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  1. #1241
    Community Member rosu's Avatar
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    Just a thought on trying to find Aspect of Ooze II and others. Maybe the correct starting path could be found in the discription of the Tier 2 upgade. Aspect of Ooze: This item has accumulated enough properties of Earth and Water to take on some of the aspect of ooze. Meaning that the correct path would be starting with Earth+Water rather than Water+Earth. If this is true then I totally biffed my maul up but ohh well. I was following the thought process of Water+Earth=Ooze. Then what could I add to make the Ooze stronger? I arrived at the conclusion that Water+Earth+Water would seem to dilute the Ooze making it less effective. I.E. the equation for Ooze II wouldn't have Two parts water versus Two parts of Earth, (Extra Earth should make the Ooze more potent). So then I was left with two possible choices: Earth+Water+Earth or Water+Earth+Earth. I choose the later, but after reading the discription I am left to wonder if I shouldn't have chosen the former.

    Also, has anyone created an item the states Aspect of...I, like Aspect of Magma I, or do the all just state Aspect of ...without the roman numeral?
    Robotussin, Hatredy, Sco, Adolfo, Whompo, Basstardo
    Maybe in order to understand mankind, we have to look at the word itself: "Mankind". Basically, it's made up of two separate words - "mank" and "ind". What do these words mean ? It's a mystery, and that's why so is mankind.

  2. #1242
    Community Member Mad_Bombardier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rosu View Post
    Also, has anyone created an item the states Aspect of...I, like Aspect of Magma I, or do the all just state Aspect of ...without the roman numeral?
    No Roman numeral. If we use the warhammer from the Beginners' Guide, then

    Fire I = Fire Affinity
    Fire II = Aspect of Fire
    Fire III = Incineration

    In your example,

    Water I = Water Affinity, or Earth I = Earth Affinity
    Ooze I = Aspect of Ooze
    Ooze II = <unknown tier3 effect>

  3. #1243
    Community Member Agarwaen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kargon View Post
    Despite how badly kargon last attempt at craftaming turn out (at least until silly bug get fixed ) Kargon are 4-5 ingredimients away from test pos/neg/fire on a necklamace. Kargon hopefumully let know in next day or two how goes.
    Cool! And I sure hope it turns out well, because I got impatient and started my goggles. I need 6 more ingredients and I will have my negative/positive/air goggles done for my rogue. I'll try to be content with the existential stalemate, +10 hps and +5 umd, but boy oh boy, am I hoping for a tasty tier 3 bonus!
    Thelanis: Mithran, Mithrana, Aggrond, Arcanned, Ainadan, and others

  4. #1244
    Community Member UtherSRG's Avatar
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    Default Scepter + EEN + EEF

    Here's the 2nd upgrade for my scepter. EEN + EEF

  5. #1245
    Founder SneakThief's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Riggs View Post
    As was posted already, most likely it seems that A + B + B results in no tier 3, so the real test is if A + B matter what is first. DO you still get Magma I and II if you start with either earth or fire? Or do you get a new result depending which element was first at tier 1.
    You can hardly say from that one ABB combo that it wont work ESPECIALLY since the ABB combo was Neg/Pos/Pos ... If there are ANY combos from 3 different foci ... Pos/Neg is it.
    Quote Originally Posted by EULA
    As part of your Game experience, you can input language and upload content to our Servers in various forms ... (collectively, the "Content"). Content created by you must not: ... (f) restrict or inhibit any other user from using and enjoying the Game.
    See, even the EULA says its a game and supposed to be fun. EvilDuckie-DuckieBot

  6. #1246
    Community Member Erinyes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rosu View Post
    Just a thought on trying to find Aspect of Ooze II and others. Maybe the correct starting path could be found in the discription of the Tier 2 upgade. Aspect of Ooze: This item has accumulated enough properties of Earth and Water to take on some of the aspect of ooze. Meaning that the correct path would be starting with Earth+Water rather than Water+Earth. If this is true then I totally biffed my maul up but ohh well. I was following the thought process of Water+Earth=Ooze. Then what could I add to make the Ooze stronger? I arrived at the conclusion that Water+Earth+Water would seem to dilute the Ooze making it less effective. I.E. the equation for Ooze II wouldn't have Two parts water versus Two parts of Earth, (Extra Earth should make the Ooze more potent). So then I was left with two possible choices: Earth+Water+Earth or Water+Earth+Earth. I choose the later, but after reading the discription I am left to wonder if I shouldn't have chosen the former.
    When I first read this, I was thinking you might really be on to something - which you still might be! But when I looked at the screenshots I was able to find of other Aspects, it seems that descriptions for the combo aspects all list the elements in alphabetical order. (Maybe people can post screens of items that we have confirmation on, but not screenshots yet to examine this further?) Magma also lists Earth first, but following your thinking - would more Earth make stronger Magma? Seems like in that case you would want to heat it up to make it even more deadly. I was going to work on the same type of weapon - +9 Wisdom Mace of the Oozeiness for my Cleric - but since you already started Water+Earth, I'll go Earth+Water. I almost have enough medium parts to do the tier 2, and I just need that silly shard of power to put the tier 1 on. I've never pulled one myself yet - I was lucky to have a guildie share an extra for my goggles. Maybe one of us will find out something soon. Good luck!

    And by the way, thanks to everyone who is working so hard on this!
    Last edited by Erinyes; 02-22-2008 at 01:01 PM.

  7. #1247
    Community Member Nyp's Avatar
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    Great Commander Green Steel Short Sword

    Tier 1 - Fire, Tier 2 - Positive = Flaming, Fire Affinity, Good Burst, Radiance + Sunburst Clickie x2

    I would post a screen shot if I could figure out how. This is my first post (What a noob!)

    Accepting recommendations for interesting tier 3 upgrade.
    Last edited by Nyp; 02-22-2008 at 12:27 AM.
    Why, yes they are. Thank you!

    Nyp O'Licious
    The Fellowship

  8. #1248
    Community Member rosu's Avatar
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    Let me know what you get.

    Another thought I have been playing around with is that I bet there will only be one correct path for combining three elements. That out of the multiple possibilities like Earth+Water+Air, there will only be one combo that yields a special at Tier 3. With that in mind I have been trying to figure out what combos would make sense.

    One was that Earth+Water+Fire might make something interesting. Earth+Water=Ooze, add fire to that could result in something like noxious vapor or poo gas. Reason I say this is Fire+Water+Earth kinda makes sense, maybe adding minerals to the tempering. But Fire+Earth+Water? Why would you add water to magma? I would argue that there is some logic factor in determining how to combine these, as it has already been demonstrated in earlier posts.

    Also, has anyone determined whether the naming comes into play with finding the right upgrade path? Like great commander or supreme tyrant.
    Last edited by rosu; 02-22-2008 at 12:27 AM.
    Robotussin, Hatredy, Sco, Adolfo, Whompo, Basstardo
    Maybe in order to understand mankind, we have to look at the word itself: "Mankind". Basically, it's made up of two separate words - "mank" and "ind". What do these words mean ? It's a mystery, and that's why so is mankind.

  9. #1249
    Community Member Cursed's Avatar
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    Smile Different goggles

    I made these as a replacement for the spec ops. I don't need true rez since I can use scrolls, but I do miss the extra +2 to UMD. Still, these are great goggles for a ranger or paladin.

    1st upgrade: Air Escalation Ethereal
    2nd upgrade: Earth Escalation Material

    = super goggles!!!

    Wiz 6, +15 hp, cha skills +1, con skills +2, balance +10, +3 deflection to AC, +3 resist to saves

  10. #1250
    Community Member UtherSRG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nyp View Post
    Great Commander Green Steel Short Sword

    Tier 1 - Fire, Tier 2 - Positive = Flaming, Fire Affinity, Good Burst, Radiance + Sunburst Clickie x2

    I would post a screen shot if I could figure out how. This is my first post (What a noob!)

    Accepting recommendations for interesting tier 3 upgrade.
    You need to upload your image to a public website like Flickr or photobucket. Then you can post a link to it with the [ IMG ] tags.

  11. #1251
    Community Member Rallie's Avatar
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    Well, here's what I got after 2 upgrades:

    1st Upgrade: Positive, Opposition, Material
    2nd Upgrade: Positive, Escalation, Ethereal

  12. #1252
    Founder ghale's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nyp View Post
    Great Commander Green Steel Short Sword

    Tier 1 - Fire, Tier 2 - Positive = Flaming, Fire Affinity, Good Burst, Radiance + Sunburst Clickie x2

    I would post a screen shot if I could figure out how. This is my first post (What a noob!)

    Accepting recommendations for interesting tier 3 upgrade.
    I would try Fire again for Tier 3 as that looks to be what will end up giving the greatest chance for the special Tier 3 effects that are still unknown.

  13. #1253
    Community Member UtherSRG's Avatar
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    My EEN Goggles:

    My EEN//EEF Goggles:

  14. #1254
    Community Member EspyLacopa's Avatar
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    Does the order of the first two matter when getting the first combo?
    "Traps don't do damage. They ask you to do damage to yourself." -Andy Menard
    Release your inner dwarf. Then get him some ale!

  15. #1255
    Community Member The_Cataclysm's Avatar
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    No, order for the tier 2 bonus doesn't matter.

  16. #1256
    Community Member ~sturm097's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cursed View Post
    I made these as a replacement for the spec ops. I don't need true rez since I can use scrolls, but I do miss the extra +2 to UMD. Still, these are great goggles for a ranger or paladin.

    1st upgrade: Air Escalation Ethereal
    2nd upgrade: Earth Escalation Material

    = super goggles!!!

    Wiz 6, +15 hp, cha skills +1, con skills +2, balance +10, +3 deflection to AC, +3 resist to saves
    I did almost the same thing for my ranger, only I went Earth then Air, to get bonuses to Wis Skills and Dex Skills..... what are you thinking about doin for your 3rd tier? I was originally going to go positive for the Supreme Regen, but now I'm not sure what I'm gonna do.

    Officer - THAC0 - Ghallanda
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  17. #1257
    Community Member Ilandrya's Avatar
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    I thought it might be a good idea for those of us who are trying to come up with the third upgrade "bonus" aspect effects to list what we intend on trying. That way, even though we may not have yet attained it, others can know what is in the works. While everyone should craft as they see fit, for those self sacrificing pioneers that are trying to come up with new combinations, this might help them to avoid duplicating things others already have in the works that they may not know about.

    For my part, my first item will be an accessory and will go:

    material/opposition/negative all the way, and I should get the negative/negative/negative bonus from it which seems to be consistant with the successful triple focus outcomes we've gotten so far. It will be a bit though, but thats what I have in the works first.

    My second item will be an accessory and will go:

    ethereal/escalation and either positive or air
    ethereal/escalation and either positive or air

    I'm leaning towards air, which if my theory is correct will result in lighnting I & II. Again, it will be a bit.

    When I have both of these two items, I intend on trying various methods to remove the taint on at least one of them.
    Last edited by Ilandrya; 02-22-2008 at 10:39 AM.

  18. #1258
    Community Member Erinyes's Avatar
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    I think Ilandrya has a good idea. Of course, nothing in stone, but it might help people with ideas and such.

    The morningstar I'm working on will go:

    Tier I : Earth/Escalation/Ethereal - +6 Wisdom
    Tier II: Water/Escalation/Ethereal - +1 Wisdom (Insight), Aspect of Ooze
    Tier III: Earth/Escalation/Ethereal - +2 Wisdom (Insight) - Hoping for Ooze II with this comb perhaps?

    I should have Tier 2 done this weekend (provided the elusive shard of power graces me with its loving presence! ), which is nothing new, but I'll post screens as it goes.

    I aslo have a pair of goggles in progress:

    Tier I: Earth/Escalation/Ethereal - done
    Tier II: Earth/Escalation/Ethereal - done
    Tier III: Earth/Escalation/Ethereal - not done

    I'll post a screen of the goggles when I get home from work tonight. And by all means, if someone else wants to get their Ooze on, go for it. Tier III will no doubt take me a while.
    Last edited by Erinyes; 02-22-2008 at 01:02 PM.

  19. #1259
    Community Member ~sturm097's Avatar
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    The goggles that my ranger Khalad has are:

    Tier I: Earth/Escalation/Ethereal - Wiz VI
    Tier II: Air/Escalation/Material - +15 HP, Balance of Land and Sky
    Tier III: Water/Material/Escalation - +20 HP, ??

    Going to take a little while, only have 3 tier 3 ingrediants atm

    My cleric Shan is going to be going:

    Tier I - Fire/Escalation/Ethereal - Wiz VI
    Tier II - Water/Escalation/Ethereal - +50 SP, Tempered
    Tier III - ??/Escalation/Ethereal - (Going for +100 SP, just not sure which Element to choose yet)
    Last edited by sturm097; 02-22-2008 at 11:06 AM.
    Officer - THAC0 - Ghallanda
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  20. #1260
    Community Member Dworkin_of_Amber's Avatar
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    The DDO Wiki has been updated!

    Added both views to Altar of Devastation Page (Sorted by Gem/Essence, and by Element)
    Confirmed Earth/Earth/Positive (Weapon) as no effect
    Re-wrote the Crafting Primer... I'm still not happy with it, but it's getting better.
    Started to re-vamp the Tier 1 Ingredients Pages to make them easier to read.

    Thanks for everyone's contributions!
    Dworkin, Benedict, Gerard, Vialle, Beldin... too many to list
    Founder: Guild of Amber (Mabar/Argo)
    Now Living on Orien

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