Ok, I did a *HUGE* Update to the DDO Wiki section on Crafting: http://ddo.enterwiki.net/page/Crafting
At this point, I believe that the pattern for many of the upgrades are well-established, so I have marked many of the Invasion and Subjugation Recipes as confirmed, even though we do not have screenshots, but the Stat-based bonuses (+6 on Weapon, then +1 Exceptional, or Wiz 6 & +1 Skills Bonus, then +50 SP & +2 Skills Bonus, and the like) have been repeated enough times to make it pretty clear that they can be counted on.
I also added, per Cambo's comment, an optional view for the Invasion Altar of the crafting bonuses grouped by type (all the +Stats together, all the +SP together)... I have not made the optional views for the Subjugation or Devastation yet, but I probably will, based on feedback. I think, for now, having both are good, in that the original view is good for showing which recipes of each Focus type need to be tested still.
Let me know if you see any errors, or anything I missed. I did see a conflict between the Wiki, and the 2 Spreadsheets on Air/Escalation/Ethereal...one of them listed Wisdom, but that doesn't make sense, as there should be 2 Charisma, 2 Wisdom, 2 Intelligence, just like there appears to be 2 Str, 2 Dex, 2 Con... and I found conflicting reports on the Forums dor AEE as well, seeing both Wis and Cha... but I believe it is CHA... so I am going with that until I see proof otherwise (which would mean that another one of them is wrong)