Yes, all tier 2 upgrades appear to have a special ability or effect; the order does not matter: Air + Positive and Positive + Air produce the same special effect or ability. It is likely that the order of the first two also do not matter to the 3rd tier upgrade. Eladrin's comment was on the total ordering: Air + Air + Positive is not the same as Air + Positive + Air, but Air + Positive + Air and Positive + Air + Air would be the same. It is unknown just which combinations of 2nd tier combo + 3rd tier upgrade produce special effects or abilities. So far all straight triples have shown to have a special ability or effect. Positive + Negative + Negative did not have a special effect or ability above the 2nd tier combo.
To answer your question:
1- That is correct, just that some effect are nearly not useful, so check them out first
2- It doesn't matter at all, it will give you the first base to put your third upgrade
3- Yes, the first 2 affect the third one, the aspect you got is the important thing when you combine it with the third upgrade.
So going Air + Positive + Air will be different from going Air + Air + Pos, but the same as going Pos + air + air, and I am pretty sure the combination air + air + positive would be better than air + pos + air (if this one even got one). And if you already on air + pos, I would probably go water or fire that could go well with lightning, the other would probably give nothing as special ability.
4- Think my 3 answer the 4
My bet would be these upgrade give special third ability (the order of first 2 doesn't matter since it give you the aspect from which you work from):
elemental + same elemental + neg/pos (sure of these)
earth + air + neg/pos/fire/water (sure of these)
fire + water + neg/pos/earth/air (unsure, but make sense :P)
neg + pos + element (sure)
neg + neg + element (unsure)
pos + pos + element (unsure)
This would give us 28 combinations that can have special effect (+ the 6 same + same + same)
NEW The following green steel raid loot effects have been changed as follows. Any items that already have these effects will update to the new ones automatically:
Acid, Electricity, Fire, and Cold Absorption 5% now absorb 10%.
Acid, Electricity, Fire, and Cold Absorption 10% now absorb 15%.
Weapons with Good Burst, Evil Burst, Good Blast, and Evil Blast will now bypass appropriate damage reduction properly and will have the holy or unholy particle effects on them. In addition, the blasts now do damage on criticals and additional damage on natural 20's.
Acid Blast, Shocking Blast, Flaming Blast, and Icy Blast now have their proper elemental particle effects. In addition these effects now do damage on criticals and additional damage on natural 20's.
Cambo: a suggestion for the current recipe listings.... when you update the listings, could you put the most recent message you used someplace in the listing, so that folks coming here fresh know where to pick up the discussion? That way they don't think they have to read everything, but can look over the recipes and jump ahead to see if more have been discovered but have not yet been included in the listing.
Yes, because the pos + neg + neg disrupt the balance, so if he had gone pos + neg + element, there would have been a nice effect on it, and I can also add that any balance item with a different third upgrade will give the best special in there
This is my prediction, but after reading all the post, I am sure of it
You guys can try to prove me wrong
Read my earlier post to know which one should have the best special effect on third upgrade
Wow, Eladrin. That info helps a lot!Though, I'm a bit confused that you are saying something is "beyond as weird as you wanted to go."
Ok, folks, no more Quasi-para-elemental nonsense! (yet?)
Using that shred of info, Air + Air + Positive = Air Affinity, Aspect of Air, and maybe Greater Lightning? (or something to that effect.) Would Positive + Positive + Air result in the same tier3 effect?
JJ, keep trying with the Lightning. Let's assume that repeat Positive and Air are a no-go. What would mix with well Lightning... Earth to ground it? Water to conduct it?
Last edited by Mad_Bombardier; 02-18-2008 at 11:55 AM.
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Thanks for the answers folks. That helps a lot in trying to understand this system and know what I want to create.
RedShirt / Roleplayer of Giant Slayers, Inc. on Thelanis, formerly Tharashk.
Member of the DDO Player Council
Coldin-Artificer; Lynton-Bard; Alydyn-Swashbuckler;
Takai-Monk; Rosein-Paladin; Ellyiana-Cleric; Aurixs-Sorcerer
Quasi-elements are already pretty obscure. Quasi-para-elements are one step beyond them.
Air + Air + Positive will not result in the same thing as Positive + Positive + Air.Using that shred of info, Air + Air + Positive = Air Affinity, Aspect of Air, and maybe Greater Lightning? (or something to that effect.) Would Positive + Positive + Air result in the same tier3 effect?
There's still one thing that people haven't yet discovered regarding upgrading Para or Quasi elemental combinations.
Well, now I'm confused. If Air + Positive = Lightning and Positive + Air = Lightning. I would have guessed that (bigger) Air + Positive = (bigger) Lightning and (bigger) Positive + Air = (bigger) Lightning. But, since you're telling us that's not the case, I guess we'll have to wait and see.You and your riddles... /cry.
If it's limited paths for tier3 bonus effects, maybe only the pure elements can be upgraded with energy to achieve a bonus effect? But, then again, you did just mention upgrading "para or quasi elemental combos," so there's gotta be something there, right?![]()
I'm trying to help, really, in a way that won't end up with Piloto poisoning my basil pad thai, not tease.
A weapon with, say, "Magma I" on it at Tier Two can be upgraded to "Magma II" at Tier Three.
Pure elements are the easiest ones to upgrade since you can just slap another Fire onto that Fire stick, and it'll work. Para, Quasi, and "special" elemental combinations are a bit trickier.
im doing the same upgrade path on my SS as that e/e/e khopesh, but with air. So the question will be, whether the third tier always gives +4, or if thats for earth only.
Aundair, New Khyber
Alreck Gingerbarrel(15clr/1barb), Torrak Gingerbarrel(16 Brd), Oat(13 Rgr/3Ftr), Moxxy(16 Sor), Thorrac Gingerbarrel(6 Pal/1 Ftr) <<Current Toons>>
must be related to the horns...... noone knows what to use em in
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