that gem ability is sweet. goggles that turn your enemy in to jewels. you are like king midas!
that gem ability is sweet. goggles that turn your enemy in to jewels. you are like king midas!
Caffeine, #1 source for DDO information.
I have to say that Trap the Soul Guard seems absolutely useless. Only 20 hd version, once per rest? For 24 large components?
Exile of Xoriat
While the item in and of itself is cool... It would be alot cooler if it were the 30hd version, or both...Archmages who can cast and Trap 30hd versions are still kinda hard to come by. Would've been a nice alternative. Grats again to NeoSkullies!![]()
Last edited by studentx; 03-11-2008 at 03:39 AM.
"Humanity has advanced, not because it has been sober, responsible, and cautious, but because it has been playful, rebellious, and immature." Tom Robbins
While standing in a tavern PvP pit it's hard to say - maybe he "rested" after hitting one of us and almost immediately hit another.
I was thinking about that last night too, and it really depends on how often it goes off. If it repeatedly goes off, it's a high DC will save insta-kill. Compare that to Slay Living guard which is a fort save, and the will save is probably going to be a lot more successful.
But if it's the 20 HD version, it will only work on low CR creatures. Not even large elementals in the depths on elite could be hit with it. It's like giving us a sword of kobold slaying, sure it's sweet versus kobolds, but what level 16 runs quests often that have kobolds in it?
Exile of Xoriat
Not to mention that it may be the most consistent source of Soul Gems, which do seem as though they're going to be used in crafting in the future.
It may actually be easier to make a few vacuum items than it is to collect all the Khyber Dragonshard Fragments you'd need to make a comparable number of Soul Gems.
Elementals, notably, have very high HD. I bet the 20 HD version hits more stuff in level 16 quests than you seem to imply.
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Well a path I am trying is Bal of Land and Sky, all Mat Dom for straight up damage on a bow. Just as long as I can pull some rotten sulfer stones. : the comedic gift that keeps on giving!
Originally Posted by Deaths Ward
/removed - pm sent
Last edited by stockwizard5; 03-11-2008 at 08:07 AM.
I would agree... for the order of focus 1 and 2 to matter, what would have to happen to make every I into a II as Eladrin has stated is possible, would be for the order in which the dual shard is placed into the altar along with the item having some bearing, which is something I proposed in theory awhile back because of the failure of BoLaS I to BoLaS II. I didn't like that idea, but it was the only way I could see at the time as to why BoLaS I failed to become a II when the shard had BoLaS on it. Although it hasn't been tested out, I doubt it to be the case now.
I think what causes a "II" is the presence of a "II" on the dual shard, with the exception of the Elemental Balances and perhaps a special "earth,air,fire,water". I suspect the reason why BoLaS II failed is that any balance of elements requires that it pass through either another element or energy to get to the opposing one. Since it "contacts" other elements/energies where all the others do not, it works differently.... I've already given theory as to what I suspect will work in upgrading BoLaS I and Tempered I to II's, so won't reiterate all that here.
I think the listing of a dominate focus is:
A) to allow us to know what focus the Altar of Devastation will use for the effects imparted by that altar
B) to narrow down what is possible at the Altar of Devastation when using a dual shard so that one may have to make a choice at times as to which is more important to them to have... the 4 focus enchantment or the Altar of Devastation effects (I agree... can't remember who suggested it atm.... that it would be nice to have some kind of end chest essence that would allow us to switch the dominant focus of a dual shard)
Congrats on the recent successes. On the Vacuum II... what was the dominant focus on the shard?
Air was dominant over negative - this was what Jackknife wanted as he wanted +3 CHA. In fact, originally Jack was going to do Smoke II (he had already made the Smoke I item) but after we realised that Fire would probably dominate Air and he would end up with +3 INT skills (?) instead, we remade the item from scratch since he wanted the UMD...He still ended up with the displacement clicky though so not a real loss.
I agree it's a bit frustrating that it appears we can't pick the dominant focus at tier III - this limits the choices of people wanting certain tier 3 bonus effect combinations with certain tier 3 effects - perhaps there is a way of chosing the dominant focus that we haven't discovered yet (unlikely).
Garth 20/ftr (Kensei) Haeson 20/clr Cairis 12/ftr 6/rgr 2/rog Xortan 20/wiz
Tinosa 20/brd Garthbot 20/fvs Gaarth 18/ftr 1/rgr 1/rog (Stal Def)
Tibetan 20/mnk Automatic DDO raid timers Haezon 20/sor (Conj)
Im thinking of a **** Guard item for my tank. I have seen the AEE/AEE/AEE air guard goggles but wondered if there is a way to get this another way??? Is it only important that Air is there throughout the upgrades?? Also looking at the pure water guard as well for extra dps. Any other tank out there running a guard item of some type that is not dual shards at the last altar??
Did not see these on Will's list (sorry if repeats)
Yes, there are many ways to get a X Guard on an item besides AEE/AEE/AEE. If you want an Air Guard item, then all you have to do is keep the focus as Air for all 3 upgrades.
A/A/A = Air Guard
F/F/F = ??
W/W/W = Crushing Wave Guard
E/E/E = Good Guard (unlisted on item)
P/P/P = Gr. Disruption Guard
N/N/N = Slay Living Guard
The essence and gem do not matter if all you are concerned with is going pure on your focus.
For instance, going WDM/WDM/WDM would give you +45 hp (stacks with all other hp gain items), +6 STR skills, 3 clickies of Panacea, and Crushing Wave Guard. Not bad for a tank.