Huh. I wonder what the 3rd tier is for the Immunity items.
Huh. I wonder what the 3rd tier is for the Immunity items.
Person Æ, SarlonaTanka (Elf Tempest Trapper) .:. Darani (Aasimar Inquisileric) .:. Raelyth (Elf Artifonk)
I don't see this updated yet.
Material + Opposition + Negative + Goggles = Disease Immunity Green steel Goggles:
Blindness Immunity
Disease Immunity
Neg Energy Affinity
I have screen shots PM and I'll email them to you if you'd like to post them here (I don't have photo bucket et. al. and don't intend to register one)
“Logic is the anatomy of thought” Locke
Tyaen - Cleric 20
Maybe some SR. Or Heavy Fort.
BTW, i have a tempered item (water + Fire).
I'm thinking, if something is tempered, Air would keep the balance right?
Material - Opposition - Negative (Blindness ward and Disease)
Material - Opposition - Negative 2nd Upgrade (Poison and Fear Immunity)
Person Æ, SarlonaTanka (Elf Tempest Trapper) .:. Darani (Aasimar Inquisileric) .:. Raelyth (Elf Artifonk)
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Deathward seems unlikely, since there is a separate recipe series for a percentage resistance to negative energy damage. They wouldn't kill the value of that line by allowing 100% resistance in a single step.
However, I suppose something like Negative-level immunity could go in.
I have been told by PM even though it does not show up in the description that Earth Earth Eath grants Moderate Good Guard (1d8 damage vs Evil) as seen in the wearers caombat log.
Earth Earth Earth = Moderate Good Guard/ Good Guard (Exact Description unkown) 1d8 vs Evil
Referring to my earlier post, it was stated by a dev its possible to get magma "I" and magma "II"
magma is a combination of two elements. in order to get two aspects of magma, there have to be two "pairings"
there are two pairings possible:
aspect + focus2 and aspect + focus3
aspect + focus2 and focus2 + focus3
I suspect it's the first.
For second level bonuses your pairings have to complement each other to get a bonus.
We know that in general Aspect of Air, Aspect of Air pairings works for bonuses, so its safe to say that two of the same aspect will give you a second level bonus.
I suspect that:
element a, element b, element b will also give you a second level bonus. For example:
earth, fire, fire should be magma I and II
fire, earth, earth should also be magma I and II
earth,fire,earth would be aspect of magma and aspect of earth, which may or may not result in a second bonus
fire,earth,fire would be aspect of magma and aspect of fire, which may or may not result in a second bonus, #1 source for DDO information.
so basically what Eladrin is saying with no para-quasis and such is if you started some goggles with positive (and have yet to upgrade a second or third time) you have basically wasted a set of goggles?
Clerics of Fernia
King of Stormreach
(and if you disagree with me, then you can treat me like a Nintendo Cartridge)
(Standard): Altar of Invasion success with Shavarath Shard Formulation! Consumed: Diluted Ethereal Essence, Inferior Focus of Negative Energy, Cloudy Gem of Opposition, Shavarath Low Energy Cell. Created: Shard of Power. Shard of Power becomes Shard of Power.
(Standard): Altar of Invasion success with Shavarath Transformation! Consumed: Shavarath Low Energy Cell, Shard of Power. Created: Green Steel Goggles. Green Steel Goggles becomes Lieutenant Green Steel Goggles of Resistance (Fortitude).
Negative, Ethereal, Opposition for first upgrade
(Standard): Altar of Subjugation success with Shavarath Shard Formulation! Consumed: Material Essence, Focus of Negative Energy, Shavarath Medium Energy Cell, Gem of Opposition. Created: Shard of Great Power. Shard of Great Power becomes Shard of Great Power.
(Standard): Altar of Subjugation success with Shavarath Transformation! Consumed: Shavarath Medium Energy Cell, Shard of Great Power. Created: Lieutenant Green Steel Goggles of Resistance (Fortitude). Lieutenant Green Steel Goggles of Resistance (Fortitude) becomes Proof against Poison Green Steel Goggles of Resistance (Fortitude).
Negative, Material, Opposition for second upgrade
Mavnimo of Khyber-Prophets of the New Republic
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Too bad about the immunity pairing.
Blindness + Fear Immune would have been perfect for Warforged.
Blindness + Poison would have been perfect for paladins.
Oh well.