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  1. #701
    Community Member Dworkin_of_Amber's Avatar
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    Ok, I did a *HUGE* Update to the DDO Wiki section on Crafting:

    At this point, I believe that the pattern for many of the upgrades are well-established, so I have marked many of the Invasion and Subjugation Recipes as confirmed, even though we do not have screenshots, but the Stat-based bonuses (+6 on Weapon, then +1 Exceptional, or Wiz 6 & +1 Skills Bonus, then +50 SP & +2 Skills Bonus, and the like) have been repeated enough times to make it pretty clear that they can be counted on.

    I also added, per Cambo's comment, an optional view for the Invasion Altar of the crafting bonuses grouped by type (all the +Stats together, all the +SP together)... I have not made the optional views for the Subjugation or Devastation yet, but I probably will, based on feedback. I think, for now, having both are good, in that the original view is good for showing which recipes of each Focus type need to be tested still.

    Let me know if you see any errors, or anything I missed. I did see a conflict between the Wiki, and the 2 Spreadsheets on Air/Escalation/ of them listed Wisdom, but that doesn't make sense, as there should be 2 Charisma, 2 Wisdom, 2 Intelligence, just like there appears to be 2 Str, 2 Dex, 2 Con... and I found conflicting reports on the Forums dor AEE as well, seeing both Wis and Cha... but I believe it is CHA... so I am going with that until I see proof otherwise (which would mean that another one of them is wrong)
    Dworkin, Benedict, Gerard, Vialle, Beldin... too many to list
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  2. #702
    Community Member Dworkin_of_Amber's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rilen View Post
    air + earth = +3 deflection, +3 resistance, +10 balance on both wearable items & weapons.
    Rilen, can you PLEASE give us a screenshot of the weapon and item in question? We need to see the details on them to be able to include them in the Wiki & other places.
    Dworkin, Benedict, Gerard, Vialle, Beldin... too many to list
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  3. #703


    Quote Originally Posted by Dworkin of Amber View Post
    I also added, per Cambo's comment, an optional view for the Invasion Altar of the crafting bonuses grouped by type (all the +Stats together, all the +SP together)... I have not made the optional views for the Subjugation or Devastation yet, but I probably will, based on feedback. I think, for now, having both are good, in that the original view is good for showing which recipes of each Focus type need to be tested still.
    I added a sortable option to the table, does that do what is needed?, #1 source for DDO information.

  4. #704


    Quote Originally Posted by Dworkin of Amber View Post
    At this point, I believe that the pattern for many of the upgrades are well-established, so I have marked many of the Invasion and Subjugation Recipes as confirmed, even though we do not have screenshots, but the Stat-based bonuses (+6 on Weapon, then +1 Exceptional, or Wiz 6 & +1 Skills Bonus, then +50 SP & +2 Skills Bonus, and the like) have been repeated enough times to make it pretty clear that they can be counted on.
    Can I advise coloring the unconfirmed recipes and/or the "Unknowns" in an additional color (edit -- And potentially even un-coloring the "confirmed" recipes, since there are now more of them)? This would make it easier to see what's really unknown and what just needs to be verified.
    Last edited by MysticTheurge; 02-14-2008 at 02:41 PM.
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  5. #705
    Community Member Dworkin_of_Amber's Avatar
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    I just checked it out... and while it can get it to where you need to... it takes multiple clicks and it isn't very intuitive.... also, you loose all the "Break" lines for easier reading.
    Dworkin, Benedict, Gerard, Vialle, Beldin... too many to list
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  6. #706
    Community Member Dworkin_of_Amber's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge View Post
    Can I advise coloring the unconfirmed recipes and/or the "Unknowns" in an additional color? This would make it easier to see what's really unknown and what just needs to be verified.

    Ergh... Umm, I guess I could go back and un-color the "Unconfirmed but very certain" items to clarify... but are we really that concerned with Verifying every one of these recipes, when every indication is that they follow the pattern quite nicely?

    As for the ones that are good supposition, but have no certainty (like the other Greater Resists, the +6 STR, and the Energy Absorptions) because they have only appeared once, and we haven't established the pattern... those have the ** in front of them and are Italicized, just like the Unknowns.
    Dworkin, Benedict, Gerard, Vialle, Beldin... too many to list
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  7. #707


    Quote Originally Posted by Dworkin of Amber View Post
    Ergh... Umm, I guess I could go back and un-color the "Unconfirmed but very certain" items to clarify... but are we really that concerned with Verifying every one of these recipes, when every indication is that they follow the pattern quite nicely?
    Right, leave those alone (or uncolor all of them).

    Quote Originally Posted by Dworkin of Amber View Post
    As for the ones that are good supposition, but have no certainty (like the other Greater Resists, the +6 STR, and the Energy Absorptions) because they have only appeared once, and we haven't established the pattern... those have the ** in front of them and are Italicized, just like the Unknowns.
    These are the ones I meant. It seems to me that the more useful information at this point would be to know which ones still need to be tested. And so highlighting the untested and unknown ones in a different color (or having them be the only ones in color) would make them easier to spot.

    But I guess maybe I'm looking to get something different out of the chart than most people (who might want to just see the ones that are known).
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  8. #708
    Community Member Rilen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dworkin of Amber View Post
    Rilen, can you PLEASE give us a screenshot of the weapon and item in question? We need to see the details on them to be able to include them in the Wiki & other places.
    PM sent Dworkin. I'm replying off the results database I maintain for a group that is working these combos privately. I check in here now and again to see how other folks are coming along. Upshot, I've offered some info - feel free to call it unconfirmed if you like, but we're not bothering w/ screenshots. I'll completely understand if you guys prefer "no SS, no post" in this thread.

    Rilen | Celana | Declen | Naelius | Whisky | Leighroy | Shortribs | Spareribs | Diani | Oui | Owe | Lei
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  9. #709
    Community Member Myrdinn's Avatar
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    Do you know the result for the combination of Earth + Water and Water + Negative?

    These are the only one without answer right now.

    After that it's gonna be the find the combination of 3 for all possibility :P


  10. #710
    Community Member Rilen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Myrdinn View Post

    Do you know the result for the combination of Earth + Water and Water + Negative?

    These are the only one without answer right now.

    After that it's gonna be the find the combination of 3 for all possibility :P

    earth + water (or water+earth, order doesnt matter) yields Cloudkill (3/rest) .. this from memory, I will check when
    I get home.

    negative + water (or water + negative).. I posted earlier that this is the only special effect I am
    uncertain of in the first+second upgrade recipes .. should yield "salt" .. my best guess would
    be Horrid Wilting (2/rest) .. but again, that is 100% a guess.
    Rilen | Celana | Declen | Naelius | Whisky | Leighroy | Shortribs | Spareribs | Diani | Oui | Owe | Lei
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  11. #711
    Community Member Dworkin_of_Amber's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge View Post
    Right, leave those alone (or uncolor all of them).

    These are the ones I meant. It seems to me that the more useful information at this point would be to know which ones still need to be tested. And so highlighting the untested and unknown ones in a different color (or having them be the only ones in color) would make them easier to spot.

    But I guess maybe I'm looking to get something different out of the chart than most people (who might want to just see the ones that are known).
    Ok, I updated the Invasion Altar with my best guess at what was confirmed/not confirmed... I honestly don't have the time to check everything one at a time right now (but I might be able to do it tomorrow.) I set the Unconfirmed but strongly suspected to a pink background... I also have *NOT* update the Alternate View version or the Subjugation Altar recipes... but I will do my best to get it done over the weekend.

    EDIT: Ok, I'm heading home for the day (I do this @ work!)... so MT, take another look and let me know if that is more what you are thinking of. I will try my best to go over everything one-at-a-time to verify if they are Confirmed, Known, Speculation, or Unknown (I think that is a better way to Classify everything). And once I get through Invasion, I will update the Alternate View and the Subjugation Recipes.
    Last edited by Dworkin of Amber; 02-14-2008 at 03:50 PM.
    Dworkin, Benedict, Gerard, Vialle, Beldin... too many to list
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  12. #712


    Quote Originally Posted by Dworkin of Amber View Post
    EDIT: Ok, I'm heading home for the day (I do this @ work!)... so MT, take another look and let me know if that is more what you are thinking of. I will try my best to go over everything one-at-a-time to verify if they are Confirmed, Known, Speculation, or Unknown (I think that is a better way to Classify everything). And once I get through Invasion, I will update the Alternate View and the Subjugation Recipes.
    I've took care of what I've seen as not confirmed yet, Dworkin... let me know on MSN when ya get home.

    EDIT: I did the same to Subjugation. Let me know if I unconfirmed already confirmed ones. I'll scan the thread this weekend to be sure.
    Last edited by Borror0; 02-14-2008 at 04:17 PM., #1 source for DDO information.

  13. #713
    Waylander of the Stolen Blade Cambo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rilen View Post
    First upgrade earth + second upgrade air (or 1st air, 2nd earth .. doesnt matter): +3 deflection, +3 resistance, +10 balance.
    Any chance of confirming the name of the tempered.

    Thanks for the info

  14. #714


    Quote Originally Posted by Dworkin of Amber View Post
    so MT, take another look and let me know if that is more what you are thinking of.
    Yeah, it makes it easier to pick out the "Unknowns" for experimentation.
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  15. #715
    Waylander of the Stolen Blade Cambo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hence View Post
    Attn: Cambo... you placed this under fire focus. Should be Earth.

    No one has tried Material + Opposition + Negative on an item yet?
    Considering that the positive version is Lesser Regeneration, Im very curious what the negative version is. If anyone knows, please share!


  16. #716
    Community Member Bloodyfury's Avatar
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    I've a question about Air+Air, as it's on DDOWiki

    This combo should gives Haste x3 caster lvl 16, which is cool.

    Now I'm thinking about going Air all the way, no idea what it could gives tho... big bonus for melee or range alacrity?

    So I'm wondering if the guy that crafted these plans to try Air too on the tier 3 upgrade or if he already tried it.

    tx for the answer

  17. #717
    Community Member Dworkin_of_Amber's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bloodyfury View Post
    I've a question about Air+Air, as it's on DDOWiki

    This combo should gives Haste x3 caster lvl 16, which is cool.

    Now I'm thinking about going Air all the way, no idea what it could gives tho... big bonus for melee or range alacrity?

    So I'm wondering if the guy that crafted these plans to try Air too on the tier 3 upgrade or if he already tried it.

    tx for the answer
    I have not seen anything on Air//Air//Air yet, so I'm not sure what it will offer. I have a bit of speculations on what the 3rd Air upgrade will bring, but as for the "Special Mix" Enhancement, I have no idea... I am guessing that the On-Hit (for a Weapon) chance to cast Lightning/Chain Lighting/Cloudburst (or some similar lightning-type effect) will be part of it... like Incineration... but who knows what else there might be in store.
    Dworkin, Benedict, Gerard, Vialle, Beldin... too many to list
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  18. #718
    Community Member Gormenghast's Avatar
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    Quick question for those that are in the know. I went through a slew of posts without finding any conformation. My question is, can you mix upgrades and recieve the higher upgrade at that level or must you progress an upgrade to recieve the higher bonuses. For example do I have to progress my weapons 3 upgrades as x1,x2,x3 to get the third level effect(x3) or can I do say y1,y2,x3 and therfore get the 'x' upgrade at the x3 value, or would it look like y1,y2,x1? Know what I mean? Trying to be clear any help is apreciated in advance

  19. #719
    Waylander of the Stolen Blade Cambo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gormenghast View Post
    Quick question for those that are in the know. I went through a slew of posts without finding any conformation. My question is, can you mix upgrades and recieve the higher upgrade at that level or must you progress an upgrade to recieve the higher bonuses. For example do I have to progress my weapons 3 upgrades as x1,x2,x3 to get the third level effect(x3) or can I do say y1,y2,x3 and therfore get the 'x' upgrade at the x3 value, or would it look like y1,y2,x1? Know what I mean? Trying to be clear any help is apreciated in advance

    you can mix them, but some of the stat bonus stack so its interesting to maintian the line.

  20. #720
    Community Member Gormenghast's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cambo View Post
    you can mix them, but some of the stat bonus stack so its interesting to maintian the line.
    Thanks Cambo for the quick reply. Interesting but not required yes? So I could get +6 wis first upgrade then +2 ac for my second? very interesting, this changes my whole outlook on my choices now, I'll need to farm more ingrediants!!

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