal 12 ingredients tier 3 upgrade. Because we need even more ingredients now that we can put on many items.
You will still need 20 runs for each additional item you want to wear. You are bound to get a fair number of larges doing all those runs so it should not be too bad.
Not exactly sure if this is the question one of the more recent posters was asking but...
Are we absolutely certain you cannot make an item with a Tier 2 bonus name (e.g. Existential Stalemate) that is completely different from the Tier 3 bonus name (e.g. Element of Mineral)?
I want to make a helm that gives me +6 to Con Skills, +45 HPs, the Existential Stalemate bonuses (+6 Wis, +10 Haggle, +10 Diplomacy) and the Element of Mineral bonuses (+5 Protection, Heavy Fortification, Increased Accesory Durability and Toughness).
Is this possible?
A lot of us were willing to try out things that had a good chance of working, but putting that much effort into something that will most likely fail just doesn't seem like such a great idea. By all means let us know if you do though, although I'd suggest you try it with something you wouldn't mind getting a tier 3 of anyways if it fails.
Yea the chance of that working with what we know now is like 0.0000001%.. And if it does work - it would throw a wrench into the entire craftin system that would not make any sense.
So no, no one is going to try it, ever.
Why is it likely to fail? You seem pretty sure of that.
I'm not suggesting you're wrong. I just want to know your reasoning.
I see Shade that you have been quite involved with this particular thread and have contributed a lot. Would you mind explaining what you mean by the phrase "with what we know now" relative to my question?
Have others established the necessity to "stick to the Mineral path" conclusively? If not, what exactly do we know about the crafting system that would dictate that necessity?
Thanks in advance for your response.
Absolutely certain? No.
Pretty sure? Yes.
The main evidence that the tier 2 and 3 synergy bonuses must pair up comes from the people that tried to make Tempered/Tempered 2 items, and got pwned. That's why everyone thinks that exactly one upgrade path at the Devastation altar exists for each Aspect bonus.
But AFAIK it hasn't been tested, except with Tempered.
I don't have a zerging problem.
I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.
Because the crafting system is based on a DnD thing - the elemental plains. And so far every quasi elemental or para elemental combo has netted only 1 tier3 upgrade - and this is something the devs have specificly hinted at as being correct and true. We have found all those upgrades already.
There are also 2 specials, which I believe was done just so every combo does indeed has a possible tier3 upgrade. Those are pos + neg - which is the only possible combo using energy all 4 times, and tempered + balance - which is all 4 elements put together. So it all makes logical sense.
So having something that breaks this mould wouldn't be right.
See here for a picture that explains this - note the picture is from DnD material and not a DDO creation : http://www.ddocrafting.com/ - click on para/elemental/special
I read this thread several times every day. And have been for over 2000 posts. That's the basis of my reasoning.
If you're not happy with the view from the shoulders of giants, then you need to step off and become a giant yourself. (Which it seems you're willing to do-- more power to you.)
/death counter
You have died 67 times.
Actually no one yet has posted a temper II attempt yet. We do not know for a fact yet of what it does, we have only speculated that it will be the same as BoLaS II (aka BoLaS I + Tempered I on tier 3) effect. Well, posted in this thread at least, I don't know if a side thread actually posted the end result.
I currently have a Tier one Positive Goggles :
Ethereal + Escalation + Positive = Itm: Wiz VI Chr Skills + 1
I would like to add Regeneration instead of the last 50 SP by doing another positive, but with different Essence and Focus:
Material + Opposition + Positive = Itm: Improved Regeneration*(1HP/30Sec)
Is it possible to switch the Essence and the Focus on the second upgrade, or do they always have to be the same? ( I assume I may just get the Normal Regeneration (1/min) if it works).
thanks for the assistance.
Prophits of the New Republic-- Khyber--PnP Vetren of more years then I wish to admit
Desteria MoonStar-Sorc20--Mcgruf The Crime Dog-Dwarf Ftr12/Pal3/Rgr5Annibelle of the Woods-Rgr20--St.Fut H'Tennek-H-Orc Barb 20Kwaiii Chang Caine-Monk 20--Sandradee-Bard 3
Just curious if anyone else has posted their 20th completion. Twoheals showed one of each type of tome with one being a +3 tome, and an essence of cleansing. Just wondered if this pattern has held, or if for instance some may have gotten no +3 tomes or several to choose from, or if something else has fallen entirely different from the tomes and essence?
If these are being posted elsewhere, could someone point me to the right forum? Thanks!
(Maybe it is too early for anyone else to have completed 20 runs yet as well, although, I thought several had said that they were close.)
haha, no. While a lead designer's job is to balance the game as a whole, each system designer (and each level designer/content guy) is responsible for their own little bit of the game. So as such, I balance spells/enhancements, graal has items and treasure, and Eladrin runs around going "raaar!" a lot. I think he does monsters.