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  1. #2761
    Community Member Mad_Bombardier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge View Post
    That probably makes sense.

    Magma: Fire DoT + slow debuff
    Salt: Unblockable DoT + no debuff
    But, ya know what?

    Lightning: one-shot 600-700 damage, 150 blockable with Protect+Resist = 450-550 damage.
    Magma: 3 ticks of <100, 100+50+30 blockable with Protect+Resist, & slow effect = 120 damage + slow effect.
    Salt: one-shot 80 damage, & nothing(?) = 80 damage.

    "One of these things is not like the others..."

  2. #2762


    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge View Post
    That probably makes sense.

    Magma: Fire DoT + slow debuff
    Salt: Unblockable DoT + no debuff
    Yeah, thinking the same. I'll try to see how long they last next time I run into them, they just got bored of testing., #1 source for DDO information.

  3. #2763


    Quote Originally Posted by Mad_Bombardier View Post
    Salt: one-shot 80 damage, & nothing(?) = 80 damage.
    The weird thing with salt is that either the DoT is not constant or it's not always a DoT, but I got a DoT of maybe 4 ticks, for 80 each., #1 source for DDO information.

  4. #2764
    Community Member Mad_Bombardier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Borror0 View Post
    The weird thing with salt is that either the DoT is not constant or it's not always a DoT, but I got a DoT of maybe 4 ticks, for 80 each.
    From your earlier post, I thought it was one-time only. 4 ticks of unresistable DoT changes everything! Thanks for the update Borror0.

  5. #2765


    Quote Originally Posted by Mad_Bombardier View Post
    From your earlier post, I thought it was one-time only. 4 ticks of unresistable DoT changes everything! Thanks for the update Borror0.
    Yeah, sorry. I thougth it I made it clear. In my first post, I got killed by corrosive acid. The said lady is a barbarian and had raged, drank rage potions and used her madstone clicky. She landed a critical hit on me, that was painful... and i wasn't at full health so I died. xD I thought I had clarified it was a Dot after. Sorry., #1 source for DDO information.

  6. #2766
    Community Member Sharzade's Avatar
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    Wink Too Sleepy!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Borror0 View Post
    Yeah, thinking the same. I'll try to see how long they last next time I run into them, they just got bored of testing.
    Aw, didn't mean to abandon you there Borror0, but I was so tired at 3 in the morning, I had to crash, lol!

    We can play around some more. I've only noticed that Damage Over Time once, and all the other Corrosive Salt attacks were isolated hits of btwn 65 and 80 damage points. Maybe it's a 1 &#37; chance of Corrosive Acid landing on a target, and then a smaller fraction of that 1 percent might be a DOT.

    Pretty confusing for fluffy me!!! See you tonight online if you want to test anything else. I'll be around; gotta to start collecting more large ingredients to work on something new!


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  7. #2767


    No worries, I understand. Was 5 am for me, but I had woke up an hour or two ago so.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sharzade View Post
    I've only noticed that Damage Over Time once, and all the other Corrosive Salt attacks were isolated hits of btwn 65 and 80 damage points.

    Explanation for fluffy Shaz:
    Those 65-80 were your critical hits (thank you very much for turning PA off and not raging btw). So, problably that effects only proc on a critical hit, be it Chelsa's Earthgrab khopesh, Purge's Magma Surge khopesh or your Corrosive Salt greatsword. The three of you only noticed that they occured only on critical hits. The reason I wasn't so sure yesterday is that you rolled a 15 and hit me with Corrosive Salt. You're not supposed to have critical hits on a 15 when not raging, but the game is bugged.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sharzade View Post
    Maybe it's a 1 % chance of Corrosive Acid landing on a target, and then a smaller fraction of that 1 percent might be a DOT.
    Explanation for fluffy Shaz:[/B] Maybe, or maybe not. Maybe it's a Long DoT. We'll have to test more. I'll try to catch the little icon that pops in the uff bar next time also and see how long it lasts in second and also try to see if there is anything to learn from it too., #1 source for DDO information.

  8. #2768
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zaodon View Post
    You don't have to "nerf" your weapon, you can always add "Heightened Awareness 1 or 2" for the AC bonus and not suffer having the "evil" taint.
    That's still nerfing it. It's not as bad as 2d6 Unholy damage, but there's still no way its close to as good as positive or elemental damage.

    The +1 and +2 AC bonuses are intrinsically weak. You see, the AC bonuses go +1, +2, +4, and they do not stack. Therefore AC on the 3rd tier is absolutely superior.
    But the damage dice effects are something like Acid, Acid Burst, and Acid Blast. For those, the second tier is stronger than tier 1, which is itself stronger than tier 3.

    So, unless constrained by the need to make combos, a smart player who wanted both damage dice and AC from his weapon would always get AC on tier 3 and damage at the lower tiers.

    It's a simple fact: A player who wants Mineral, Radiance, Lightning, or Steam effects will get +2d6 damage against the important monsters in the game, while one who wants Dust, Ash, Vacuum, or Salt will get nothing. This means that the first four choices lead to good weapons, and the other lead to bad weapons.

  9. #2769
    Community Member EspyLacopa's Avatar
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    Hmm. I wonder.

    We've now seen that the abilities of the final upgrade can vary based on the weapon it's on (Keen on Khopesh, Impact on Maul for Mineral II).

    How could it vary if these big upgrades were put on Scepters? After all, there's gotta be some good Caster Combos, and none have really been found yet. What if it only occurs on scepters?
    "Traps don't do damage. They ask you to do damage to yourself." -Andy Menard
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  10. #2770
    Founder Garth_of_Sarlona's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maddmatt70 View Post
    It is unclear what these weapons will be exactly. The mineral affect provides a transmuter which is a great addition to the weapon and what if these weapons have a similar affect. Ash looks like it will probably have enervation imagine dual wielding enervation weapons. If enervation happens 1&#37; of the time not much to get excited about but if its like the transmuter quality on mineral where it is there all the time. The vacuum guard has trap the soul, but what if the weapon is a vorpal instead of a trap the soul effect - this seems very plausible because you can't really have a vorpal guard can you?
    Given that Mineral II on an item and a weapon both gave similar properties (i.e. not an on-hit effect or a guard effect) I suspect that the weapon variants of Salt, Vacuum etc etc will merely give an on hit effect, just like Kargon's Lightning hammer will become a guard effect on an item. It would appear that (of the currently discovered tier 3 effects) only Mineral isn't based around an on-hit/guard effect.

    The only exception is Concordant Opposition - it will be interesting whether the devs made the SP/HP effect an on-hit or not since an on-hit effect for SP might make it too overpowered (maybe)..


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  11. #2771


    Quote Originally Posted by EspyLacopa View Post
    How could it vary if these big upgrades were put on Scepters? After all, there's gotta be some good Caster Combos, and none have really been found yet. What if it only occurs on scepters?
    I was thinking that at first, not as sure now. Sometimes, I wish the devs would throw us more teases., #1 source for DDO information.

  12. #2772
    Founder Alavatar's Avatar
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    Has anyone determined if the Exceptional ability bonus of different items stack with each other?

    For instance, say I make a Scepter of +6 CHA, +1 Exc. CHA, +2 Exc. CHA (for a total of +9). Then I make another Scepter of +6 STR, +1 Exc. CHA, +2 Exc. CHA. Will the Exc. CHA from the two scepters stack? (Total of +12 CHA)

  13. #2773
    Founder Alavatar's Avatar
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    Good to know. Thank you!

  14. #2774
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    no, in their description it says stacks with everything except itself.
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  15. #2775
    Founder Alavatar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alavatar View Post
    Good to know. Thank you!
    My first ninja post! I guess they are still around.

  16. #2776


    Quote Originally Posted by Alavatar View Post
    My first ninja post! I guess they are still around.
    I was just wondering if they were still around, good to know., #1 source for DDO information.

  17. #2777
    Community Member Tanka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Borror0 View Post
    I was just wondering if they were still around, good to know.
    Yeah, been a while since I saw those.

    I think Ziggy took them with him when he went on his hiatus.
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  18. #2778
    Community Member Shima-ra's Avatar
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    OK I exagerated a little, there is only a 5% diffrence. But that 5% is important!
    So here are the right numbers for those who are curious.

    First, the weapon also does 1d6 acid dmg. so its 61(62.5) normal dmg and 57.5
    There is only a 1.5 dmg diffrence between the maul and the greatsword, so its really the crit that matters. So take note that the maul only becomes better if you have higher dmg that is multiplied in the crit, like higher str, better seeker item, bard buffs etc.
    Those numbers are only right for the Mineral maul/GS, because it has keen or impact in it, and most barbs dont have imp crit blunt.

    The maul crits 4 times for x3. thats 8(x) extra dmg
    The greatsword crits 6 times for x2. so 6(x) extra dmg
    That 1.5dmg is largely compensated by the higher crit bonus.

    If you take all that extra dmg and add it together, plus that 14dmg on 20, you get the extra dmg over 20 swings, thats 558 for the maul and 449 for the greatsword.
    Maul has : 61x19+558 for 1717 over 20 hits, so about 85,8 average dmg per hit (which is super huge).
    Greatsword has: 62.5x19+449 for 1636.5 over 20 hits, so about 81,8 avg dmg per hit (also huge).

    And again if you have a fighter with greater weapon spec slash, the greatsword is better.
    Even if it is transmuting, some mobs have DR/- or acid resistance, and thats where the maul is much better.

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  19. #2779
    Community Member Tanka's Avatar
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    Actually, lots of Barbs I know are respeccing to Imp Crit Bludgeon specifically because of a Greensteel Maul (and lack of the Greensteel Greataxe). They don't have WF Bludgeon so that's only one feat exchange involved.

    Whereas most Fighters are specced into Slashing only, so they're kinda stuck with a greatsword unless they want to spend a lot of time and a lot of Dragonshards respeccing all of their pertinent feats.
    Person Æ, Sarlona
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  20. #2780


    Quote Originally Posted by Tanka View Post
    Actually, lots of Barbs I know are respeccing to Imp Crit Bludgeon specifically because of a Greensteel Maul (and lack of the Greensteel Greataxe). They don't have WF Bludgeon so that's only one feat exchange involved.
    A few Human barb I know have both Imp Slashing and Blunt., #1 source for DDO information.

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