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Infinity has an opposite, and it isn't infinity... Infinity is without beginning or end. Thus, finite is the opposite of infinite.
Infinity is a line that goes off forever in both direction, positive and negative. So negative infinity is non existant really. Imaginary numbers would be closer to an opposite to the concept of infinity.
However, its true that negative/positive is a balance of those two forces, so its pretty simple that more force on both sides maintains the balance. Equal and oppisite forces.
Where as air(up) is opposed to earth(down) it doesnt naturally combine, and BoLaS is the result. Fire(hot) and water(cold) are also two forces that cannot naturally exist in the same point in space at the same time. Hence tempered(a slow heating and rapid quenching that serves to enhance the properties of metals). Now seeing tempering a weapon twice really doesnt do anything, and more sky over land doesnt really make sense, the combination of the four material elements(earth, air, fire, water) brings about a more complete balance. Or, atleast that is the current theorie, until it is either proven or disproven.
Aundair, New Khyber
Alreck Gingerbarrel(15clr/1barb), Torrak Gingerbarrel(16 Brd), Oat(13 Rgr/3Ftr), Moxxy(16 Sor), Thorrac Gingerbarrel(6 Pal/1 Ftr) <<Current Toons>>
yeah really most of the people posting about the opposite of infinity seemingly just mean the word infinity....
basically it's off-topic and definition dependent anyways so... how about no more of that...
but yeah i wonder if BoLaS+tempered=something with a really cool name
Has there yet to be any proof as to how much damage Incineration does?
Preylor - 16 Elf Ranger
Galron - 10 Human Cleric
Baenra - 11 Drow Wiz
Frumple - 11 Dwarf Barb
I've calculated the dps difference between the Mineral greensteel maul and greatsword.
I've calculated it for barbarians with Imp crit II, and for fighters with greater weapon specialisation slashing (since most fighter spec for slash).
For barbs, the greensteel maul does about 20 to 25% more dmg. And thats not including the faster attack rate of the maul.
For fighters, its the greatsword that does about 15% more dmg.
°Shima Ra °Roots °Zielle °Sisqi °Downpour
somehow those numbers seem very wrong. just with the base of 2d8+5/(17-20/x3) vs 3d6+5(15-20/x2)
7-21 14 avg(21-63 crit 42 avg) =378 over 20 swings
8-23 15.5 avg(16-46 crit 31 avg) = 387.5 over 20 swings
sword is 2.5% higher then the maul, though this doesnt take into account the mauls higher(suposed) rate of attack.
Aundair, New Khyber
Alreck Gingerbarrel(15clr/1barb), Torrak Gingerbarrel(16 Brd), Oat(13 Rgr/3Ftr), Moxxy(16 Sor), Thorrac Gingerbarrel(6 Pal/1 Ftr) <<Current Toons>>
It's too early in the AM for math, but I think as you add flat bonuses (str mod, pwr atk, barb pwr atk, ftr wep spec) the critical multiplier will amplify the difference.
-Valok of Khyber, The Free Companions
Still furious about the horrendous CS mismanagement of the so-called Abbot timer "exploit," and not going to let anyone forget it.
You are only using the base of the weapon. It's pretty easy for a Barbarian to hit 42 Strength. And lets add in some other factors as well (not all easy to get, but still a lot of people have).
+24 Damage bonus from Strength (+16 Str bonus x 1.5)
+10 Power Attack Two handed Bonus
+6 Seeker Bonus from Bloodstone (18 for Maul [x3], 12 for Greatsword [x2])
(I made a mistake and fixed it )
Normal Hit 2d8+5 + 2d6 Holy + 1d4 Slicing + 24 + 10 = 57.5 Average
Critical Hit (2d8+5 + 31 + 10 + 6) x3 + 2d6 Holy + 1d4 Slicing + 2d10 Acid + 2d10 Acid = 193.5 Average
Natural 20 (2d8+5 + 31 + 10 + 6) x3 + 2d6 Holy + 1d4 Slicing + 2d10 Acid + 2d10 Acid + 4d6 Acid = 207.5 Average
Normal Hit 3d6+5 + 2d6 Holy + 1d4 Slicing + 24 +10 = 59 Average
Critical Hit (3d6+5 + 24 + 10 + 6) x2 + 2d6 Holy + 1d4 Slicing + 1d10 Acid + 1d10 Acid = 131.5 Average
Natural 20 (3d6+5 + 24 + 10 + 6) x2 + 2d6 Holy + 1d4 Slicing + 1d10 Acid + 1d10 Acid + 4d6 Acid = 145.5 Average
I think my math is right on this one...so over 20 swings, we'll assume all crits are confirmed (1 misses of course):
Maul: [17-20/x3]
2 -16 = 57.5 Average (15x for 862.5)
17 -19 = 193.5 Average (3x for 580.5)
20 = 207.5 (1x 207.5)
1650.5 Over 20 Swings
Greatsword: [15-20/x2]
2 - 14 = 59 Average (13x for 767)
15 - 19 = 131.5 Average (5x 657.5)
20 = 145.5 Average (1x 145.5)
1570 Over 20 Swings
So for the Barbarian in this example it seems that the Maul is approximately 5.1% better before you take into account the speed difference. Not sure how big the speed difference is, but I've heard people say almost up to 10%. So for a Barbarian the maul is clearly a superior choice to the Greatsword![]()
Last edited by Tallyn; 03-13-2008 at 10:55 AM. Reason: Edited to fix some math
Magma II and Salt II discovered tonight on Thelanis... pix and stats forthcoming
2007 WSOP Event 37 Bracelet Winner
Archangels of Thelanis
Salt II is junk.... at least so far..
(Combat): Ykaterina's corrosive salt hit you for 80 points of damage.
Doesn't hit really often.
Last edited by Borror0; 03-13-2008 at 03:38 AM.
DDOwiki.com, #1 source for DDO information.
the Proc effect seems to do 3 ticks for around 100 damage each tick
forgot to take pic of the shard but fire trumped earth
Ethereal + Opposition + Earth
Opposition: Bone, Chain, Scale, Stone
Ethereal Essence: Arrowhead, Chain, Scale, Stone
Focus of Earth: Arrowhead, Bone, Chain, Shrapnel
Ethereal + Opposition + Fire
Opposition: Bone, Chain, Scale, Stone
Ethereal Essence: Arrowhead, Chain, Scale, Stone
Focus of Fire: Arrowhead, Bones, Scale, Shrapnel
Last edited by Sweep; 03-13-2008 at 03:46 AM.
(Combat): Purge's magma surge hit you for 43 points of fire damage; 30 was stopped by your damage resistance.
(Combat): You are hit by purge's slow.
(Combat): Your movement rate has been reduced by 50% and your attack rate by 30%, and you have a -1 penalty on attack rolls, AC, and reflex saves.
(Combat): You are hit by purge's magma.
(Combat): Magma
(Combat): Purge's slow has been removed.
Happens each tick, but proc really rarely. Maybe 1% of the time.
Last edited by Borror0; 03-13-2008 at 04:07 AM.
DDOwiki.com, #1 source for DDO information.
From testing Corrosive salt, no resist energy blocks it.
Here's a theory, may the special effects trigger on a critical? That's what we're getting so far from Earthgrab, Magma Surge and Corrosive Salt. Everything only triggerd on a critical hit so far. So maybe it's something like X% of chance of triggering on a critical or soemthing like that...
Oh, btw, critical rage is bugged. You don't need to be raged to get the effect.
As for the Salt II screenshot, she'll probably post it tomorrow.
Last edited by Borror0; 03-13-2008 at 04:37 AM.
DDOwiki.com, #1 source for DDO information.
We should be able to confirm Salt II in a the next few days, but it appears when the effect goes off it does a 4 round DOT that does about 300 points of damage and there appears to be no resistance against it.
Last edited by Borror0; 03-13-2008 at 05:58 AM.
DDOwiki.com, #1 source for DDO information.
What I mean is, what does the actual weapon itself look like when equipped on your avatar? What do other people see. I've seen a few, obviously, in pics of folks testing mods in PvP.
Some of the weapons have two different ingredient paths to build the greensteel weapon-- Greatsword #1 and Greatsword #2 for example.
Just wondering if they actually create two different-looking greensteel items.
Yes, this is a pointless newb question. =)
I have nothing better to do all day than daydream about uber weapons I'll never make. Heh.