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  1. #1721
    Tasty Ham Hunter Kargon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cowdenicus View Post
    One of the uber recipes was discovered...... that is all the info I have for you at this time.
    For the love of tasty ham, POST A SCREENMASHOT! Kargon going insane at kargon work and then kargon log onto forums and see somemabody claim figure at least one combinimatimion out, only to tease kargon, at this rate kargon going to claw own eyemaballs out!!!

    (This freakout brought to silly forums by overmer 2 weeks of kargon spendaming 8 hours a day playing a horsemariding game on a handmaheld systamem geared towards 6 year old girls. no, kargon are not a 6 year old girl. please return to regulamar schedumuled craftaming discussimion.)

  2. #1722
    Community Member Raidon's Avatar
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    Default Blast Damage eg. acid.

    An acid Blast weapon is sheathed in corrosive acid. Critical hits with this weapon deal an additional 1d10 acid damage for weapons with a x2 critical multiplier, 2d10 for a x3 critical multiplier, and 3d10 for a x4 multiplier. Additionally, if you roll a natural 20 when attacking and confirm the critical hit, the weapon blasts your target, doing 4d6 more acid damage.

  3. #1723
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    So a solid acid weapon with a x2 crit multiplier does +1d6 +1d6 + 1d10 + 1d10 + 4d6 on a confirmed natural 20? With higher crit multipliers increasing the 1d10s to 2d10 or 3d10?

  4. #1724
    Founder Cowdenicus's Avatar
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    I will see if I can get more info about it....... but I have been accused of sniffing around for info too much as is.
    Clerics of Fernia
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  5. #1725
    Founder binnsr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cowdenicus View Post
    I will see if I can get more info about it....... but I have been accused of sniffing around for info too much as is.
    umm... if you don't 'sniff around' for info, how else are we supposed to get it? Or did you fly out to Boston and hang out in the Turbine parkinglot, pestering devs? that might be a bit overboard

  6. #1726
    Founder Cowdenicus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by binnsr View Post
    umm... if you don't 'sniff around' for info, how else are we supposed to get it? Or did you fly out to Boston and hang out in the Turbine parkinglot, pestering devs? that might be a bit overboard
    I thought about waiting in the parking lot dressing like a hobo with a sign saying will work for crafting recipes....... but decided against it.
    Clerics of Fernia
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  7. #1727
    Community Member Naso24's Avatar
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    Whoever found the uber recipe should share it with the community, since so many have put great effort into putting together combination lists, which were surely relied upon to get to tier 3 special.
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  8. #1728
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    Quote Originally Posted by Naso24 View Post
    Whoever found the uber recipe should share it with the community, since so many have put great effort into putting together combination lists, which were surely relied upon to get to tier 3 special.
    Instead, they are probably coveting the recipe keeping it only for themselves and thinking of how great they are. Of course since Cow confirmed that it isn't his own item or his own finding, I'm not inclined to believe it even exists.
    Argonnessen | Legendary Knights of Mabar | Couresan | Courage | Plat | Torgo

  9. #1729
    Community Member Ilandrya's Avatar
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    Kargon, I remember awhile back you said you had died several times from the healing amplification... if memory serves me you said you were healing up with food at an inn at the time... is that correct? If so, that the problem is not a simple issue of a misplaced -/+ in the coding, because to die while being healed from food at an inn, the item would have to be damaging you at a rate higher than the healing you are receiving... that doesn't equate to the 10/20/30% amplification rate.

    Also, someone else reported that regeneration items have to be unequpped and reequipped in each instance now in order for the icon to appear. Does the item still perform it's job without the icon (a display issue), or does the item not function at all unless you do this? Also, is this problem as of 6.1? To the WF who are having an issue with regen not functioning unless you have 100% or greater to incoming heals, is this as of 6.1, or before.. or is that unknown?
    Last edited by Ilandrya; 02-29-2008 at 10:51 PM.

  10. #1730
    Community Member Ilandrya's Avatar
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    There is an individual on my server who claimed about a week back while I was in a party with him that he had broken the puzzle for third upgrade "bonuses". I didn't pressure him for info because I figure if he wished to share it, he would. Perhaps he's merely waiting until he's absolutely certain that he's solved it and it wasn't a fluke or bug before he shares it. I don't know him to know. He is a forum "regular" and aware of the crafting threads though. (It's likely Cow, that you and I speak of the same person.)

  11. #1731


    Quote Originally Posted by Ilandrya View Post
    Kargon, I remember awhile back you said you had died several times from the healing amplification... if memory serves me you said you were healing up with food at an inn at the time... is that correct? If so, that the problem is not a simple issue of a misplaced -/+ in the coding, because to die while being healed from food at an inn, the item would have to be damaging you at a rate higher than the healing you are receiving... that doesn't equate to the 10/20/30% amplification rate.
    Instead of "NewHealing = Healing * 1.3" someone put "NewHealing = Healing * -1.3"
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  12. #1732
    Founder Garth_of_Sarlona's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge View Post
    Instead of "NewHealing = Healing * 1.3" someone put "NewHealing = Healing * -1.3"
    This is now fixed, which is rather disappointing really, because now I can't kill Kargon in the tavern by casting cure critical wounds on him.


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  13. #1733
    Community Member Ilandrya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge View Post
    Instead of "NewHealing = Healing * 1.3" someone put "NewHealing = Healing * -1.3"
    That formula would explain it. = )

    Eladrin, I know you have commented previously about the confusion on Wis +4/+6 on an accessory, but can you confirm what was fixed/altered but not in the release notes in order to minimize confusion please? Just on green steel items/effects we are already aware of, not things that have not been reported yet. Thank you.

  14. #1734
    Tasty Ham Hunter Kargon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ilandrya View Post
    That formula would explain it. = )

    Eladrin, I know you have commented previously about the confusion on Wis +4/+6 on an accessory, but can you confirm what was fixed/altered but not in the release notes in order to minimize confusion please? Just on green steel items/effects we are already aware of, not things that have not been reported yet. Thank you.
    Kargon can personamally confirm that the 30% healamalling amplimification is fixed like garth say. and even seems to stack with kargon 30% human improved healamalling enhancemaments. kargon realamally like it so far

    Now kargon considermering making greater regen item for that charactermeremer, see if it gets doubled by having more than 50% bonus to healamalling.

  15. #1735
    Community Member CaseStringer's Avatar
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    Thumbs down Share & share alike..

    I agree that if someone has found a way to get one of the non-conventional tier3 upgrade paths figured out, they should surely post their findings here with the community that likely helped out in some point in their crafting process. Oh well... Keep up the good work people. We'll crack it pretty soon!...See everyone on Sunday @ the Par-Tay

  16. #1736


    Quote Originally Posted by Kargon View Post
    For the love of tasty ham, POST A SCREENMASHOT! Kargon going insane at kargon work and then kargon log onto forums and see somemabody claim figure at least one combinimatimion out, only to tease kargon, at this rate kargon going to claw own eyemaballs out!!
    Quote Originally Posted by Naso24 View Post
    Whoever found the uber recipe should share it with the community, since so many have put great effort into putting together combination lists, which were surely relied upon to get to tier 3 special.
    Quote Originally Posted by CaseStringer View Post
    I agree that if someone has found a way to get one of the non-conventional tier3 upgrade paths figured out, they should surely post their findings here with the community that likely helped out in some point in their crafting process.
    You guys really think Cow is being serious?!, #1 source for DDO information.

  17. #1737
    Community Member Raidon's Avatar
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    To save time going thru this monster thread , can someone remind me if all three tiers of soul gem essences have been tried at the final altar?
    do they fit?


  18. #1738
    Waylander of the Stolen Blade Cambo's Avatar
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    He is serious someone is holding out for thier own reasons.
    That is thier choice and I have no issue with it if they didnt use anything on this thread provided by others to help them
    Cambo Neebong "Waylander of the Stolen Blade", well borrowed really...
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  19. #1739
    Community Member Shima-ra's Avatar
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    I dont think he's serious. His post only shows that he is either greedy or liar.

    No one is holding out information, because to discover a tier3 effect you have to use all the information shared on this thread. So holding out would be pretty ungratefull.

    °Shima Ra °Roots °Zielle °Sisqi °Downpour

  20. #1740
    Founder Cowdenicus's Avatar
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    I am being serious and I will not out any information until a. I have the info, AND b. I have their permission.

    For those that think I am lieing, or being greedy, or whatever, I am just going by the information that I have recieved BUT if this si the reaction I am going to get from people, maybe I should not even bother getting the info for general release, or even attempting it.

    Some people are just showing alot of ungratefulness. Jeez.
    Clerics of Fernia
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