I am looking to create the walkthrough, but I have not done the raid and am not likely to for some time.
I have taken a crack at it from colated information...please help by confirming/altering this to help the casual gamers out there get a handle of it for when they finally run the raid..
Thanks inf advance...
Walk through guide to making a Green Item and Upgrading it:
Example 1. How to Create +5 Green Steel Longbow then upgrade it to...Green Leutenant Longbow
Make a shopping list of ingredients by planning the upgrade as follows:+5 Green Steel Longbow(1d10)
- Shavarath Signet Stone - Shavarath Stones Might, Battle, Strategy, Foresight (Rainbow Quest), and Victory from Pre-Raid Quests
- Ebberon Energy Cell - From Vendor ? - Price ?
- Ore of Traval - Chipmunk Funk,.Glistening Pebbles,.Greenthorn Twig,.Locus Husk
- Yellow Taper - Bittersweet Fungi,, Glistening Pebbles,Greenthorn Twig,.Locus Husk
- Wonderous Scarab - Bittersweet Fungi, Chipmunk Funk, Lammanian Lily Petals,,Glistening Pebbles
(There are 2 ways to make the Scarab..I have chosen 1 method for demonstration..your ingredient pouch contents may let you do it the other way ) So the base ingredients needed for the blank green weapon are:
5 x Stones from Pre-Raid upgraded to Shavarath Signet Stone
Ebberon Energy Cell - From Vendor
3 x Glistening Pebbles, 2 x Bittersweet Fungi, 2 x Chipmunk Funk, 2 x Locust Husks, 1 x Lammanian Lilly Petals, 2 x Greenthorn Twigs
Then to put the upgrade on the weapon you need to create the shard of power.
We will choose Negative Energy Affinity:Shard Formulation - Negative Energy Affinity:(reported by Kire & Dangerfisher)
Inferior focus of Negative Energy - Chain, Arrow, Shrapnel, Stone
Diluted Material Essence - Shrapnel, Arrowhead, Stone, Scales
Cloudy Gem of Escalation - Chain, Shrapnel, Scales, Stone
Shavarath Low Energy Cell - Found in chests..May need to power it up with a junk item (of the right level) if it is depleted
So the base ingredients needed for the shard of power are:
2 x Small length of Infernal Chain, 2 x Small Glowing Arrowheads, 3 x Small Twisted Shrapnel, 3 x Small Sulferous Stones, 2 x Small Devil Scales, Shavarath Low Energy Cell.
NB: You will also need 1 additional Shavarath Low Energy Cell for the shavarath Transformation + the shard of power and the Green Steel Longbow created above.
Shavarath Transformation - Negative Energy on Weapon:Materials:Shard of Power (Negative Energy Affinity), Shavarath Low Energy Cell. Created: +5 Green Steel Weapon
Benefit: (Longbow) By Kire : +5 Green Steel Longbow becomes +5 Lieutenant Green Steel Longbow. Has negative energy absorption 15% and Negative energy affinity.
a) Collect Iingredients from the lists
b) Complete 5 Pre-Raid Quests (And bound stone from end chest)
c) Gain Favor Access to the Altar in Merida (Talk to ...)
d) Upgrade 5 Stones to Shavarath Signet Stone: Shavarath Stones Might, Battle, Strategy, Foresight (Rainbow Quest), and Victory
e) Upgrade the Green Blank ingredients in the Altar of Fecundity
f) Create the the Green Steel Long Bow in the Altar of Fecundity
g) Enter the Raid and using the Altar of Invasion create the ingredients for the upgrade as per the combinations above
h) Using the Altar of Invasion again create the Shard of Power (Negative Energy Affinity) with recipe above
i) Using the Altar of Invasion again create the Green Steel Leutenant Longbow using the Shavarath Transformation above
The full list of ingredients you need for this process are:
Green Steel Longbow Creation: Tier 1 ingredients
[SIZE=+0][SIZE=+0]5 x Stones from Pre-Raid upgraded to Shavarath Signet Stone[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0]Ebberon Energy Cell - From Vendor[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0]3 x Glistening Pebbles, [/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0]2 x Bittersweet Fungi, [/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0]2 x Chipmunk Funk, [/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0]2 x Locust Husks, [/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0]1 x Lammanian Lilly Petals, [/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0]2 x Greenthorn Twigs[/SIZE]
Shard of Power Creation: Tier 1 ingredients
2 x Small length of Infernal Chain,
2 x Small Glowing Arrowheads,
3 x Small Twisted Shrapnel,
3 x Small Sulferous Stones,
2 x Small Devil Scales,
Shavarath Low Energy Cell. x 2 (Second one for the final transofrmation)
NB: There are 3 levels of Upgrade possibilites for each weapon..Small/Medium/Large) Each carried out on a different altar in the Raid.
.....I have not done this...pleae let me know if I have something incorrect.........