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  1. #501
    Community Member Agarwaen's Avatar
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    Default Re: crafted weapons with holy and good burst

    I'm confused about items crafted with holy and good burst. The image link to gpk's good burst khopesh on page one of this thread makes no mention of it only being usable by good aligned characters. The wiki description, however, states "It can only be weilded by good aligned characters."

    Can anyone out there confirm which way it works? I would like to craft one for my true neutral Rogue, but I would hate to blow all my ingredients on an item he can't use.
    Thelanis: Mithran, Mithrana, Aggrond, Arcanned, Ainadan, and others

  2. #502
    Community Member Benjai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Benjai View Post
    Etheral Essence, Gem of Opposition, Positive Focus thingy

    It does NOT stack, which is highly dissapointing. I have a feeling I could have made my first upgrade the Holy one and then did my 2nd upgrade for the AC one. There should be a benefit to taking the same thing twice.
    Cambo I think you missed this post, I haven't seen it updated anywhere.

  3. #503
    Community Member Ihsan's Avatar
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    Ok i decided to go with air as my 2nd with water being my first

    Ethereal + Escalation + Air

    I was suprised about the + cha skills and not as suprised by polar ray xD

    So water + air gives polar ray
    Last edited by Ihsan; 02-11-2008 at 01:39 PM.

  4. #504
    Community Member Dworkin_of_Amber's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Agarwaen View Post
    I'm confused about items crafted with holy and good burst. The image link to gpk's good burst khopesh on page one of this thread makes no mention of it only being usable by good aligned characters. The wiki description, however, states "It can only be weilded by good aligned characters."

    Can anyone out there confirm which way it works? I would like to craft one for my true neutral Rogue, but I would hate to blow all my ingredients on an item he can't use.
    Ahhh, good point. The description for Good Burst on the Wiki was derived from the of Pure Good description, with the additional items for the Bursting part.

    Going back and looking at the weapon that was created with Good Burst, it seems to break the usual rules as it does *NOT* required you to be Good Aligned to wield it... and come to think of it, I think the Unholy weapon was the same (but I can't find the img link for it)... so I will talk to the other Wiki guys to see what can be done to fix this.
    Dworkin, Benedict, Gerard, Vialle, Beldin... too many to list
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  5. #505
    Community Member Jefro's Avatar
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    Ethereal + Escalation + Negative = Helm of wizardry VI, +1 exceptional INT to skills, negative infinity
    Last edited by Jefro; 02-11-2008 at 03:16 PM.
    I love you Abbot♥

  6. #506
    Community Member Shima-ra's Avatar
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    Thats very cool and interesting Ihsan.
    I wonder how you could put ice again as your 3rd tier, since it was the combination of 1 &2

    °Shima Ra °Roots °Zielle °Sisqi °Downpour

  7. #507
    Founder & Hero DagazUlf's Avatar
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    Question Pastries?

    I was just reading through these crafting threads, and started thinking about the 'easter eggs' that some have mentioned....

    Has anyone tried placing any Festival Pastries on an altar to see if they are usable as an ingredient?
    "The sword itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with swords."

  8. #508
    Community Member Ihsan's Avatar
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    I think I might go for earth as my final part, to me earth water and air kind of mix (in my mind anyway) so something cool might pop up !

    Maybe it will unlock druids for me ...... xD

  9. #509
    Community Member maddmatt70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    The tier2 bonus type effects are based purely upon the elements you chose, not the related effects. And I will confirm the 2 the devs shown as follows:

    Aspect of Fire = Fire Affinity + Fire = Incineration (Delayed Blast Fireball lvl 16 x 3 Clicks) and + 2 Dex Bonus. - Unconfirmed from Beta Info

    This is actually just Aspect of
    Fire: Fire + Fire = Delayed Blast Fireball lvl16 x3 - The other stuff like +2 dex is just an effect of that specific upgrade,
    which should be as follows:
    Medium Material + Escalation + Fire = Wpn: +1 Exceptional Dex - This stacks with everything (but not with itself)
    And also
    Large Material + Escalation + Fire = Wpn: +2 Exceptional Dex - This stacks with the +1 for a total of +3 (but not with itself)
    Altho I cannot confirm these effects - im just infering it from the info posted in the Official crafting guide and info i've learned ingame - I've seen the +6 cha +1 exception cha upgrades, so dex/str/etc should be the same just a different element.

    Aspect of Lightning = Positive Affinity + Air = Chain Lightning lvl 16 x 3 Clicks - Unconfirmed from Beta Info

    Can confrim this one as
    Aspect of Lightning:: Positive + Lightning = Chain Lightning lvl16 x3

    Also note the order in which you add the elements does not effect the outcome.. IE Postive + Lightning produced the chain lightning as well as Lightning + Positive.

    And another one i've seen:

    Aspect of Air: = Air + Air = Haste lvl16 x3

    Incineration is not the name of a tier2 clicky effect. It is actually a power tier3 special effect, which I will guess is based on all 3 elements. So Fire + Fire + Fire = (wpn effect) Incineration ( Massive fire dmg on hits..or something like that, see offical crafting guide)
    And the new one Mavnimo discovered:
    Greater Disruption Guard (item effect) = Postive + Postive + Positive

    Are you sure about the last effect. For the clicky i.e. tier 2 appears to always have a clicky, the combination of choices of tier 1 and tier 2 appears to determine the clicky this is the case but for tier 3 it could be just the last element chosen which in mavnimo's case was positive... I think that is more likely the case... So if you went with air + water + positive with the last upgrade being positive I believe you would get the disruption guard effect..
    Norg Fighter12/Paladin6/Monk2, Jacquiej Cleric18/Monk1/Wiz1, Rabiez Bard16/Ranger3/Cleric1, Hangover Bard L20, Boomsticks Fighter12/Monk 6/Druid 2, Grumblegut Ranger8/Paladin6/Monk6, Rabidly Rogue L20, Furiously Rogue10/Monk6/Paladin4, Snowcones Cleric 12/Ranger 6/Monk 2, Norge Barbarian 12/FVS4/Rogue4. Guild:Prophets of The New Republic Khyber.

  10. #510
    Community Member maddmatt70's Avatar
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    I agree though that cambo or whoever is doing these threads should reorganize their catalouging system to something like this.

    Tier 1 (items non weapons)
    Water = a.
    Air = b
    Positive = c

    Tier 2 (items non weapons)
    Water = r
    Air = s
    Positive = t

    Tier 3 (items non weapons)
    Water = x
    Air = y
    Positive = z

    Clickies derived from Tier 1 and Tier 2 combinations (items non weapons)
    Water + Air = 3 clickies of j per rest
    Air + Positive = 3 clickies or k per rest

    (I don't think there needs to be a separate catagory for the final power, but if Shade is correct and i am wrong you would have a 3 set combination sequence here)

    Weapons section (same as above)

    Note there is more then one water, air, positive etc. depending on the other two components used which would have to be reflected in the above.. What I am getting at is a little bit more clarity and less specific examples with links...
    Last edited by maddmatt70; 02-11-2008 at 03:20 PM.
    Norg Fighter12/Paladin6/Monk2, Jacquiej Cleric18/Monk1/Wiz1, Rabiez Bard16/Ranger3/Cleric1, Hangover Bard L20, Boomsticks Fighter12/Monk 6/Druid 2, Grumblegut Ranger8/Paladin6/Monk6, Rabidly Rogue L20, Furiously Rogue10/Monk6/Paladin4, Snowcones Cleric 12/Ranger 6/Monk 2, Norge Barbarian 12/FVS4/Rogue4. Guild:Prophets of The New Republic Khyber.

  11. #511
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    Quote Originally Posted by maddmatt70 View Post
    Are you sure about the last effect. For the clicky i.e. tier 2 appears to always have a clicky, the combination of choices of tier 1 and tier 2 appears to determine the clicky this is the case but for tier 3 it could be just the last element chosen which in mavnimo's case was positive... I think that is more likely the case... So if you went with air + water + positive with the last upgrade being positive I believe you would get the disruption guard effect..
    You are probably right, unless they put in a butt load of tier 3 effects, the most plausible answer is they only have 12 effects(6 items and 6 weapons). But we won't know for sure until we see more info.

    BTW it looks like if a Str upgrade is still out there its:

    Negitive, Escalation, Material, and/or Water, Escalation, Material.

    The others have been nailed down.
    Blind Faith


  12. #512
    Community Member Ihsan's Avatar
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    You could probably spend all day buggering around with the lay outs - Currently the lay out clearly shows what has and hasnt been tryed and the effects on weps / equipment. And persides Cambo is doing us all a service be cataloging so he/she should set it out however they like.

  13. #513
    Community Member CaseStringer's Avatar
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    Angry Green Steel Blanks?

    Did anyone ever find a recipe for a Battleaxe/Dwarven Axe/Greataxe?...Just wondering what i'm gonna craft for my Dwarven Axe-Lord, if i can't build him an AXE!!!

  14. #514
    Community Member lopter's Avatar
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    Default last set

    top to bottom all the remaining combos (unless I happen to hit one)
    Filaments of Toil Taper, Green Taper, Red :Fail
    Filaments of Toil Taper, Red Wonderous Oil : Fail
    Ore of Travail Taper, Green Wonderous Balm : Fail
    Ore of Travail Taper, Violet Wonderous Balm : Fail
    Ore of Travail Wonderous Balm Wonderous Jewel : Fail
    Ore of Travail Wonderous Balm Wonderous Scarab : Fail
    Ore of Travail Wonderous Jewel Wonderous Oil : Fail
    Taper, Blue Taper, Green Taper, Violet : Fail
    Taper, Blue Taper, Red Wonderous Balm : Fail
    Taper, Blue Taper, Red Wonderous Oil : Fail
    Taper, Blue Taper, Violet Taper, Yellow : Fail
    Taper, Blue Taper, Violet Wonderous Balm : fail
    Taper, Blue Taper, Violet Wonderous Jewel :Fail
    Taper, Blue Taper, Violet Wonderous Oil : Fail
    Taper, Blue Taper, Violet Wonderous Scarab : Fail
    Taper, Green Taper, Red Taper, Violet : Fail
    Taper, Green Taper, Red Taper, Yellow : Fail
    Taper, Green Taper, Red Wonderous Balm : Fail
    Taper, Green Taper, Red Wonderous Jewel :Fail
    Taper, Green Taper, Red Wonderous Oil : Fail
    Taper, Green Taper, Red Wonderous Scarab : Fail
    Taper, Green Taper, Violet Taper, Yellow : Fail
    Taper, Green Taper, Violet Wonderous Balm : Fail
    Taper, Green Taper, Violet Wonderous Jewel : Fail
    Taper, Green Taper, Violet Wonderous Oil : Fail
    Taper, Green Taper, Violet Wonderous Scarab : Fail
    Taper, Red Taper, Violet Taper, Yellow : Fail
    Taper, Red Taper, Violet Wonderous Balm : Fail
    Taper, Red Taper, Violet Wonderous Jewel : Fail
    Taper, Red Taper, Violet Wonderous Oil : Fail
    Taper, Red Taper, Violet Wonderous Scarab : Fail
    Taper, Red Taper, Yellow Wonderous Balm : Fail
    Taper, Red Taper, Yellow Wonderous Jewel : Fail
    Taper, Red Taper, Yellow Wonderous Oil : Fail
    Taper, Red Taper, Yellow Wonderous Scarab : Fail
    Taper, Red Wonderous Balm Wonderous Oil : Fail
    Taper, Red Wonderous Jewel Wonderous Oil : Fail
    Taper, Red Wonderous Oil Wonderous Scarab : Fail
    Taper, Violet Taper, Yellow Wonderous Balm : Fail
    Taper, Violet Taper, Yellow Wonderous Jewel : Fail
    Taper, Violet Taper, Yellow Wonderous Oil : Fail
    Taper, Violet Taper, Yellow Wonderous Scarab : Fail
    Taper, Violet Wonderous Balm Wonderous Jewel : Fail
    Taper, Violet Wonderous Balm Wonderous Oil : Fail
    Taper, Violet Wonderous Balm Wonderous Scarab : Fail
    Taper, Violet Wonderous Jewel Wonderous Oil : Fail
    Taper, Violet Wonderous Jewel Wonderous Scarab : Fail
    Taper, Violet Wonderous Oil Wonderous Scarab : Fail

    That should be the list Ill check again tommorrow to see if I skipped any


  15. #515
    Founder Rouge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rouge View Post
    (Standard): Altar of Invasion success with Shavarath Shard Formulation! Consumed: Shavarath Low Energy Cell, Inferior Focus of Water, Cloudy Gem of Dominion, Diluted Ethereal Essence. Created: Shard of Power. Shard of Power becomes Shard of Power.

    (Standard): Altar of Invasion success with Shavarath Transformation! Consumed: Shavarath Low Energy Cell, Shard of Power. Created: +5 Green Steel Sceptre. +5 Green Steel Sceptre becomes +5 Improved Glaciation VI Green Steel Sceptre.

    Rhaine - Sarlona
    Added for stage 2

  16. #516
    Community Member maddmatt70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ihsan View Post
    You could probably spend all day buggering around with the lay outs - Currently the lay out clearly shows what has and hasnt been tryed and the effects on weps / equipment. And persides Cambo is doing us all a service be cataloging so he/she should set it out however they like.
    Cambo is doing us a service one for which I am greatful, but I am trying to give him/her some help in catalouging in order to clear up the confusion that exists and make this service even more powerful...
    Norg Fighter12/Paladin6/Monk2, Jacquiej Cleric18/Monk1/Wiz1, Rabiez Bard16/Ranger3/Cleric1, Hangover Bard L20, Boomsticks Fighter12/Monk 6/Druid 2, Grumblegut Ranger8/Paladin6/Monk6, Rabidly Rogue L20, Furiously Rogue10/Monk6/Paladin4, Snowcones Cleric 12/Ranger 6/Monk 2, Norge Barbarian 12/FVS4/Rogue4. Guild:Prophets of The New Republic Khyber.

  17. #517
    Community Member lopter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CaseStringer View Post
    Did anyone ever find a recipe for a Battleaxe/Dwarven Axe/Greataxe?...Just wondering what i'm gonna craft for my Dwarven Axe-Lord, if i can't build him an AXE!!!
    I just ran through the entire combo list and found nothing new so Id say nope your stuck

  18. #518
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    What's the casting time like on the effects from the clickies? Is it instant or a couple seconds long? An instant true res or polar ray is nice, whereas a 3 second polar ray is useless and a 3 second true res would make it harder to use in combat.

    I took a look at the Wiki and like the way the charts are filled out. I found it a little annoying to have to hit page back to go to the top page then go to the bottom if I wanted to look at one of the other combine pages so I added a set of links at the bottom linking each of the Green Steel effect pages to each other. I just copied and pasted from the first page. It makes it a bit faster to jump from one level of combines to the next without being forced to load the top page. If you don't like it or want to change the way it looks feel free.

  19. #519
    Community Member Ihsan's Avatar
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    Looks like perhaps from rouge's post the best you can get is +50% to a certain element for spell damage. The saving grace would want to be that it goes higher then lvl 6 spells, because it seems better just to use potency :S

    Oh and the polar ray casting time is just the same as a normal wizard casting polar ray Ikuryo.

  20. #520
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    Default Element/Stat alignments

    In this crafting system there are 6 elements, fire water air earth positive negative. And in D&D there are also 6 ability scores.
    Each element has two abilities tied to it; one physical and one mental. The physical will be activated if you use Material Essence, while Ethereal Essence will bring out the mental attribute.

    Condensed from various reports, those stat associations are:
            Phy / Men
    Air     Dex / Cha
    Earth   Con / Wis
    Fire    Dex / Int
    Water       /
    Pos     Con / Cha
    Neg         / Int
    By guessing that all stats are equally covered by the elements, we can deduce that Neg is Str / Int and Water is Str / Wis.

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