Quote Originally Posted by stockwizard5 View Post
So your conclusion is that EDN/MEP/EDP+MEN would give the MEN Upgrade because the Ns match? I have a sinking feeling that this was not an ideal implementation for determining the 3rd upgrade (aspect version) - really should get both since the power of both is in the combined shard, it would be way simpler to understand, and give us even cooler stuff
/gets out picket sign with 'We want our Cooler Stuffs!' and marches around shouting random strike slogans.

Seriously, though, it would be a lot easier for folks to understand if it was the way you're describing .. I've already got guildies that are ready to hang up the crafting hat because things were too complicated before these 3rd tier combinations were discovered (and thats with planner spreadsheets and websites to help them out - we have both in guild now )