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  1. #2101
    Community Member EspyLacopa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Justicesar View Post
    So if you were going for the line that gives you earth grab...E/D/M that the best it can be or could you fuse 2 shards at 3 to get something else along with earth grab????
    Earthgrab is what you get for going pure Earth on a Weapon.

    You could go say, EME/EMD/EEO, and get +6 Con, Acid Burst, and +4 Insight AC, as well as the earth ellie clickie and earthgrab.
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  2. #2102
    Community Member Naso24's Avatar
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    Another possibility is it looks at the second upgrade, and that is the dominant focus. It is consistent with the results we have seen so far.

    1) Neg
    2) Pos
    3) Pos-Neg

    1) Positive
    2) Earth
    3) Earth-Positive (same results either way, +4 AC)

    I'm guessing the shard order is what determines the third dominant focus, but just wanted to point out the alternative possibility.
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  3. #2103
    Community Member Ironwind's Avatar
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    For the record, I am working on two items.

    Green Steel Short Sword
    Altar of Invasion :: Fire Escalation Material (completed)
    Altar of Subjugation :: Earth Dominion Material (completed)
    Aspect of Magma
    Altar of Devastation :: Fire Escalation Material & Earth Dominion Material
    It will be interesting to see whether I get Fire or Earth as the Tier 3 power.

    Green Steel Gloves
    Altar of Invasion :: Air Escalation Ethereal (waiting on a shard to drop)
    Altar of Subjugation :: Positive Escalation Ethereal (just need tier 1 shard to drop)
    Aspect of Lightning
    Altar of Devastation :: Air Escalation Ethereal & Positive Escalation Ethereal
    Both tier 3 bonuses are the same; so will be unable to determine any significance of order.

    Last edited by Ironwind; 03-07-2008 at 03:36 PM.

  4. #2104
    Founder Riggs's Avatar
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    One thing to consider is that positive and negative foci/planes are modifiers of others. By themselves, they create a specific effect, or mixed, they modify another effect. Fire/air/earth/water are bound effects, i.e. they are concrete manifestations based on one element. Positive and Negative are pure energy, but when mixed with an element become part of the element and modify it.

    So, all positive gives an effect based on the pure energy involved, but mixing one with an element creates the quasi element, So a quasi element the dominant feature is the element, with a modifier of pos/neg. The implication is that any tier 3 effect will be based only on the element it is combined with, not whether you can 'get more positive in your mineral'.

    There seems to be two conflicting possibilities here;

    One, there is only one path to upgrade special mixed foci as seemed to be said by Eladrin, get Magma I, there is only one way to get Magma II. So regardless of what order the tier 3 are mixed, as long as you have the two previous elements you get the next step.

    Two, Eladrin also said that going Positive first opens up many possibilities. This would imply that in addition to the para/quasi upgrades....there is another set of simliar upgrades depending on whether tier 1 was positive or an element. If this is true, at the very least it doubles the number of possible upgrade paths.

    So Pos + Earth + Pos/Earth is (A), and Earth + Pos + Pos/Earth (or Earth/Pos) is (B).

    If the order matters, that means there is 36 type A upgrades, and 36 type B upgrades. If the order does not matter, then there is only 21 upgrade paths. Not counting any gem/essence possibilities.

  5. #2105
    Tasty Ham Hunter Kargon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tanka View Post
    Yup. It may be me, but I'm crafting Holy/Holy/Holy first because I'm weird (and want a better undead basher for Cursed Crypt runs).

    If I can get enough ingredients and some guild aid, I may give it a shot. Assuming nobody else reaches for it first.
    Now that kargon pos/neg/pos+neg got discovermered alreadamy (grrr) kargon considermering making a pos/air/pos+air warhammermer... IF kargon can get willmaphase to give kargon a blank green steel warhammermer, since willmaphase pushing kargon so much to discovermer somemathing new

  6. #2106
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    Quote Originally Posted by Naso24 View Post
    Another possibility is it looks at the second upgrade, and that is the dominant focus. It is consistent with the results we have seen so far.

    1) Neg
    2) Pos
    3) Pos-Neg

    1) Positive
    2) Earth
    3) Earth-Positive (same results either way, +4 AC)

    I'm guessing the shard order is what determines the third dominant focus, but just wanted to point out the alternative possibility.
    That's not a possibility, as it requires the greensteel item to calculate the tier 3 upgrade. The imbuded (and combined) shard has the results of the fusion right on it. This shows us that the tier 3 upgrade is determined before you even touch the greensteel tier 2 item.
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  7. #2107
    Community Member Gornn's Avatar
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    What do we suspect would happen if you built the following weapon

    +/+ and then tried to combine positive and earth on altar 3?
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  8. #2108
    Community Member Tanka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kargon View Post
    Now that kargon pos/neg/pos+neg got discovermered alreadamy (grrr) kargon considermering making a pos/air/pos+air warhammermer... IF kargon can get willmaphase to give kargon a blank green steel warhammermer, since willmaphase pushing kargon so much to discovermer somemathing new
    Beaten to the punch by Kargon! Blast!

    Oh well. At least it's Kargon and not Garth.
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  9. #2109
    Community Member Bloodyfury's Avatar
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    First, I'm wondering if we couldn't get something very special with the 4 elements on the same weapon.

    With Existential Stalemate, we get something special for "a perfect balance" between + and -.

    I'm thinking that the 4 elements on the same weapon could gives something great, as it should also represents a perfect balance between the 4 elements. I'm thinking about something like this:
    (I don't care about gem or essence as it mainly depends of your class and build, I'm just talking about elements here)

    Tier 1: Fire
    Tier 2: Air

    That would gives Aspect of Smoke / Displacement X2

    Then add at Tier 3: the Aspect of Ooze (Water + Earth)

    You would end up with the 4 elements on the weapon/item. I do hope that mixing two different Aspects should gives something cool. It would sure increase the possible recipes available (tho I've no idea if we're near the 1200 reported by Devs with what we know yet).


    My other point is rather a question...

    I'm seriously thinking about crafting the Aspect of Ooze as Tier 1-2 and add it again at Tier 3. I'm surely not the only one to think it *should* gives something like Wounding or maybe Puncturing? Surely not both but one or the other would be great with all the other enhancements on it.

  10. #2110


    Quote Originally Posted by Bloodyfury
    I'm seriously thinking about crafting the Aspect of Ooze as Tier 1-2 and add it again at Tier 3. I'm surely not the only one to think it *should* gives something like Wounding or maybe Puncturing?
    My guess would be something along the same lines, but instead implemented as a DC 30 Poison/Contagion.
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  11. #2111
    Community Member edana's Avatar
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    Here is something to think about.

    At Altar of Invasion I use Neg Foucs
    At Altar of Subjugation I use Pos Focus
    Result on the item = Neg Energy Affinity
    (first focus shows on the item)

    At Altar of Devastation combine 2 imbued shard
    1st shard pos focus
    2nd shard Neg focus
    Result on the combine imbued shard shows = POS ENERGY with Existential Stalemate
    (first focus shows on the shard)

    What if we put Neg first? do we get a Shard thats imbued with Neg Energy and Existential Stalemate? or Still Pos Energy?

    Hmm... more test need to be done ><

  12. #2112
    Community Member Keneith's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by edana View Post
    Here is something to think about.

    At Altar of Invasion I use Neg Foucs
    At Altar of Subjugation I use Pos Focus
    Result on the item = Neg Energy Affinity
    (first focus shows on the item)

    At Altar of Devastation combine 2 imbued shard
    1st shard pos focus
    2nd shard Neg focus
    Result on the combine imbued shard shows = POS ENERGY with Existential Stalemate
    (first focus shows on the shard)

    What if we put Neg first? do we get a Shard thats imbued with Neg Energy and Existential Stalemate? or Still Pos Energy?

    Hmm... more test need to be done ><

    Interesting! hmmm....not concordant opposition but existential stalemate??
    So, wat did u get at the end? wat is the description on the item itself?

  13. #2113
    Community Member sheldie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kargon View Post
    Now that kargon pos/neg/pos+neg got discovermered alreadamy (grrr)
    But wasn't that discovery made on an item and weren't you looking to make your upgrades on a weapon? Or did I misunderstand?
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  14. #2114
    Waylander of the Stolen Blade Cambo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keneith View Post
    Interesting! hmmm....not concordant opposition but existential stalemate??
    So, wat did u get at the end? wat is the description on the item itself?
    The initial find for this was the same the shard was "existential stalemate" but the item became "concordant opposition".
    I dont think there is a "concordant opposition" shard.
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  15. #2115
    Community Member Keneith's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cambo View Post
    The initial find for this was the same the shard was "existential stalemate" but the item became "concordant opposition".
    I dont think there is a "concordant opposition" shard.
    O...thxs for the info..i'll check back again jus to double confirm..cos im oso intending of making a bracers wif concordant opposition..

  16. #2116
    Tasty Ham Hunter Kargon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sheldie View Post
    But wasn't that discovery made on an item and weren't you looking to make your upgrades on a weapon? Or did I misunderstand?
    no was going to be on goggamels for silly rangermer so kargon can cast levamel 3-4 spells without having to cast owls wisdom first

  17. #2117
    Founder LeLoric's Avatar
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    My best guess is that either the first tier foci or 2nd tier foci determines the effect of the third. To have it be which is first when all other altars care not is just not a good idea. I know eladrin said the third altar doesnt work the same as the rest but I dont think it was meant in this way its just way too counterintuitive.
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  18. #2118
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bloodyfury View Post

    I'm seriously thinking about crafting the Aspect of Ooze as Tier 1-2 and add it again at Tier 3. I'm surely not the only one to think it *should* gives something like Wounding or maybe Puncturing? Surely not both but one or the other would be great with all the other enhancements on it.
    Hey Bloody,

    I was planning on making a tempered/tempered weapon, but I figured someone else would beat me to it. Given what we've seen so far, assuming a vorpal or puncturing/enfeebleing/bonebreaking (depending on weapon) would not be a bad guess.

    My next two thoughts were ooze/ooze or smoke/smoke. I settled on smoke, but I'm glad to see you're gonna try ooze. My guess for tier 3 ooze bonus is everbright (VERY likely), and paralyzing.

    As for smoke, I'm hoping that it produces some kind of blinding effect. My main is a strength-based rogue, and that would be a very fine weapon for him. I might not even miss my siroccos much anymore.

    Either way, those two aspects produce very nice clickies, so all will not be lost if the effects aren't desirable.

    I have all of the materials for this weapon, save 5 large ingredients (most of them shrapnels, lol). I think completing both of our recipes will help fill in the blanks and still produce nice weapons if the end result isn't as expected.

  19. #2119
    Community Member AEschyl's Avatar
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    so based off of this logic... would this combination make sense?

    First tier:
    Material + Dominion + Positive

    Second tier:
    Material + Dominion + Positive

    Third tier:
    Material + Dominion + Positive
    Ethereal + Opposition + Positive
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  20. #2120
    Community Member Keneith's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AEschyl View Post
    so based off of this logic... would this combination make sense?

    First tier:
    Material + Dominion + Positive

    Second tier:
    Material + Dominion + Positive

    Third tier:
    Material + Dominion + Positive
    Ethereal + Opposition + Positive
    I dun think this will work, cos its all Positive, so at tier 3, u only get 1 of the effects, not 2.
    So, its as gd as +/+/+, which gives u True Ressurrection clickie.
    Then again....u can still try it out n see whether is there any other effect if u put 2 positives in 1 Shard of Supreme Power...

    Any1 going for Aspect of Radiance? I'll b going for tat. Already got my Tier 1 for Positive, next is to get Tier 2 Fire for the Aspect of Radiance. Still collecting medium ingredients though....mayb quite a while till i can get all the ingredients...
    Hopefully some1 can try this before i does.

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