Gratz guys. Looking forward to the screenie of Salt II. What were the dominate focuses on the Magma II and Salt II shards?
Assuming that he is accurate in that fire dominated earth (since we don't have a screenie of the shard and the item itself doesn't show it), my current flow mapping of the planes would have to be altered a bit... I'm changing the flow to go with what we know is true thus far, and assuming how the rest will work based on patterning., #1 source for DDO information.
Last edited by Borror0; 03-13-2008 at 09:06 AM., #1 source for DDO information.
Cool-- I missed it in his post.
/death counter
You have died 67 times., #1 source for DDO information.
I am very sorry i forgot to take a pic of the shard...i was so excited about what it would do it slipped my mind
the +4 to ac is from going ethereal opposition and the elemen as you can see from Page one of this thread
the SPECIAL power is the MAGMA SURGE that goes off once in awhile for around 100 per tick in a DoT effect and slows them as well
the shard if i remember correctly was called Ethereal Fire opposition and elemental Magma under that
thanks to The Infamaous Flaming Vagabonds (IFV) and Legends of Zen for the many runs and help gathering ingredients
it was a BLAST (MAGMA) lol
Oh yeah...i am 100% sure i put the fire Supreme Shard in first...even though i don't think it matters
Last edited by Sweep; 03-13-2008 at 10:11 AM.
Has anyone tired mixing BoLaS and Tempered so that all elements were used?
I would be happy to make BoaTLoadS tonight but I have an issue ... the FWEA + DFT really limit the options. Example: Tonights run is with Maelsfains (a Necro/Nuking Sorc with max CHA/CON). Fains already wears EEA/EEA/EEA for 600SP/+6Cha UMD 38.
I don't have (or even have proof it exists) a "Clensing Stone". I would not mind re-making the goggles but it looks like the best I can do is +2Cha UMD 34 which is ALOT to give up. IF THERE WAS ANY MORE FEEDBACK (HINT DEV HINT DEV) ABOUT CLENSING I might risk a second item like ... Fire Resist +10 and 25 HP which is still kinda lame.
The other choice is to make an weapon but what to make ... Fire Absorb 10%, 15%, 20%, STR +6, CON +2 are the only things that look even marginally useful? Can anyone confirm that GS Fire Absorption would stack with Greaves or Spell? If not there appears to be zilch here as well?
Any ideas?
Still wondering about why some items get a title at certain upgrades and others do not.
Also, I know that the die on green steel weapons is different from regular weapons, but has anybody noted a crit multiplier change or been watching for that? Just now thought of it because I don't really melee... my lowbie ranger is 7 (I've had her for a year) and my Cleric rarely uses a returning dagger.
I have Balance goggles on my sorc, working toward adding Tempered. I'm about 8 larges and a supreme shard away.
Getting stuck with INT or WIS skill bonus is going to suck (INT harder, of course), but I want to get the **** thing done so I can get back to the usual routine of colossal disappointment.
-Valok of Khyber, The Free Companions
Still furious about the horrendous CS mismanagement of the so-called Abbot timer "exploit," and not going to let anyone forget it.
Yay! Finally got a weapon finished yesterday with Legends of Zen and Infamous Flaming Vagabonds helping me do a few 1 - 4 Shroud runs for some final ingredients. I went with Salt II, seeing that I'm gonna be redoing Ashin's Vacuum weapon so that it doesn't give her a negative level.
Tier 1: Inferior Negative focus, Cloudy Material Essence, Diluted Dominion Gem
Tier 2: Water focus, Material Essence, Dominion Gem
At Tier 3: Imbued 2 Supreme Shards.
1st Shard: Superior Negative Focus, Pure Material Essence, Flawless Dominion Gem
2nd Shard: Superior Water Focus, Pure Material Essence, Flawless Dominion Gem
Fused the 2 Imbued Supreme Shards with a High Energy Fuel Cell
Placed the purple Material Negative Energy Dominion Supreme Shard into device before the Material Water Dominion Supreme Shard.
The two shards combined to make a Material Water Dominion Supreme Shard of Elemental Salt. Water is dominant.
Fused the Aspect of Salt Tier 2 Greatsword, Material Water Dominion Supreme Shard of Elemental Salt, and a high energy fuel cell.
Completely upgraded Aspect of Salt weapon.
Thanks to everyone who helped me make my first Tier 3 weapon! It was lotsafun, and I hope it's helpful.
Last edited by Sharzade; 03-13-2008 at 11:02 AM.
Sharzadee ~ yKaterina ~ Darya ~Ashin ~ Setareh ~ Pixxie
Kisheeni ~ Divae ~ Szapphire ~ Vyxun ~ Lusipha ~ Silkey