Quote Originally Posted by UtherSRG View Post
Have these been tried?
ore + filament + taper
ore + filament + wonderous
ore + taper + taper
ore + wonderous + wonderous
filament + taper + taper
filament + wonderous + wonderous
taper + taper + wonderous
wonderous + wonderous + taper
Quote Originally Posted by SneakThief View Post
Some of them, yes. There are a couple spread sheets in the first post. The only successes so far follow the pattern of: Key Ingredient (ore or filament) + taper + wonderous where weapons are ore and primary color tapers and Accessories are filaments and secondary color tapers.
Ah, I see the spreadsheets now. It still looks like there are many combinations to try... just because we found one pattern doesn't mean there isn't another pattern in the combinations we haven't tried. It looks like the following have not been tried at all:
ore + filament + taper(any)
filament + taper(any) + taper(any other)
ore + taper(any) + taper(any other)
and only 4 out of the 84 possible combinations without either ore or filament have been tried

Quote Originally Posted by SneakThief View Post
It would seem to be coded to require unique recipes (where ingredients do not repeat) so that the stack substraction is not an issue. i.e. Many people are putting in stacks of each ingredient and not one of each. The alter subtracts the correct amout and leaves the rest. Duplicating ingredients in the recipe would make coding for this messier. That said, I did try around 40 or so duplicates recipies just to feel better about that conclusion. None of them worked.
I wasn't meaning duplicates... just two kinds of tapers, or two kinds of wonderous items (balm, etc.). Certainly there are two "sets" of tapers, so it makes sense to try combinations with two tapers.

Quote Originally Posted by UtherSRG View Post
each item/weapon can have 1, 2, or 3 upgrades, but only 1 small, 1 medium, and 1 large upgrade, and assuming it doesn't matter which order the upgrade happens
An upgrade works one way for a weapons, and possibly another way for an item.
1 upgrade: 3 possible (S, M, or L) => 3 * 2 * 36 = 216 combinations to try (6 small, 1 medium valid so far)
2 upgrades: 3 possible (SM, ML, or SL) => 3 * 2 * 36 * 36 = 7776 combinations (1 SM valid so far)
3 upgrades: 1 possible (SML) => 1 * 2 * 36 * 36 *36 = 93312 combinations (none valid so far)
Quote Originally Posted by SneakThief View Post
I dont know that anyone has tried updgrading a blank with a Medium before adding a Small. A Meduim may require that a Small be present, which would at least knock down your 1 and 2 upgrade numbers. Maybe I will try that tonight.
Yes. That would certainly reduce the possible combinations down to S, SM, or SML:
1 upgrade: 2 * 36 = 72 combinations
2 upgrades: 2 * 36 * 36 = 2592 combinations
3 upgrades: 2 * 36 * 36 * 36 = 93312 combinations

I expect that many of these will be invalid combinations, as the items may have to be upgraded along the "S" line's focus, so that there is only a limited number of M upgrades for each S upgrade, likewise for M -> L.

Quote Originally Posted by SneakThief View Post
The other pattern I see coming out here is that Tier 1 upgrades and Tier 2 upgrades dont mix to make something different they just add different affects with possible synergies if the same matierals are used. That would make the total number of individual effects for 3 upgrades: (36 effects *3 upgrades *2 item types = 216) + Synergies?. What exactly is needed for a synergy I havent seen yet. It could be you need to use the same Foci, Gem, AND Essence for all upgrades, or possibly just the same Foci, Gem, OR essence. We will have to see as more Tier 2 and 3 uppgrade combos are tried. Though, I suspect that it will be along the just Foci line since that is the only thing that shows up on the actual item (Affinity to XXX), which would limit it down to 5 Synergies at any level with a total of maybe 30 new effects.
Exactly so.