Correction. And 20 Small Khyber Dragonshards = 8 Average Khyber Dragonshards.
See Angelus_Dead's post:
Correction. And 20 Small Khyber Dragonshards = 8 Average Khyber Dragonshards.
See Angelus_Dead's post:
Hey Dworkin of Amber, I went to the Wiki and on the Green Steel recipes page i believe you made a mistake. As far as i know, the only crossbow recipe for a blank found was for a Great Crossbow and not a crossbow in general...I know you said we could update the info, but i didn't want to mess it up. Just thought you should know!![](), #1 source for DDO information.
Reworked Chart again and I think I found a work around for the Item upgrades.
Added all discovered Invasion upgrades, and will be Finishing Subjugation tomorrow.
Eldritch Chart
(And if my math is right, there is almost no way one could usually get lucky enough on the first raid run/each tier without negotiation with other players BEFORE chest pulling.)
Let's use my goal of the Super (later super-duper Tier III) Goggles as an example.
- I have already spent my materials to make Greensteel Googles, or:
(Power Cell=Power cell bought at vendor next to machine or received in drop/trade.)
- Locus Husk, Lilly Petals, Glistening Pebbles, GreenbriarTwig, Power Cell= 1 Filiment of Toil.
- Chimpmunk Funk, Locus Husk, Lilly Petals, Glistening Pebbles,Power Cell= Violet Taper
- Bittersweet Fungi, Chipmunk Funk, Locus Husk, Lilly Petals, Power Cell= Wonderous Oil (recipie 1/2 using Fungi rather than the Greenbriar Twig.)
The above Power Cell, Toil Filament, Violet Taper and Wonderous Oil, Power Cell= Greensteel Googles. This I have confirmed by ownership.
So, if I understand my needs for EACH goggle upgrade on the same or "perfect path" upgrade Tier (first second and third upgrade or the manufactured device [goggle] of Greensteel/Greensteel upgraded once/Greensteel upgraded twice/Greensteel upgraded trice,) I will need for EACH time I upgrade at a shrine of {Invasion/Sujugation/Devastation:}
- My Greensteel/Greensteel upgrated googles.
- The Power Cell of that Tier [May be brought from a vendor at the crafting device tier if not found or owed previously.]
- A Shard of Power of that Tier attuned to positive energy (for this example; other items may need other attunements) that either requires the shard it to be picked up in a chest as a rare drop (including the end battle chests) or requires crafting in the tier's crafting eldrich chamber from:
A Positive Energy Focus [of that tier's level]
- A Positive energy Focus [of that tier's level] requires: 1 Bones, 1 Scales, 1 Stone, 1 Power Cell-which are dropped only in the End Chest between chapters 1 2 and the end of 3 [all of that tier's level. Power cells are the exception and may be bought at the device's vendor and if owner previously but discharged, may be recharged with a +6 rating or higher magicial item destroied into it.]
An Escalation Gem [of that tier's level]
- An Escalation Gem [of that tier's level] requires: 1 Shrapnel, 1 Scales, 1 Stone 1 Power Cell-which are dropped only in the End Chest between chapters 1 2 and the end of 3 [all of that tier's level. Power cells are the exception and may be bought at the device's vendor and if owner previously but discharged, may be recharged with a +6 rating or higher magicial item destroied into it.]
An Etherial Essance [of that tier's level]
- An Etherial Essance [of that tier's level] requires: 1 Chain, 1 Scales, 1 Stone, 1 Power Cell-which are dropped only in the End Chest between chapters 1 2 and the end of 3 [all of that tier's level. Power cells are the exception and may be bought at the device's vendor and if owner previously but discharged, may be recharged with a +6 rating or higher magicial item destroied into it.]
- I created a Blank Greensteel goggles by spending 4 Power cells, 3 Locus' Husks, 3 Lilly Petals, 2 Chipmunk Funk, and a Greenbriar Twig to create it by combining 1 Power Cell, 1 Fillament of Toil, 1 Violet taper and 1 Wonderous Oil [which may be made from two different Tier 1 combinations.]
- I now need find for EACH tier's upgrade: 3 stones 3 scales, 1 Bones and 1 Shrapnel of and 4 Power orbs EACH level (low, medium and high) which *MAY* ONLY drop at the two end chests between raid segments (1 and 2, 2 and 3) or after the final chapter (the final Fiend defeat?)
- The exception to this is Shards of power SOMETIMES drop in chests as a rare item, but STILL need to be attuned to the type as the creation mentioned above and you can buy/recharge found/drained orbs?
Is that right? How would it be realisticly possible for somebody not just **** lucky to even get the FIRST advanced power ingredients at the invasion shrine unless they pulled from TWO chests exactly as listed? Do they expect players having to barter in the middle or a raid, or is it worse and those ingredients bind like the 5 stones you need to collect and form for EACH greensteel blank?
Be careful what you wish for, what you say is best; for sometimes what you seek is found, not at the end of the quest.
I AM, -- the truthseeker
Shards of power are bind-on-acquire components that drop (uncommonly) in the raid. They are not optional. You need the shard + gem + essence + focus to compile the enchantment into an imbued shard, which is then applied to the green steel item.
Power sources aren't a big problem, aside from cash drain. Low orbs drop charged, and can be bought after phase 3 charged. Medium and highs drop uncharged and can be bought uncharged. A bigger problem is that they have to be charged at the same altars you use them at, which requires you to have appropriate junk weapons on hand to consume. If you're like most players and are lucky to have 10 inventory slots free at the beginning of a mission, you may find you need to spend several of those carrying junk that you'll feed to power orbs later, resulting in your inability to take the treasure dropping out of the chests IN the raid.
-Valok of Khyber, The Free Companions
Still furious about the horrendous CS mismanagement of the so-called Abbot timer "exploit," and not going to let anyone forget it.
(Standard): Altar of Invasion success with Shavarath Transformation! Consumed: Shavarath Low Energy Cell, Shard of Power. Created: +5 Green Steel Khopesh. +5 Green Steel Khopesh becomes +5 Health Green Steel Khopesh.
+6 con
Hey Mav,
thanks for the info..we do need to see the shard creation to know the formula though.
Can you please confirm - We 1 method as but you may have used another (particularly if your item does not have earth affinity.
Ethereal + Escalation + Earth = Wpn: +6 Con Longbow
(Standard): Altar of Subjugation success with Shavarath Transformation! Consumed: Shavarath Medium Energy Cell, Shard of Great Power. Created: +5 Health Green Steel Khopesh. +5 Health Green Steel Khopesh becomes +5 Great Commander Green Steel Khopesh.
+6 con
+1 exceptional con
true rez 1/day
positve energy
aspect of positive energy
Hey Mav, Thanks again, but still need the shard recipie not the final upgrade, as there are several ways to get positive focus. Do you have the second recipie used as well for the shard.
The second recipe at least would provie an update for the info on the site.
Looks like you might have used the same recipe on small and medium
Tried the following:
1: Inferior Focus of Fire
1: Cloudy Gem of Dominion
1: Diluted Material Essence
1: Greensteel Weave Gloves
1: Shavarath Low Energy Cell
Result was failure. Lost Energy Cell
Soul (FvS)........
Heck I could "play" DDO just in my head. I could sit in my basement with a big "Nerd-On" making my own world up as I go along.
I am making a leap of Gussiness here but based on the fact that you have 2 posive energy foci that this was the upgrade path.
Shard of Power Upgrade - Material + Escalation + Positive For the +6 Con
** Based that we have seen Material + Escalation + Fire = +6 Dex
Shard of Greater Power Upgrade - Material + Escalation + Positive For the +1 Con
ANd 2 x Positive for the True Ressurection
You're missing a whole step. What you want to combine is:
1: Inferior Focus of Fire
1: Cloudy Gem of Dominion
1: Diluted Material Essence
1: Shard of Power
1: Shavarath Low Energy Cell
That will make an imbued shard. You then combine the Green Steel Gloves, Shard of Power, and Low Energy cell to make the real item.
On another note - mav, ***, that's the kind of nubbery we'd expect from xernon.![]()
-Valok of Khyber, The Free Companions
Still furious about the horrendous CS mismanagement of the so-called Abbot timer "exploit," and not going to let anyone forget it.
Domination and Material will always give something that will damage (ie Frost (Water), Flaming (Fire), Holy (Positive), Unholy (Negative), Shock (Air), etc.) That applies to both the Altar of Invation and the Altar of Subjugation. If so, upgrading a weapon at the Altar of Invasion with Domination, Material and Air focus will apply Shock on a Green Steel blank weapon.
Then, upgrading that same weapon on the altar of Subjugation will probably bestow Chain Lightning like that Bow we saw in the WarCry preview. The same will be possible, I assume, with Fire focus giving Flaming and that random fire effect that was on the +9 Dex Hammer (can't find it anymore).
Also, Escalation and Ethereal together seems to give a +6 to a stat so far.
Of course, all of this is assuming.
Last edited by Borror0; 02-08-2008 at 12:45 PM., #1 source for DDO information.
That would make sense. So, anything that would have Ethereal would give bonuses to a stat?
From the data seen so far, anything that is Positive at the Altar of subjugation will give True Resurection. So yeah, pretty much., #1 source for DDO information.