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  1. #1741
    Founder & Hero jjflanigan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cowdenicus View Post
    I am being serious and I will not out any information until a. I have the info, AND b. I have their permission.

    For those that think I am lieing, or being greedy, or whatever, I am just going by the information that I have recieved BUT if this si the reaction I am going to get from people, maybe I should not even bother getting the info for general release, or even attempting it.

    Some people are just showing alot of ungratefulness. Jeez.
    While that may be ungrateful is it for the person who got the item to not be willing to post up the information here, knowing full well they took at least some information from this thread or from the people who helped with the thread?


    It was pointed out to me that it's entirely possible that the person who found the "holy grail" could have been either a main contributor to info in this thread or even possibly just someone that worked long and hard with his or her guild to track down info. I shouldn't assume they are taking from the community without giving back, so I apologize in that regard. I mainly just was trying to state that I could see why people would get frustrated when many of them have also spent large amounts of time and effort trying to track things down and now they feel that someone who may or may not have used their info has discovered something special and is unwilling to share it with the community for some reason....however, I cannot really understand any logic behind not sharing the info since this isn't a competitive gaming environment. All releasing the info would do would get the person praise and adulation. *shrug* Sorry if I came across as self-righteous, it's a big personality flaw of mine
    Last edited by jjflanigan; 03-01-2008 at 07:41 AM.

  2. #1742
    Community Member EspyLacopa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cowdenicus View Post
    Some people are just showing alot of ungratefulness. Jeez.
    How can there be ungratefulness if you haven't given them anything?
    "Traps don't do damage. They ask you to do damage to yourself." -Andy Menard
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  3. #1743
    Founder Gol's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cowdenicus View Post
    I am being serious and I will not out any information until a. I have the info, AND b. I have their permission.

    For those that think I am lieing, or being greedy, or whatever, I am just going by the information that I have recieved BUT if this si the reaction I am going to get from people, maybe I should not even bother getting the info for general release, or even attempting it.
    Assuming that the mystery contact actually exists and isn't just you talking about yourself in third person, they're the real a-holes here.

  4. #1744
    Community Member CaseStringer's Avatar
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    Exclamation Apology

    Mr. Cow, I never meant to presume that you were witholding anything...I believe that you know some one who has created a new Tier3 special effect...My only 'beef',(no pun intended) is that said person(s) had used info from this thread to get this far...and is now holding back information to the very people who helped their crafting endevours...I appauld anyone who has figured out this cryptic puzzle...but to take input from this thread and not give back to it when a breakthrough is reached...Well, It's just not right! Too many people are putting alot of time and effort into it. If they do not wish to share with the community, that's OK...But spare us the melodrama of... someone found it but i know not what it is...

  5. #1745
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cowdenicus View Post
    I am being serious and I will not out any information until a. I have the info, AND b. I have their permission.

    For those that think I am lieing, or being greedy, or whatever, I am just going by the information that I have recieved BUT if this si the reaction I am going to get from people, maybe I should not even bother getting the info for general release, or even attempting it.

    Some people are just showing alot of ungratefulness. Jeez.
    Well, Cow doesn't even know the info so no need to beat up on Cow.

    But the dude that supposedly figured it out...If someone got to tier 3 super bonus without ever reading this forum or getting any information from this forum directly or indirectly (via getting advice from someone that had) then they don't have to share. If they did use any info directly or indirectly then they are damaging their repuation.

  6. #1746
    Community Member apious1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cowdenicus View Post
    I am being serious and I will not out any information until a. I have the info, AND b. I have their permission.

    For those that think I am lieing, or being greedy, or whatever, I am just going by the information that I have recieved BUT if this si the reaction I am going to get from people, maybe I should not even bother getting the info for general release, or even attempting it.

    Some people are just showing alot of ungratefulness. Jeez.
    Dude, are you serious? I am going to assume you are messing around. Besides, I have a funny feeling that I know who you might be talking about, or at least which guild. It really makes me laugh when guilds try to say, "Hey, this is a guild secret (exploit) don't tell anyone outside the guild or the Devs will find out and nerf it."

    I am not going to mention any specific names/guild names but it was very interesting seeing a certain group of individuals consistently running this raid WITH pugs until about three weeks ago and more LFM's. However, if you check the WHO panel you will see that those same people are still running it. Either, 1. their guild population increased enough to accomodate not having to pug, 2. they found a way to do it with smaller groups (which really is quite possible, just not as easy or fast), or 3. they found an exploit and are not opening groups up to unknown puggers to try to keep it a secret. Trust me, I don't care either way but it always makes me laugh.

    Seriously, do you guys that know about exploits and try to keep them a "guild secret" REALLY think that the Devs don't know? Let's pretend I am a Dev. I build a brand new raid that I know everyone is going to play the hell out of. Then what? You think I am going to sit of the forums and search for your feedback or watch you first-hand? I am not a video game designer so I don't know the logistics, but I don't imagine it is hard to watch or go back and read the code to see how parties are running this raid.

    BTW, there are a couple exploits I know of in this raid so far. I can't really post them here because I am actually enjoying this game lately and prefer not to get banned. However, what makes me laugh is that they are common knowledge amongst anyone that runs this raid more than once a week. My point is, too many people try to keep too many secrets in this game when the reality is that everyone already knows.

    One more thing while I am at it, what about the uber loot syndrome. I/we want to be the only ones on the server/game with this uber loot for as long as possible. Dude, I'll whoop your *** in any quest regardless of your uber loot. And, like several people have said so far in this thread which really extends beyond just these new recipe options...chances are you were not the FIRST one to discover it and if you were chances are someone helped you in some way to get to the point where you could get it and/or knew about it. So, stop acting self-righteous and share the info that was so freely shared with you.

    Edit: LOL, I reread my post and realized I kind of went off on a non-related tangent. BTW, Cow...other than my first paragraph all of my other comments are referring to people other than you unless you fit that profile. I used to be a guild that this was their policy. I actually remember getting yelled at one night for pugging a raid b/c they didn't want to disclose guild secrets. This type of behavior just makes me laugh at how childish some people can be in this game.
    Last edited by apious1; 03-01-2008 at 09:50 AM.
    GUILD: {Officer of Oblivion} SERVER: {Resident of Ghallanda} CHARACTERS: {Sonyaa Red: Barbarian} {Oynx the Magnificent: Barbarian} {Sonyaaa Blue: Sorcerer} {Krowd Kontrol: Sorcerer} {Ravick : Wizard} {Fourgotten Soldier: Fighter/Paladin} {Mischief: Rogue} {Parra Medic: Cleric}

  7. #1747
    Founder Aesop's Avatar
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    Guys lay off my Cow. If he has some info he'll share when he can. He's just as excited about it as you are and the possibilities. He doesn't hold out unless he has to.

    And Cow... MMMOOOOOOOOO!!!1!!!!!!!!1

    Rule 1: Don't sweat the small stuff
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  8. #1748
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    my moms got a uber tier three recipe she used focus of chocolate focus of wallnuts and fouces of brownsugar to make some uber tier 3 cookies for me and brought them over last night i updated my greensteel tastebuds last night on the alter of satisfaction

    but i wil not tell u the uberlicious bonus effect these cookies had on my girlfriend

  9. #1749
    Community Member Hendrik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by willphase View Post
    No - and I think this is the way to go. I'm not sure I'm going to need a 3rd empty shard though - I think they will probably just 'combine' with the power cell.

    I just need 4 more large ingredients to test this theory - hopefully they will materialise.

    On Sarlona Garth?

    If so, what four do you need?

    Might be able to help you out with this test, sounds like you are closer then we are testing it. Let me know pal!

    Quote Originally Posted by hsinclair
    I heard the devs hate all wizards, bards, clerics, fighters, and fuzzy bunnies and only want us to play halfling barbarian/paladin shuriken specialists!

    It's totally true, I have a reliable source. You better reroll now.
    Adventurer, Bug Reporter, Mournlander.

  10. #1750
    Community Member Hendrik's Avatar
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    Get off Cow's back people. He IS a stand up guy and if he can share he will.

    Now if the person that made the item will share, who knows. Hope they did not use the info here and hold out on everyone to stroke the small e-peen.

    Hope you can get it Cow. Gonna answer a lot of questions.

    Quote Originally Posted by hsinclair
    I heard the devs hate all wizards, bards, clerics, fighters, and fuzzy bunnies and only want us to play halfling barbarian/paladin shuriken specialists!

    It's totally true, I have a reliable source. You better reroll now.
    Adventurer, Bug Reporter, Mournlander.

  11. #1751


    Quote Originally Posted by Cowdenicus View Post
    For those that think I am lieing, or being greedy, or whatever, I am just going by the information that I have recieved BUT if this si the reaction I am going to get from people, maybe I should not even bother getting the info for general release, or even attempting it.
    Cow, knowing you, you usually post stuff about how uber Vanash is so I thought you were kidding.

    Now, as to people thinking you're lying, can you really blame them? You're the one that came here and posted "I found an uber recipe but I'm not posting it!!!" How do you think that sounds? If you wanted to message to be clear, I'd have posted something around the lines of "I know someone has found an uber recipe, it gives [Insert known effect here]. Trying to get the recipe and coming back to you guys."

    The post you had posted couldn't result in anything but what it has created., #1 source for DDO information.

  12. #1752


    Quote Originally Posted by Kargon View Post
    Kargon can personamally confirm that the 30% healamalling amplimification is fixed like garth say. and even seems to stack with kargon 30% human improved healamalling enhancemaments. kargon realamally like it so far
    Stacks like Healing * 1.3 * 1.3 (or about +70% healing)? Or stacks like Healing * (1 + 0.3 + 0.3), or +60% healing?

    Quote Originally Posted by Cowdenicus View Post
    I am being serious and I will not out any information until a. I have the info, AND b. I have their permission.
    While this is your decision, the wisest thing to do, given the nature of the internet, forums and the work that everyone here is putting into figuring things out, would've been to hold your tongue until you'd accomplished A and B.

    Saying "Here's X but you can't have it" is pretty much just a tease, even if your reasons for not sharing X are valid.
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  13. #1753
    Founder Cowdenicus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Borror0 View Post
    Cow, knowing you, you usually post stuff about how uber Vanash is so I thought you were kidding.

    Now, as to people thinking you're lying, can you really blame them? You're the one that came here and posted "I found an uber recipe but I'm not posting it!!!" How do you think that sounds? If you wanted to message to be clear, I'd have posted something around the lines of "I know someone has found an uber recipe, it gives [Insert known effect here]. Trying to get the recipe and coming back to you guys."

    The post you had posted couldn't result in anything but what it has created.
    I dont know what it does yet, thats why I didnt post it. All I posted it what I know. I know that somebody has stated they found "A" tier 3 recipe that is not a "pure" recipe with special effects. The person that discovered this is an acquaintance of mine, with whom I have run many quests with in the past (from what I have been told.) I will ask him what is up, he may tell me for just my knowledge, he may tell me and let me dissemenate the info to the community, He may tell me to kick rocks (most likely option). Heck I wont even say who it is at this point because I dont want him to be flooded in Tell-Hell.

    When I get more info, and I get permission to post it, I will let you all know.
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  14. #1754
    Founder Cowdenicus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge View Post
    While this is your decision, the wisest thing to do, given the nature of the internet, forums and the work that everyone here is putting into figuring things out, would've been to hold your tongue until you'd accomplished A and B.

    Saying "Here's X but you can't have it" is pretty much just a tease, even if your reasons for not sharing X are valid.
    You know maybe I should not have posted anything. I will keep that in mind for the future, Thanks MT.
    Clerics of Fernia
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    (and if you disagree with me, then you can treat me like a Nintendo Cartridge )

  15. #1755
    Community Member Tarnoc's Avatar
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    Default Uber tier 3

    well all i say on this subject is its very doubtfull they got the tier 3 effect without help from the forums

    so me personally i dont care about his exact formulla but it would be nice to know the effect

    and if something special was done to get it or they just unlocked one of the as of yet unknowns

  16. #1756
    Community Member Mad_Bombardier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge View Post
    Stacks like Healing * 1.3 * 1.3 (or about +70% healing)? Or stacks like Healing * (1 + 0.3 + 0.3), or +60% healing?
    That's what I would like to know, too. I KNOW that Healing Amplification from the Finger Necklace is *1.1 in it's own mutliplier, not added into Potency/Life Magic (because it's on the recipient end). But, I would *assume* that all sources Healing Amplification (item, HumanImpRecovery, and WF Healer's Friend) are added together before multiplying. And, I also *assume* that items won't stack.

    Now, I just need to find a willing Human with ImpRecovery or WF with Healer's Friend to test with my Finger Necklace and possibly with the Docent of Blood and/or Healing Amp green steel.

  17. #1757
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    Heres my pre-6.1 wise cloak of crappiness... NOM plus POM

    And... everyone knows guys hate a tease. Its like your Girlfriend/wife coming to bed dressed in a brand new Victoria Secret see-through nightie, grabbing your gonads and whispering in your ear, "I have a surprise for you!" Then abruptly turning over and going to sleep.

    Makes us cranky you big tease you!

  18. #1758
    Community Member Turial's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shima-ra View Post
    I dont think he's serious. His post only shows that he is either greedy or liar.

    No one is holding out information, because to discover a tier3 effect you have to use all the information shared on this thread. So holding out would be pretty ungratefull.
    There are DDO guilds out there that don't use the main forums at all and have a pretty good handle on the crafting situation. This thread may have gotten the information put together sooner but one wouldn't be required to have access to it to find the way to a tier 3 "special" effect.

    Also Cowdenicus is pretty on the level with stuff like this, I'm sure once he has the information he will share it.
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  19. #1759
    Community Member Tarnoc's Avatar
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    Default Uber 3rd tier

    so her goes my latest thoughts theories

    let s say you go positive and earth for an aspect of mineral

    has anyone tried to imbue a shard with a (supreme one)foci of positive (supreme one)gem of escalation and the large essence of earth from a 30hd trap the soul????thus making a supreme shard of mineral????

    lol maybe we only need 8 large ingreidients to make the uber upgrade

  20. #1760
    Community Member Raidon's Avatar
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    Default The Recipes will come in when they come in.

    Back to the serious discussion of this thread ,

    Did u know..... Besides liquids, solids and GAS may be present in magma.

    So if the Devs are using Geology for Magma II, and no hanky panky with soul gems / Dual foci etc, my reasoning is as simple as a 3rd upgrade of air focus on a magma item.

    Put that gas into the magma

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