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As far as I am concerned that is the UBER fighter weapon. In my wildest dreams those are the exact combination of attributes I'd want.
I would never want for another weapon again.
I just have to decide if I want it on a longsword or a greatsword.
/death counter
You have died 67 times.
Once we find out what the third elemental focus used was, we can test to see if the other elemental foci combinations from that specific element will give us the same Transmuting/Slicing/Keen combination. (Though I think the Keen is kinda superfluous. Who doesn't have Imp. Crit. in the weapon type they're using by the time they hit 12?)
Person Æ, SarlonaTanka (Elf Tempest Trapper) .:. Darani (Aasimar Inquisileric) .:. Raelyth (Elf Artifonk)
Originally Posted by willphase
Whatever solution the problem of upgrading tier 2 quasi/para/special upgrades to tier 3 is, it has to be consistent for all the upgrades - so while this solution it potentially viable for the mineral upgrade, it would not expand to the other elemental combinations because the devs have already said that only the soul gems of earth are being used in the game at the moment - and there are also no gem subtypes available for many of the paraelemental combinations (e.g. smoke, magma)
I'm planing on testing the latest ideas on Monday (once I'm off timer) so we should hopefully have an answer then... I can't wait
Taking will's advice, I looked back at some of his posts in this thread, I believe we have our answer, but should wait for his official wordOriginally Posted by willphase
No - and I think this is the way to go. I'm not sure I'm going to need a 3rd empty shard though - I think they will probably just 'combine' with the power cell.Originally Posted by Tarnoc
so her goes my latest thoughts theories
let s say you go positive and earth for an aspect of mineral
has anyone tried to imbue a shard with a (supreme one)foci of positive (supreme one)gem of escalation and the large essence of earth from a 30hd trap the soul????thus making a supreme shard of mineral????
lol maybe we only need 8 large ingreidients to make the uber upgrade
I just need 4 more large ingredients to test this theory - hopefully they will materialise.
So, if you went posotive tier1, earth tier2, then at tier3, take a posotive supreme imbued shard, and a earth supreme impued shard, and combine them together with a energy orb, to create ????, then put that on the weapon, you get your super tier3... Just my opinion, but if the answer is in his posts, this is probably it...
Last edited by Sanadil; 03-04-2008 at 08:06 AM.
Vinton's Place - DDO Game Guide V3.6.0 - 10/12/2011 - My DDO
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Looks like willphase went:
Person Æ, SarlonaTanka (Elf Tempest Trapper) .:. Darani (Aasimar Inquisileric) .:. Raelyth (Elf Artifonk)
Have a question about the Eberron Setting?
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Like MT said: And?
Here's how I work with my characters with respect to something similar, as they level up and acquire better items. Let's take my Wizard for example. I always maintained an even INT value, no matter what her INT items were. If I got a new INT item that bumps her up to an odd value, I buy back her top INT enhancement and use those extra APs for something else. When she can then buy +2 INT she does so, buying back those extra APs again, or she puts on yet another better INT item.
The same can be done with someone who only uses weapons with Keen. They can buy back their Imp Crit feat for something else. Then, when they discard Keen, they can buy back Imp Crit again.
It's all in the trade off.
And the weapon isn't useful 100% of the time, so it's also not wise to respec out a feat that is useful across the board.
Eladrins, for instance, will only take the base damage from the weapon. Neither Holy nor Acid will affect them. You're better off with a Transmuting of Greater Bane for them.
You still want to use smiters and banishers sometimes, right? Imp Crit helps with that (OK, not so much the banisher on a slasher, but the point remains).
You may not be gimping yourself, but you're making your own questing that much more difficult by going with the Flavor Of The Month.
Person Æ, SarlonaTanka (Elf Tempest Trapper) .:. Darani (Aasimar Inquisileric) .:. Raelyth (Elf Artifonk)
Congrats, Will! U're the Man!
Hmm..now tat Will has unlock the tier 3 combos, n even manage to get Transmute, Keen & Slicing, I belive with the rite combinations, Vorps, paralyzing, cursespewing, Wounding & puncturing mayb open for us too...
All we need is to find the rite combination..i hope so...![]()
Have a question about the Eberron Setting?
Ask a Loremaster.
Hrm... I don't think they'd go so far as to give us the ability to make vorpals or the other big 5... yet. But it's time to start listing the 3rd tier bonuses...
Mineral: Weapon: Keen, Transmuting, Slicing, enhanced durability & hardness? - Item:
Radiance: Weapon: - Item:
Steam: Weapon: - Item:
Lightning: Weapon: - Item:
Dust: Weapon: - Item:
Ash: Weapon: - Item:
Salt: Weapon: - Item:
Vacuum: Weapon: - Item:
Existential Stalemate: Weapon: - Item:
Smoke: Weapon: - Item:
Magma: Weapon: - Item:
Ooze: Weapon: - Item:
Ice: Weapon: - Item:
Tempered: Weapon: - Item:
Balance of Land and Sky: Weapon: - Item:
any evidence to suggest that you can't double up the same type of focus in the altar of devastation? A supreme fire and a supreme fire for instance?
Aeneas - Boosterseat - Eulogy - Diminutive - Moths
DDOwiki.com, #1 source for DDO information.
So. . . .
What happens if you do the following upgrade path:
Tier One: AEE (+6 Charisma)
Tier Two: FEO (+2 Insight AC, plus Aspect of Smoke; Displacement clickie)
Tier Three: Combine +EE with -MO (+2 Charisma PLUS 15% Negative Absorption?????)
I'm rather curious what that'd do as a standalone Tier 3 Bonus.
"Traps don't do damage. They ask you to do damage to yourself." -Andy Menard
Release your inner dwarf. Then get him some ale!
I'm going to speculate that the "uber" special third tier bonuses are:
balance of land and sky w/ tempered
existential stalemate w/ balance of land and sky
existential stalemate w/ tempered
No way of knowing at this point if the order will matter, but if it does, that's six possibilities instead of three.
As a Cleric, when I found out that existential stalemate was changed from +4 to +6 Wis on accessories at 6.1, I slightly altered what I was planning with my goggles and went:
for third tier now I don't know if I'm going:
ethereal/escalation/air + earth which should still give me the +100 spell points and +3 to cha based skills which may create an "uber" third tier bonus effect
ethereal/escalation/pos + neg and play it safe with another existential stalemate
Also, just an fyi, someone on my server has pulled the essence of cleansing and from the report I'm hearing, it's bind on aquire.