Hi all, 1st of all, thxs for all the info u guys posted in here!
Really a great help.
Im wondering, if i craft an accessory wif +OM for tier 1, +OM for tier 2
will i b getting regeneration at a rate of 3hp/min in total?
(tier 1 regen @ 1hp/min, tier 2 @ 1hp/30sec = 2hp/min, so add them up will b 3hp/min)
and on top of that, true ressurection 1/day
Now im thinking, if i get another +OM for tier 3, which suspected to gives 1hp/15sec
then i'll b able to regen 7hp/min!
Thats not bad at all...wif Greater Disruption Guard
I'll try to work on tier 3 for +OM, if i ever manage to get pass part 4 of The shroud...