this would not seem to do anymathing even if it worked besides eat one of the shards. even when combine two differmerent elemaments, one shard basicamally gets eaten and just adds somemathing like 'mineral II' which only give upgramades if put onto a 'mineramal I' item/weapamon.
Many of us look forward to your discoveries, so don't abandon the crafting thread. You've done superduper Hawt research, and it's much appreciated! So stay, hang in here with us while we figure stuff out. This thread should be fun for everyone, not full of stress. So no more Stressy stuff!!!!! Please stay.
/hearts and flowers,
Sharzadee ~ yKaterina ~ Darya ~Ashin ~ Setareh ~ Pixxie
Kisheeni ~ Divae ~ Szapphire ~ Vyxun ~ Lusipha ~ Silkey
No, its a "special" upgrade just like BoLaS and Tempered.
Opposite of BoLas = Tempered
Opposite of Tempered = BoLaS
Opposite of Existential Stalemate = Existential Stalemate
It just so happens that the opposite of Existential Stalemate is Existential Stalemate. Just like the opposite of Infinity is Infinity (so many people think its -Infinity, but that just shows that they don't truly understand what Infinity is.)
Hey. Made a quick look at the thread (and a search) but didn't found out the answer to my question.
Maybe you can help me:
What will happen if you apply the Mineral II upgrade on a Maul (blunt weapon)?
Obviously it can't be slicing or things like that. Does anyone knows or have a hint?
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I may have missed it but, does an Item with Mineral II get the same +80 Durability / +8 Hardness that a weapon does ? (along with +5 Prot and Heavy Fort)
Of everyone, I think Sharz said it best.Sorry Raidon, but with everyone speculating that much, we need to know whether or not you're speculating or have some proofs of what you advancing. thanks for explaining the information have, and sorry again.
So I guess you calculated a maul was more DPS than a greatsword?, #1 source for DDO information.
Not before I made the weapon no, I just prefer x3 crit and mauls.
But since u mentioned it I thought i'd check:
Comparison if I made a GS with same stats, with my characters average Str (46 single madstone) and seeker item (Mentaus Googles +4)
Doesn't factor in the mauls faster speed or greatswords higher glancing blow damage tho. Friend with simililar stats as me and a Greatsword reports 31-32 dmg glancing blows with greatsword vs 29-30 with maul.
To clarify, I am using the term 'special' in regards to the upgrade path. I think you are using it to refer to the raw combination. As in Positive + Negative is special to you because it's not listed in some DnD book. While I am saying that A+B is completed with (A+B), just like all other non A+A combos.
Argonnessen | Legendary Knights of Mabar | Couresan | Courage | Plat | Torgo
Not sure if this is what you're asking - but I archive most of the weapon and item screenshots on my website here. I only archive tier 2 and 3 items though - not the original 'blank' green steel items...
If you want screenshots of the ingredients themselves - then this rather nifty crafing website seems to have most of them.
Garth 20/ftr (Kensei) Haeson 20/clr Cairis 12/ftr 6/rgr 2/rog Xortan 20/wiz
Tinosa 20/brd Garthbot 20/fvs Gaarth 18/ftr 1/rgr 1/rog (Stal Def)
Tibetan 20/mnk Automatic DDO raid timers Haezon 20/sor (Conj)
Last edited by Zaodon; 03-12-2008 at 05:11 PM.