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  1. #1761
    Founder Garth_of_Sarlona's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tarnoc View Post
    so her goes my latest thoughts theories

    let s say you go positive and earth for an aspect of mineral

    has anyone tried to imbue a shard with a (supreme one)foci of positive (supreme one)gem of escalation and the large essence of earth from a 30hd trap the soul????thus making a supreme shard of mineral????

    lol maybe we only need 8 large ingreidients to make the uber upgrade
    Whatever solution the problem of upgrading tier 2 quasi/para/special upgrades to tier 3 is, it has to be consistent for all the upgrades - so while this solution it potentially viable for the mineral upgrade, it would not expand to the other elemental combinations because the devs have already said that only the soul gems of earth are being used in the game at the moment - and there are also no gem subtypes available for many of the paraelemental combinations (e.g. smoke, magma)

    I'm planing on testing the latest ideas on Monday (once I'm off timer) so we should hopefully have an answer then... I can't wait


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  2. #1762
    Uber Completionist Lithic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raidon View Post
    Back to the serious discussion of this thread ,

    Did u know..... Besides liquids, solids and GAS may be present in magma.

    So if the Devs are using Geology for Magma II, and no hanky panky with soul gems / Dual foci etc, my reasoning is as simple as a 3rd upgrade of air focus on a magma item.

    Put that gas into the magma
    Actually depending on the type of magma, there can be a huge (For rocks at least) concentration of water. Most of the "gas" comming off lava/volcanoes is water vapour.

    Water concentration in molten rock has large effects on viscosity, melting temperature, crystalization of minerals, etc.

    Maybe try a water focus then?
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  3. #1763
    Community Member Raidon's Avatar
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    Default hmm

    Well had to totally scrap thoughts on the foci being the special. why?

    Positive Earth (Mineral) Earth = no special
    Positive Earth (Mineral) Positive = no special
    Earth Positive (Mineral) Negative = no special

    So as there are no para-quasi specials then all three 3rd upgrades for Mineral have been tried and failed , i.e Mineral / Earth , Mineral / Positive , Mineral /Negative.

    So there has to be something else that upgrades to mineral II .

  4. #1764
    Community Member Vesuvia's Avatar
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    Like I suggested some 20 something pages back, the key will likely be the combinations of material/etheral but more then likely the combinations of escalation/dominion/opposition being the key to empower an aspect to an aspect 2, not just adding another element.

  5. #1765
    Waylander of the Stolen Blade Cambo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raidon View Post
    Well had to totally scrap thoughts on the foci being the special. why?

    Positive Earth (Mineral) Earth = no special
    Positive Earth (Mineral) Positive = no special
    Earth Positive (Mineral) Negative = no special

    So as there are no para-quasi specials then all three 3rd upgrades for Mineral have been tried and failed , i.e Mineral / Earth , Mineral / Positive , Mineral /Negative.

    So there has to be something else that upgrades to mineral II .
    There goes my theroy that it was simple simple.
    Perhaps earth + positive + Eart......could the order of the first 2 change it ? I hope not...
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  6. #1766
    Community Member Shima-ra's Avatar
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    Just an idea on the fly.

    Water + air = cold
    So what can make it even more cold? I can only think about negative.
    Think about chill touch for exemple.

    °Shima Ra °Roots °Zielle °Sisqi °Downpour

  7. #1767
    Community Member Snoggy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cowdenicus View Post
    I am being serious and I will not out any information until a. I have the info, AND b. I have their permission.

    For those that think I am lieing, or being greedy, or whatever, I am just going by the information that I have recieved BUT if this si the reaction I am going to get from people, maybe I should not even bother getting the info for general release, or even attempting it.

    Some people are just showing alot of ungratefulness. Jeez.

    Your best bet would have been to not post anything at all until you'd gotten permission or gotten it confirmed. You opened pandora's box so expect to take some heat. It's not personal, it's just the way of the internet.

  8. #1768


    Quote Originally Posted by Snoggy View Post
    Your best bet would have been to not post anything at all until you'd gotten permission or gotten it confirmed. You opened pandora's box so expect to take some heat. It's not personal, it's just the way of the internet.
    Hopefuly it was to make pressure on the guy.

    I heard a little about it from a few friends on his server, seems like he speak the truth. From what I've been told about the said player, it seems very likely that he has found out something neat as he has a lot of ingrediant at his disposal.

    Either we get lucky and the guy shares, or he enjoys his moment of uberness until someone else figures it out.

    Again, very sorry Cow., #1 source for DDO information.

  9. #1769
    Community Member Naso24's Avatar
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    I ran the raid earlier today. I believe Cowdenicus, the group I was in was making a special Tier 3 upgrade. They did not share info on what item, combo, or anything. And I believe they were successful, given the amount of time they spend on and they are pretty uber players.

    I asked what they made, and was pretty much given the same answer, that they are just keeping things in guild for now, but they have been successful multiple times.

    It wouldn't make much of a difference for me. Ransacked, and only have 3 large components and no supreme shard.
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  10. #1770
    Community Member Tanka's Avatar
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    Honestly, the "not telling haha" thing sounds a lot more like an exploit of the system than anything else at this point.
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  11. #1771
    Community Member Snoggy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Borror0 View Post
    Hopefuly it was to make pressure on the guy.
    You're probably right. Just hope Mr. Cowdenicus doesn't take the heat he gets personally, because it's just people being excited about new discoveries is all. And impatience. Impatience is a huge aspect of video-gaming.

    On a side-note, Radion posted what I've been wanting to hear for about 40 pages now!

    Positive in Tier 1 + Earth in Tier 2 + Positive in Tier 3 does not equal an extra bonus effect. Oh well, sucks for me, but good to finally know that. As with many others, the drop rate on large ingredients has been quite slow for me. Many thanks to the people here who are testing these combines like mad scientists and posting their results.
    Last edited by Snoggy; 03-01-2008 at 10:58 PM. Reason: proper attribution

  12. #1772


    Quote Originally Posted by Snoggy
    Just hope Mr. Cow doesn't take the heat he gets personally
    First people confuse me with Ghoste earlier today, now people are confusing me with Cowdenicus, sheesh.
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  13. #1773
    Community Member Snoggy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrCow View Post
    First people confuse me with Ghoste earlier today, now people are confusing me with Cowdenicus, sheesh.
    Ack. I know you are MrCow. I was just trying to be polite to Mr. Cowdenicus. Serves me right for shortening things that way.

  14. #1774
    Tasty Ham Hunter Kargon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge View Post
    Stacks like Healing * 1.3 * 1.3 (or about +70% healing)? Or stacks like Healing * (1 + 0.3 + 0.3), or +60% healing?
    Kargon not pay close enough attentimion to figure out if are 60% or 70% healamalling, all kargon know are cure serious wands like to heal for 47 hp all of a suddamen

  15. #1775


    Quote Originally Posted by Kargon View Post
    Kargon not pay close enough attentimion to figure out if are 60% or 70% healamalling, all kargon know are cure serious wands like to heal for 47 hp all of a suddamen
    See if you can get a cleric to test you with Heal?

    Since Heal's always a fixed number, it's a good way to test those healing things.
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  16. #1776
    Founder Garth_of_Sarlona's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge View Post
    See if you can get a cleric to test you with Heal?

    Since Heal's always a fixed number, it's a good way to test those healing things.
    Unfortunately, my cleric has stopped healing Kargon since I realised that I couldn't kill him any more.


    Garth 20/ftr (Kensei) Haeson 20/clr Cairis 12/ftr 6/rgr 2/rog Xortan 20/wiz
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  17. #1777
    Community Member Ilandrya's Avatar
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    While I feel that it is perfectly within this individual/guilds right to do with their information as they see fit to do, I can say that beyond some basic testing to make sure their method is consistantly accurate, which it appears they have already done, the mentality that this information needs to be kept secret is purely egocentric and self serving, and cannot be justly rationalized as anything else. While that attitude may be prevelent in other mmos, the only rational reason for taking that attitude is when competition/war with other players plays a central part to the theme of the mmo. That is not the case with DDO, so to do anything else but share says a lot about the nature of that guild.

    A run is only as good as the players, the builds, and their equipment. They are decreasing the effectiveness of the pug groups they run in by not sharing this information, so they are not playing in the best interest of the groups they are in, and I know they do not only run with their own guild. There is no reason not to share... I've heard the argument in other "Elite" guilds I have been in that they did all the hard work why should they let others be lazy etc.... it's just another arguement to justify their selfishness to themselves... no consideration is given for those who are on limited time constraints and simply have real lives that are complicated enough that they can't take the time to puzzle it out for themselves, or just are not gifted with that particular skill set. (I've been in egocentric guilds before... they tend not to last long because of all the infighting.... too many egos/cooks in the kitchen tends to spoil the food, and for some reason these types of guilds always seem to collect too many egocentric members than is good for them... but egocentrics are attracted to uber statuses, so that's in keeping with the fact that like attracts like.)

    This attitude is not kind, not in the best interest of the players or game, and has no real value given the nature of this mmo... so why do it? Do you really think not sharing makes others look at you as being "more uber"? Think of the mentality of most of the people who play this game... the player base is not like most other mmos.... it's not a bunch of insecure or under developed tweens you are playing with. While you may in your own mind think yourself "more uber" for having this secret, in reality you are more likely to be looked down upon by others where this particular mmo is concerned. Selfishness without just cause (when you have less than you need... not want, need) is not a positive trait in real life, and really quite sad when it comes to something that is only a game, especially one that has no reason for it, IMHO.

    I can zerg, I'm a good player, I have nice gear, and I've been called elite and uber many times, and have been in uber guilds, but that has never been why I play this game. It's to have fun. I find I have more fun by being kind and helping others than being greedy/self centered. If the groups I am in are better educated about the game and better equipped, it makes the runs smoother for everyone, and helps those who have limited time to play. When I had Ilandrya initially, I never took raid loot because I knew I was going to be rerolling her at some point, and to me it was selfish to do so knowing that. I've seen people take raid loot that they had no possible conceivable use for, instead of offering it up to others, and just shake my head. Sometimes I keep nice things simply to auction them because as a person who pretty much runs only a Cleric, I have to find a way to pay for my supplies somehow, but I've also been known in the past to have uber loot giveaways when my bank has become too full and I have enough plat. While just at home zerging a quest with elitists, I have no problem walking people through something or "flower sniffing" because I happen to have the time to play that way and the patience to do so. Not everyone does, and sometimes for good reason, like a medical condition or time constraints. The trick is to be understanding of other people's differences, and accomodate them or if you cannot do so, try not to run with them. But I digress... this type of thing goes beyond justifiable personal differences though... it's just ego with no real point or purpose. If you want to feel good, you might be better off with your favorite rich dessert, a day spa, a nice cocktail or two, or going and giving your kids a hug and a kiss...

    Just my 2 coppers.
    Last edited by Ilandrya; 03-02-2008 at 03:26 AM.

  18. #1778
    Community Member Shima-ra's Avatar
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    Can we stop talking about players with no names and what they pretend to do.
    Any dork can say ''Oh I crafted something uber but I wont tell what it is'' and have a good laugh at all the hooked fishes. I just dont care.

    Lets get back to the matter at hand: Results or Theory.

    °Shima Ra °Roots °Zielle °Sisqi °Downpour

  19. #1779
    Community Member Ilandrya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shima-ra View Post
    Can we stop talking about players with no names and what they pretend to do.
    For some of us, these players have names, and a guild with reputation enough to warrant that what is being said is valid. Saying they are pretending is an assumption you are making, and those who are on the server in question who have more information to go on feel otherwise.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shima-ra View Post
    Any dork can say ''Oh I crafted something uber but I wont tell what it is'' and have a good laugh at all the hooked fishes. I just dont care.
    True enough, but as I said, I doubt that to be the case here.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shima-ra View Post
    Lets get back to the matter at hand: Results or Theory.
    I'm sorry my post was not what you specifically were looking for, but I have a right to discuss what I see fit to discuss as long as it is in keeping with DDO forum rules. To me, this issue pertains to results... ones that are not being shared.

  20. #1780
    Founder philo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ilandrya View Post
    For some of us, these players have names, and a guild with reputation enough to warrant that what is being said is valid. Saying they are pretending is an assumption you are making, and those who are on the server in question who have more information to go on feel otherwise.
    We could just post that persons forum name and release the hounds on him=X hahaha

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