Member of Legendary Knights of Mabar :: Dex | Yonathan | Rexxx | Sallyanne | Yonn | Cazz | Qyx | Vexation | Brio | Fixxx | Sinz | Sykopath
shut up, but this was one of those "oops I shouldn't have shared" moments. What was said in trust to a known gamer companion should not have been disclosed. Cowd made a mistake, and that's fine. If the person is not sharing it but wanted to confirm he or she got it, that's their decisdion: right wrong or neither of those choices or even both.
Sorry to say, some people's world in DDO doesn't even involve beiung on the forums, let alone reading them. They may or may not have goten their datum or data from here or in house or both. We don't know. Calling people names without all the facts...well we're assuming,a nd you know what that makes...I don't like it when people prejudge me; so don't do it to others unless you have some solid proof to back it up, not "I heard this person say..."
On the flip side, any person who goads others (s)he has a secret and we don't have it deserves to be banished from playing with said taunted to by said taunted. You have a secret? FINE: Go play with yourself! I hope that guild is super uber, 'cause as said, they have a habit of imploding, and you'll be all alone with everybody hating each other in the ex-guild and we not playing with the gloating babies who can whaa that everybody is denying them for being the type A's they were.
It's important to forgive, but not to forget.
Somebody starts hording, we stop sharing.
Somebody asks for help, we give and they give back to us.
Somebody doesn't involve us, that's fine, but we can't help them either if they get propriatary on our butts.
It's a dang GAME, stop acting like you have to have more toys than we can taunting a no trade trade window of your oh so uber crapola.
We won't PvP you we won't respond to your tells, we'll squelch you, and if we have to report you for harassing us when we said go away, we can!
So if by chance any of the guildies of the secret kingdom are reading this, open your gates or live alone, but stop heckling the citizens trying to make a difference while you go all illuminati on us!
And if somebody finds the breakthrough and shares, you will be revered as a hero and demigod of the masses! You will be credited as THE first even if not since you REVEALED your invention to us, wile the others hit it in their secret tower.....
So it's a game have fun...for all of us,me and you and we, please?
Cowd I hereby absolve you of any blame and designate you human and have the right to err. I also designater X a mystery and any further talk is rumor and heresay not to be trusted without proof, not rant or opinions no matter how truthful.
And I hereby designate the monster Kargon a true Marytr for the items lost and the life he lost over and over for the cause. Your reward was duly earned man-beast.
And I'm just another human poster trying to find the truth and not be excluded like anybody else here.
And since nobody posted an answer...twice, did ANYBODY simply try 5 basic raid ingredients in a altar no power stone?
If no, why not; everything else has been suggested?
Victory or those devils!
Last edited by query; 03-03-2008 at 07:12 PM.
Be careful what you wish for, what you say is best; for sometimes what you seek is found, not at the end of the quest.
I AM, -- the truthseeker
Geez this prank is getting you angry Query.
°Shima Ra °Roots °Zielle °Sisqi °Downpour
I beleive there is a mistake in your book.
States: Ethereal + Escalation + Air = Wpn: +6 Cha -:- Equip: Wiz VI & Wis Skill +1
Shouldnt it be cha skill +1?
°Shima Ra °Roots °Zielle °Sisqi °Downpour
Here's an update of my plans and progress.
- Sceptre
- EEF: +6 INT (done)
- EEN: +1 INT (done)
- EEF/EEN: +2 INT (done)
- Goggles
- EEN: Wiz VI, Int Skills +1 (done)
- EEF: +50 sp, Int Skills +2 (done)
- EEN/EEF: +100 sp, Int Skills +3 (need ingredients and shard)
- Bracers
- MON: Blindness & Disease Immunity
- MON: Proof Against Poison & Fear Immunity
- MON: Deathblock
- Boots
- MEE: +10 hp, +1 CON skills
- MEP: +15 hp, +2 CON skills
- MEE/MEP: +20 hp, +3 CON skills
For my Bard:
- Helm
- EEP: Wiz VI, +1 Cha Skills (done)
- EEP: +50 sp, +2 Cha Skills (done)
- EEP: +100 sp, +3 Cha Skills (need ingredients)
For my Cleric:
- *Goggles
- EEN: Wiz VI, +1 Int Skills (done)
- EEP: +50 sp, +2 Cha Skills (done)
- +6 WIS, etc
- EEN/EEP: +100 sp, +2 Cha skills (need ingredients)
I'm starting to think that the "difficult" 3rd tier upgrade requires two imbued shards of supreme power, one to match the first upgrade and the 2nd to match the 2nd upgrade. I just completed the raid for the first time, on my cleric. My Wizard is going to pick up the charge now and push for completion of her F/N/FN scepter. All donations on the Lhazaar... er... Ghallanda server are welcome.Since she's going for completions, she'll also be pushing for the essence of cleansing, so she'll be working on her Bracers or Boots.
Last edited by UtherSRG; 03-22-2008 at 12:21 AM.
Cambo Neebong "Waylander of the Stolen Blade", well borrowed really...![]()
Lover of Loot, All Things Shiny and Participant in R.O.G.U.E Part Quatre Stealth Challenge.
Woot: Hall of Fame Post - Eldritch Device Recipes
K, so i've gone and crafted a green steel helm with:
1st) Etheral Escalation Earth
2nd) Etheral Escalation Air
for third stage am going
Etheral Escalation xxxx? was thinking positive, air or earth
any suggestions on what to imbue for 3rd stage?
*note that i'll get some stats up for the item tomorrow*
It's the Silence before the storm!
Silly willmaphase type too slow, kargon arms tired from bang drums....
*More drumroll*
... but still may add value as it is not listed in the image list.
I used Ethereal + Escalation + Positive twice. I intend to do it again, unless POS/POS/AIR yields something better than Disruption Guard.
Hmmm I just noticed something unexpected about these bracers (crafted last night) and the goggles I made last week. Both are ML11. I kind of assumed they would be ML13 since greensteel weapons are now ML12. But I guess not. What were they before the latest patch?
Kargon...Why not just turn a ham sideways and beat on it.
Get the ham softer and less hurt on head.
Here is my latest upgrade:
Thanks must go to my guild (Neo Skullriders) for all the donations of large ingredients so I could carry out this upgrade. I also want to thank all the contributers to this post for their invaluable help, especially Cambo and Inkblack for their collation of all the results, but everyone who contributed to the discussion too. I also want to thank the devs for their sometimes cryptic replies to my PMs - you know who you are!
Good luck in your upgrades - we now have another few dozen 3rd tier upgrades to discover!
Last edited by willphase; 02-15-2009 at 12:37 AM. Reason: moved images to
Garth 20/ftr (Kensei) Haeson 20/clr Cairis 12/ftr 6/rgr 2/rog Xortan 20/wiz
Tinosa 20/brd Garthbot 20/fvs Gaarth 18/ftr 1/rgr 1/rog (Stal Def)
Tibetan 20/mnk Automatic DDO raid timers Haezon 20/sor (Conj)