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  1. #481
    Tasty Ham Hunter Kargon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Borror0 View Post
    No screenie, I had looked for it before. Was posted by Kire on the Risia forum, post #40ish.

    Acid being lower is normal, as Acid always deals less damage as it's DoT.
    The problamem are... acid usuamally deal such low damage, 15% probamally going be less than 1 point of damage and not going have any affect anymaway. But kargon regremet nothiming, Lumpy make all worthmawhile. Now kargon have to make one for Keensly so Lumpy can have brothermrer name Grumpy....

    And Kargon sayaming 15% because kargon assume 5% and 10% stack. Maybe they do, maybe they dont. kargon not try out for that yet.

  2. #482


    Quote Originally Posted by Kargon View Post
    The problamem are... acid usuamally deal such low damage, 15% probamally going be less than 1 point of damage and not going have any affect anymaway.
    Yes, but x times 1 damage, instead of once 15%. Might equal itself a little?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kargon View Post
    And Kargon sayaming 15% because kargon assume 5% and 10% stack. Maybe they do, maybe they dont. kargon not try out for that yet.
    Yeah, curious about that. So far, even Frost + Icy Burst stacks, so that might be possible. On the other hand, there are a few that doesn't..., #1 source for DDO information.

  3. #483
    Waylander of the Stolen Blade Cambo's Avatar
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    Just got of a 27 hour flight/s..
    Wil do some udating ASAP

    Thansk for the infor..

  4. #484
    Solver of Dark Secrets Magnus_Arcanis's Avatar
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    Just an FYI, the Lesser Regeneration ability has a rate of 1 hp per minute. Which for those that remember is the same rate as the Troll Regeneration Ring. Which is both odd and dissapointing really being that it was becuase of the slow rate they took the ring out of the game. Still, I have high hopes that future upgrades will be a bit more worthwhile
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  5. #485
    Community Member Ihsan's Avatar
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    Borror0 could you please tell me/us what aspect of smoke does ? i cant seem to locate anything about it. What elements used would be nice aswell, thanks.

  6. #486


    Quote Originally Posted by Ihsan View Post
    Borror0 could you please tell me/us what aspect of smoke does ? i cant seem to locate anything about it. What elements used would be nice aswell, thanks.
    Of course. It's already available to everyone here.

    Now, for those too lazy to follow the link, it's a clickie of Displacement (Caster level 16) (2/day).

    Elements used are Air then Fire.
    Last edited by Borror0; 02-11-2008 at 02:25 AM., #1 source for DDO information.

  7. #487
    Community Member Ihsan's Avatar
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    Interesting, thanks for that one mate.

  8. #488
    Waylander of the Stolen Blade Cambo's Avatar
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    Major Update Complete

    thansk for all contributors...

    Now to bed afte 27 hours travelling an 2 hours of DDO updating..

    Interesting updates

    Acid Burst (Never before avaiable except +1 battle axe)
    The Wizardry 6 is avaiable with Wis bonus instead of Cha...but looses True res for Earth ele Click

  9. #489
    Community Member Mavnimo's Avatar
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    (Standard): Altar of Devastation success with Shavarath Shard Formulation! Consumed: Shavarath High Energy Cell, Flawless Gem of Escalation, Superior Focus of Positive Energy, Pure Ethereal Essence. Created: Shard of Supreme Power. Shard of Supreme Power becomes Shard of Supreme Power.

    (Standard): Altar of Devastation success with Ultimate Shavarath Transformation! Consumed: Shavarath High Energy Cell, Shard of Supreme Power. Created: Great Commander Green Steel Bracers of Wizardry VI. Great Commander Green Steel Bracers of Wizardry VI becomes Supreme Tyrant Green Steel Bracers of Positive Energy.

  10. #490
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    so sick

  11. #491
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Have a proposed naming system for these items to make it easier to describe what goes into them.

    The naming system is described here:

    This would make the above awesome bracers able to be described as +EE//+EE//+EE bracers (if you made them the way I think you did). Myrmidral is currently using the cool, but less uber, +EE//+EE goggles.
    I don't have a zerging problem.

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  12. #492
    Community Member Mystikill's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mavnimo View Post
    (Standard): Altar of Devastation success with Shavarath Shard Formulation! Consumed: Shavarath High Energy Cell, Flawless Gem of Escalation, Superior Focus of Positive Energy, Pure Ethereal Essence. Created: Shard of Supreme Power. Shard of Supreme Power becomes Shard of Supreme Power.

    (Standard): Altar of Devastation success with Ultimate Shavarath Transformation! Consumed: Shavarath High Energy Cell, Shard of Supreme Power. Created: Great Commander Green Steel Bracers of Wizardry VI. Great Commander Green Steel Bracers of Wizardry VI becomes Supreme Tyrant Green Steel Bracers of Positive Energy.

    Incredible. Might actually be fun to play pinball in madstone crater with a caster.
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  13. #493
    Community Member Venar's Avatar
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    Wonder how big the chance of disruption.
    Go stand in Temple of Vol and wait.

  14. #494
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    The tier2 bonus type effects are based purely upon the elements you chose, not the related effects. And I will confirm the 2 the devs shown as follows:

    Aspect of Fire = Fire Affinity + Fire = Incineration (Delayed Blast Fireball lvl 16 x 3 Clicks) and + 2 Dex Bonus. - Unconfirmed from Beta Info

    This is actually just Aspect of
    Fire: Fire + Fire = Delayed Blast Fireball lvl16 x3 - The other stuff like +2 dex is just an effect of that specific upgrade,
    which should be as follows:
    Medium Material + Escalation + Fire = Wpn: +1 Exceptional Dex - This stacks with everything (but not with itself)
    And also
    Large Material + Escalation + Fire = Wpn: +2 Exceptional Dex - This stacks with the +1 for a total of +3 (but not with itself)
    Altho I cannot confirm these effects - im just infering it from the info posted in the Official crafting guide and info i've learned ingame - I've seen the +6 cha +1 exception cha upgrades, so dex/str/etc should be the same just a different element.

    Aspect of Lightning = Positive Affinity + Air = Chain Lightning lvl 16 x 3 Clicks - Unconfirmed from Beta Info

    Can confrim this one as
    Aspect of Lightning:: Positive + Lightning = Chain Lightning lvl16 x3

    Also note the order in which you add the elements does not effect the outcome.. IE Postive + Lightning produced the chain lightning as well as Lightning + Positive.

    And another one i've seen:

    Aspect of Air: = Air + Air = Haste lvl16 x3

    Incineration is not the name of a tier2 clicky effect. It is actually a power tier3 special effect, which I will guess is based on all 3 elements. So Fire + Fire + Fire = (wpn effect) Incineration ( Massive fire dmg on hits..or something like that, see offical crafting guide)
    And the new one Mavnimo discovered:
    Greater Disruption Guard (item effect) = Postive + Postive + Positive

    Last edited by Shade; 02-11-2008 at 07:09 AM.

  15. #495
    Community Member Mad_Bombardier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    [/COLOR]Aspect of Lightning = Positive Affinity + Air = Chain Lightning lvl 16 x 3 Clicks - Unconfirmed from Beta Info

    Can confrim this one as
    Aspect of Lightning:: Positive + Lightning = Chain Lightning lvl16 x3
    The original listing is quite correct. There is no Focus of Lightning as you suggest. Aspect of Lightning = Positive + Air.

  16. #496
    Community Member Dworkin_of_Amber's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Borror0 View Post
    Seems you're right. I'll wait for Dworkin to correct it since he's the one who entered the value.
    I can't find it now, so I guess you fixed it.

    Ok, a BIG thanks to Borror0 for keeping things updated this weekend on the Wiki.
    I am working on verifying what edits he did make, and updating with anything missing.
    I will also be adding the Altar of Devastation Page on the Wiki today, as we have +EE//+EE//+EE recipe now... the only problem is trying to determine if the Greater Disruption Guard is the effect from +//+//+ or part of the +EE at the Devastation Altar... I'm thinking that it is the +//+//+ reward... just like +//+ is True Rez 1/day... but we will have to wait and see.
    Dworkin, Benedict, Gerard, Vialle, Beldin... too many to list
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  17. #497
    Waylander of the Stolen Blade Cambo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    The tier2 bonus type effects are based purely upon the elements you chose, not the related effects. And I will confirm the 2 the devs shown as follows:

    Aspect of Fire = Fire Affinity + Fire = Incineration (Delayed Blast Fireball lvl 16 x 3 Clicks) and + 2 Dex Bonus. - Unconfirmed from Beta Info

    This is actually just Aspect of Fire: Fire + Fire = Delayed Blast Fireball lvl16 x3 - The other stuff like +2 dex is just an effect of that specific upgrade,
    which should be as follows:
    Medium Material + Escalation + Fire = Wpn: +1 Exceptional Dex - This stacks with everything (but not with itself)
    And also Large Material + Escalation + Fire = Wpn: +2 Exceptional Dex - This stacks with the +1 for a total of +3 (but not with itself)
    Altho I cannot confirm these effects - im just infering it from the info posted in the Official crafting guide and info i've learned ingame - I've seen the +6 cha +1 exception cha upgrades, so dex/str/etc should be the same just a different element.

    Aspect of Lightning = Positive Affinity + Air = Chain Lightning lvl 16 x 3 Clicks - Unconfirmed from Beta Info

    Can confrim this one as
    Aspect of Lightning:: Positive + Lightning = Chain Lightning lvl16 x3

    Also note the order in which you add the elements does not effect the outcome.. IE Postive + Lightning produced the chain lightning as well as Lightning + Positive.

    And another one i've seen:

    Aspect of Air: = Air + Air = Haste lvl16 x3

    Incineration is not the name of a tier2 clicky effect. It is actually a power tier3 special effect, which I will guess is based on all 3 elements. So Fire + Fire + Fire = (wpn effect) Incineration ( Massive fire dmg on hits..or something like that, see offical crafting guide)
    And the new one Mavnimo discovered:
    Greater Disruption Guard (item effect) = Postive + Postive + Positive
    Updated thanks

  18. #498
    Community Member Dworkin_of_Amber's Avatar
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    Ok, one thing that would be a BIG help to determine how many recipes/slots we are going to be dealing with is for someone to test Air @ Invasion, then Positive at Subjugation. Basically, we need to know if Air+Positive is different from Positive+Air for the Added Effects (Positive+Air = Chain Lightning 3/day L16 & Aspect of Lightning)

    I want to find out that if the recipe is done in REVERSE... Air first, then Positive, do we still get the Aspect of Lightning & Chain Lightning... if this is so, then it cuts down the potential "Extra Effects" on the 2nd Altar, and a HUGE reduction in possibilities for the 3rd Altar.
    Dworkin, Benedict, Gerard, Vialle, Beldin... too many to list
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  19. #499
    Waylander of the Stolen Blade Cambo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dworkin of Amber View Post
    Ok, one thing that would be a BIG help to determine how many recipes/slots we are going to be dealing with is for someone to test Air @ Invasion, then Positive at Subjugation. Basically, we need to know if Air+Positive is different from Positive+Air for the Added Effects (Positive+Air = Chain Lightning 3/day L16 & Aspect of Lightning)

    I want to find out that if the recipe is done in REVERSE... Air first, then Positive, do we still get the Aspect of Lightning & Chain Lightning... if this is so, then it cuts down the potential "Extra Effects" on the 2nd Altar, and a HUGE reduction in possibilities for the 3rd Altar.
    Somebody - cant remember shich thread confirmed it did not matter which order for temperred (frost/fire fire/frost) so i think it is save to say either combo is the same.

  20. #500
    Community Member Mad_Bombardier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cambo View Post
    Somebody - cant remember shich thread confirmed it did not matter which order for temperred (frost/fire fire/frost) so i think it is save to say either combo is the same.
    That is a good, working hypothesis (ie., good until someone proves otherwise).

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