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yea I know, I'm hoping with tier three it gets better. Maybe the devs will fix it in mons update.
CLW !! thats pathetic, i was heading in that direction with my braces, think i might try something else now then. Sadly it would seem while there could possible be 1200 recipies, 60% probably wont be worth the computer code they are written on.
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But you dont know what the next upgrade will be.
If cure light wound becomes mass cure light wound, then its not so bad.
Or even better, Heal.
°Shima Ra °Roots °Zielle °Sisqi °Downpour
So, so far we have only found out how to get +6 stat with exceptional bonuses on weapons? That stinks.
I mean, exceptional bonus to wisdom based skills? LOL, I'm sure that is really useful...
Originally Posted by Handee
I think this was yet another case of a very early report of the fire lore(it was one of the first 3 IIRC) and I think the poster had the recipe wrong.
It actually makes more sense now when looking at the chart.
fire lore(item) and/or improved combustion 6(weapons) = Fire+Dominion+Ethereal
Fire guard(item) and/or flaming (weapon) = Fire+Dominion+Material
I've removed the wrong(I think) Fire lore from the Eldritch chart and added fire guard and all the other reports.
Cambo, on your list right now you have 2 wrong reports that don't make sense... +6 con(E+E+E) and the fire lore(F+D+M), I'd just scrap both and wait for new reports for them.
Guys the one type we really need to see is,
Any foci+opposition+material.
Right now the only report for that is the regeneration from the positive.
Last edited by Borror0; 02-10-2008 at 01:29 PM.
DDOwiki.com, #1 source for DDO information.
Are you sure about this? I must have missed it...Also I was talking about items but more weapons with that are needed too.
Anyways I think I discovered how they will get to 1200 recipes...
differing affinities provide bonuses as well...
Positive + Positive = 1 charge/day of true resurrection
Earth + Earth = 2 charge/day of summon dense earth elemental(CR 12)
Water + Water = 3 charges/day Cure light wounds caster lvl 16
Fire + Water = Tempered ( increased hardness and durability) ,Intimidate +7 ,Concentration +10 ,Repair +7
So there are 36 more possibilities, and if you can do triple affinities that adds a TON more.
I meant that, like Opposition/Material, Opposition/Ethereal is missing lots of entries too. the only Opposition/Ethereal found as of now is the Positive one, giving a +1 Insight bonus at Invasion and a +2 Insight bonus at Subjugation (they do not stack).
Yeah, Dworkin and I already formulated this hypothesis. We made this table here for that reason. And like you said, there will probably be a third one entering into the equation, to it'll make lots of other possibilities.
PS: Where you found Tempered? I have seen Aspect of Smoke, but not Tempered.
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I had Void and Fire lore on my personal spreadsheet as Etheral. There seem to be a lot of people mixing up the Etheral and Material components.
And yeah ... said we were missing almost all the opposition combos here:
It applies to items as well. So far I have seen one each (weapon/item) of Material Opp and Etheral Opp. Pretty hard to figure out what the others will be without at least one more of each.
I'm trying for the double Negative bonus now probably on an item.
Edit - Ok applies less to items now, saw 30 pt Resist as (Mat, Opp, Fire), so Air, Water, Earth ought to be easy to figure out. Positive is Regen ... Im going for Negative unless someone beats me to it. Though still need Etheral/Opp stuff.
Last edited by SneakThief; 02-10-2008 at 06:15 PM.
See, even the EULA says its a game and supposed to be fun.Originally Posted by EULA
Axer made it last night.
-Valok of Khyber, The Free Companions
Still furious about the horrendous CS mismanagement of the so-called Abbot timer "exploit," and not going to let anyone forget it.
Looking at the charts and the way the naming of combined effects is going I would be interested in seeing the following:
Earth + Fire = Lava?
Water + Air = Cloud or Rain?
Earth + Air = Sand?
Positive + Negative = Balance?
Lots of possible fun effects waiting to be found.
the second unholy is +5 unholy greensword of evilburst with 3 charges of symbol of weakness
Last edited by Wheatcracker; 02-10-2008 at 07:04 PM.
Longmasword + Material + Opposimitimion + Earth = 5% acid absorptimion for levamel 1 upgrade (small ingredimients).
Last edited by Kargon; 02-10-2008 at 08:23 PM.
Last edited by SneakThief; 02-10-2008 at 08:31 PM.
See, even the EULA says its a game and supposed to be fun.Originally Posted by EULA
Thanks to silly rogue Skeeby for free shard great powermer, Kargon make medium upgrade to same longsword.
Material / opposition / earth make:
10% acid absorb, 5% acid absorb, 2X summon earth elem clicky. kargon have new pet rock name Lumpy!
Last edited by Kargon; 02-10-2008 at 11:22 PM.
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