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  1. #381
    Waylander of the Stolen Blade Cambo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Borror0 View Post

    Domination and Material will always give something that will damage (ie Frost (Water), Flaming (Fire), Holy (Positive), Unholy (Negative), Shock (Air), etc.) That applies to both the Altar of Invation and the Altar of Subjugation. If so, upgrading a weapon at the Altar of Invasion with Domination, Material and Air focus will apply Shock on a Green Steel blank weapon.

    Then, upgrading that same weapon on the altar of Subjugation will probably bestow Chain Lightning liek that Warhammer we saw in the WarCry preview. The same will be possible, I assume, with Fire focus giving Flaming and that random fire effect that was on the +9 Dex Hammer (can't find it anymore).

    Also, Esclation and Ethereal together seems to give a +6 to a stat so far.

    Of course, all of this is assuming.
    We also have confirmed evidence of Material and Escalation giving +6 stat (Dextourous Long bow with fire foci) and that relates to my guess above. The hammer you mentioned above is in my examples on the 3 rd post of this thread.
    its Fire Foci specialisation is 3 x delayed blast fireball and +2 Dex by the look of it.
    Last edited by Cambo; 02-07-2008 at 11:34 PM.

  2. #382
    Waylander of the Stolen Blade Cambo's Avatar
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    Ethereal + Escalation + Positive = Wpn: -:- Equip: Elemental Spell Power (+50 spell pts), +2 Cha Skill (Laurenthis)
    Material + Dominion + Positive = Wpn:Pure Good Burst (Dimz) -:- Equip:
    Material + Escalation + Positive = Wpn: ?? +1 Con Bonus -:- Equip:
    Material + Escalation + Fire = Wpn: ?? +1 Dex Bonus-:- Equip:

    Accumulated Energy Effects

    When you upgrade an item twice with the same energy type (eg affinity to positive energy and Aspect of Positive Energy)
    "This item has accumulated enough of the power of positive energy to take on special characteristics"

    Affinity of Positive Energy + Aspect of Positive Energy = True Resurrection (1 Click)
    Affinty of Fire + Aspect of Fire = (Speculate from Turbine Post) Incineration (Delayed Blast Fireball lvl 16 x 3 Clicks) and + 2 Dex Bonus.

  3. #383


    Quote Originally Posted by Cambo View Post
    Accumulated Energy Effects

    When you upgrade an item twice with the same energy type (eg affinity to positive energy and Aspect of Positive Energy)
    "This item has accumulated enough of the power of positive energy to take on special characteristics"

    Affinity of Positive Energy + Aspect of Positive Energy = True Resurrection (1 Click)
    Affinty of Fire + Aspect of Fire = (Speculate from Turbine Post) Incineration (Delayed Blast Fireball lvl 16 x 3 Clicks) and + 2 Dex Bonus.
    If you're going to speculate:

    Air + Positive seemed to make the electricity effects (Shocking, Chain Lightning Clicky) on the bow they showed.
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  4. #384
    Waylander of the Stolen Blade Cambo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge View Post
    If you're going to speculate:

    Air + Positive seemed to make the electricity effects (Shocking, Chain Lightning Clicky) on the bow they showed.

    Yeah found the says You have gathered enough enrgy of air and positive energy to take on a seto give you a special features of elemental lighting. No speculating there...defintely the case... Chain Lightning x 3 lvl 16

    Well more guesses give me...

    Material + Dominion + Air = Wpn: ??Shocking Burst -:- Equip:
    " + " + element = Burst ???
    Material + Escalation + Positive = Wpn: ?? +1 Con Bonus -:- Equip:
    Material + Escalation + Fire = Wpn: ?? +1 Dex Bonus-:- Equip:

    Accumulated Energy Effects

    When you upgrade an item twice with the same energy type (eg affinity to positive energy and Aspect of Positive Energy)
    "This item has accumulated enough of the power of positive energy to take on special characteristics"

    Positive + Positive (Greater) = Aspect of Positive Energy = True Resurrection (1 Click)
    Fire + Fire (Greater) = Aspect of Fire =Incineration (Delayed Blast Fireball lvl 16 x 3 Clicks) and + 2 Dex Bonus. - Unconfirmed from Beta Info
    Positive + Air (Greater) = Aspect of Lightning = Chain Lightning lvl 16 x 3 Clicks - Unconfirmed from Beta Info
    Last edited by Cambo; 02-08-2008 at 12:11 AM.

  5. #385
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    anyone notice that air and positive seem to work realy well together -- on a dif wepon that had water and something else got ice and initial benifit with no synergy-- this one was holy and the synergy didnt give tier 1 shock dmg but shocking burst and the clickie

    i wonder if a certain element gets certain synergy with negative

    or if fire and earth would have synergy or something like that

    duno if this means anything but it struck me as noticable

    i also noticed that it stil has the name greensteel longbow didnt get leutenant dan or captain duh

    anyone think that +1 insight bonus to armour is realy lame compared to +6 to a stat or holy dmg if tier 2 is parrying with 1 insight bonus to armour and saves ima gona upchuck allthese uber cool new wepons and not a single one for defensive fighters plus one to armour my big bootie and doestn even stack with parrying cause both are insight
    Last edited by joeuhuh; 02-08-2008 at 05:43 AM.

  6. #386
    Waylander of the Stolen Blade Cambo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joeuhuh View Post
    anyone notice that air and positive seem to work realy well together -- on a dif wepon that had water and something else got ice and initial benifit with no synergy-- this one was holy and the synergy didnt give tier 1 shock dmg but shocking burst and the clickie

    i wonder if a certain element gets certain synergy with negative

    or if fire and earth would have synergy or something like that

    duno if this means anything but it struck me as noticable

    i also noticed that it stil has the name greensteel longbow didnt get leutenant dan or captain duh

    anyone think that +1 insight bonus to armour is realy lame compared to +6 to a stat or holy dmg if tier 2 is parrying with 1 insight bonus to armour and saves ima gona upchuck allthese uber cool new wepons and not a single one for defensive fighters plus one to armour my big bootie and doestn even stack with parrying cause both are insight
    Would say the warhammer and bow are not named becasue it was from beta a guess...mmm lots of guessing lately
    Last edited by Cambo; 02-08-2008 at 06:15 AM.

  7. #387
    Community Member Harncw's Avatar
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    Working off of inkblacks spreadsheet:
    (trying to fill in the greensteel's unknowns)

    FAILURE Filaments of Toil Ore of Travail Wonderous Oil
    FAILURE Filaments of Toil Wonderous Oil Wonderous Scarab
    /TELL Tackilack ~ Tackalack ~ Taq ~ Heartattack ~ Scrooge

  8. #388
    Community Member UtherSRG's Avatar
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    I have a couple of things I'm wondering about.....

    1. Sceptre (sic) was included for a reason, and I can only assume it would be a caster weapon. Would applying an upgrade to a sceptre work the same way as for another weapon? If so, then I'd want to try an upgrade that hasn't yet been tried for a weapon, such as Ethereal + Dominion + focus, anticipating it might give the Potency version of the Lore pattern speculated for Material + Dominion + focus. I'm also wondering if the upgrade to Sceptre might work as if it were an item and not a weapon, since that is its typical usage.

    2. Following that, we really need to keep track of which weapons/items have been upgraded along which paths. Just knowing that one upgrade worked in one way on a weapon does not yet mean that it will work that way on all weapons, likewise for items. Since the devs have spoken of "over 1200 recipes", I'm trying to figure out what they really mean by this. 20 weapons + items * 36 upgrades = 720 combinations. that's far short of 1200.

    3. Seems to me that most first upgrades are "Lieutenant", which we're assuming means it was a good match. (Ethereal + Escalation + Earth= Wpn: +6 Con Longbow being the only exception so far?) So some upgrades are a "good match" and some are not. Perhaps, then, the number of initial recipes is less than 720... 36 upgrade paths * (good weapon match + not good weapon match + good item match + not good item match = 4) = 144.

    4. "Great Commander" is when a "Lieutenant" is given an identical 2nd tier upgrade to its 1st tier upgrade. (What about the 1st tier non-"Lieutenant" upgrades?) However, there are 35 other possible upgrades to try. Do they all work? Do any of them work? I would guess that not all of them work, otherwise the total upgrade tree would have far more than 1200 total recipes (as shown in a previous post of mine... 36 * 36 * 36 = 46656). If we're limited to following the same focus, this removes two factors of 6: 36 * 6 * 6 = 1296, which brings us much closer to the magic number of 1200. (However, I would have said "nearly 1300 recipes" instead of "over 1200" if 1296 were the real number... but perhaps the devs wanted to be more obfuscatory....) However, 36 * 6 * 6 doesn't take into account the difference between a weapon upgrade and an item upgrade...

    Oy... my head hurts....

  9. #389
    Community Member query's Avatar
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    Default Of course I get four part 1 raid runs and STILL can't upgrade due to not enough

    componet ingredients.

    Yeah, geting power needed AND items to make a T2 each time (assuming you don't have to craft a shard first before imbuing) plus the three tiers upgraded makes that imbued with another power cell and item (yeah, I see what you mean about junk to recharge eating your premium space...because of that "requirement" my bank is now fuller than my backpack.)

    But I did watch others, and listened to them.

    It appears, and I stress the word *appears* that stats linked to the physical (Str, Dex Con) are connected to material essence and stats linked to the mental (Int, Wis Cha)are linked to the ethereal essence.

    Again, I have not gotten another 5 stones combined, made a new greensteel item and tested this with something on the other end, but going over what I saw upgraded, along with what I have read confirmed, suggests so.

    And now i'm terrified if I find a good ingredient start and deviate from that (from same types used before but higher power items), I'lll get some crappy boost that would not work on the item, and forevermore be stuck with a useless L1 power.

    Then again, it would be nice if there were some way for me to reasonably get those ingredients. Even the devil components are almost never offered on the AH, with people thinking it's "reasonable" to offer 500-600 K for T1 VALE ingredients. I got 1 stone 1 scale and 2 bones, and nobody is even offering to swap that extra bone for something I need like another stone, shrapnel or a chain.

    One day, someday, those shrine of change attuned items will have some other option besides that durabilty path and we getting those gems when we can't cast trap the soul will somehow be offered....

    But I will be patient. After all, it's not like people are still overcharging on the AH for scales and Relics anymore. Oh wait....

    [Gaming God, give me strength...]
    Last edited by query; 02-08-2008 at 07:06 AM.

    Be careful what you wish for, what you say is best; for sometimes what you seek is found, not at the end of the quest.
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  10. #390
    Waylander of the Stolen Blade Cambo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UtherSRG View Post
    I have a couple of things I'm wondering about.....

    1. Sceptre (sic) was included for a reason, and I can only assume it would be a caster weapon. Would applying an upgrade to a sceptre work the same way as for another weapon? If so, then I'd want to try an upgrade that hasn't yet been tried for a weapon, such as Ethereal + Dominion + focus, anticipating it might give the Potency version of the Lore pattern speculated for Material + Dominion + focus. I'm also wondering if the upgrade to Sceptre might work as if it were an item and not a weapon, since that is its typical usage.

    2. Following that, we really need to keep track of which weapons/items have been upgraded along which paths. Just knowing that one upgrade worked in one way on a weapon does not yet mean that it will work that way on all weapons, likewise for items. Since the devs have spoken of "over 1200 recipes", I'm trying to figure out what they really mean by this. 20 weapons + items * 36 upgrades = 720 combinations. that's far short of 1200.

    3. Seems to me that most first upgrades are "Lieutenant", which we're assuming means it was a good match. (Ethereal + Escalation + Earth= Wpn: +6 Con Longbow being the only exception so far?) So some upgrades are a "good match" and some are not. Perhaps, then, the number of initial recipes is less than 720... 36 upgrade paths * (good weapon match + not good weapon match + good item match + not good item match = 4) = 144.

    4. "Great Commander" is when a "Lieutenant" is given an identical 2nd tier upgrade to its 1st tier upgrade. (What about the 1st tier non-"Lieutenant" upgrades?) However, there are 35 other possible upgrades to try. Do they all work? Do any of them work? I would guess that not all of them work, otherwise the total upgrade tree would have far more than 1200 total recipes (as shown in a previous post of mine... 36 * 36 * 36 = 46656). If we're limited to following the same focus, this removes two factors of 6: 36 * 6 * 6 = 1296, which brings us much closer to the magic number of 1200. (However, I would have said "nearly 1300 recipes" instead of "over 1200" if 1296 were the real number... but perhaps the devs wanted to be more obfuscatory....) However, 36 * 6 * 6 doesn't take into account the difference between a weapon upgrade and an item upgrade...

    Oy... my head hurts....
    Not limited to follow the same foci.
    The Bow from the dev thread had positive and air = Aspect of Lightning an new aspect all together..

    Lieutennant I think refers to non stat upgrade as Dex = Dexterous, Con = Health

  11. #391
    Community Member gpk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gpk View Post
    Shard of Power imbued with Positive + Ethereal + Opposition iirc, recipe for +1 Insight AC on a weap.

    (Standard): Altar of Invasion success with Shavarath Transformation! Consumed: Shard of Power, Shavarath Low Energy Cell.
    Created: Green Steel Goggles. Green Steel Goggles becomes Lieutenant Green Steel Goggles of Resistance (Will).

    A guildy made +5 Will Goggles don't try this combo
    Here is Tier 2

  12. #392
    Community Member UtherSRG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gpk View Post
    Here is Tier 2

    So despite saying "don't do this" he went and used the same upgrade path for the 2nd tier? LOL!

  13. #393


    Quote Originally Posted by UtherSRG View Post
    So despite saying "don't do this" he went and used the same upgrade path for the 2nd tier? LOL!
    It was worth finding out if it did something useful, I suppose. Since you already kind of "ruined" the item.

    Who knows, the second tier might've made it +5 resistance to all saves a +1 exception bonus to all saves. That might've made it worthwhile.
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  14. #394
    Community Member UtherSRG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UtherSRG View Post
    I have a couple of things I'm wondering about.....

    1. Sceptre (sic) was included for a reason, and I can only assume it would be a caster weapon. Would applying an upgrade to a sceptre work the same way as for another weapon? If so, then I'd want to try an upgrade that hasn't yet been tried for a weapon, such as Ethereal + Dominion + focus, anticipating it might give the Potency version of the Lore pattern speculated for Material + Dominion + focus. I'm also wondering if the upgrade to Sceptre might work as if it were an item and not a weapon, since that is its typical usage.

    2. Following that, we really need to keep track of which weapons/items have been upgraded along which paths. Just knowing that one upgrade worked in one way on a weapon does not yet mean that it will work that way on all weapons, likewise for items. Since the devs have spoken of "over 1200 recipes", I'm trying to figure out what they really mean by this. 20 weapons + items * 36 upgrades = 720 combinations. that's far short of 1200.

    3. Seems to me that most first upgrades are "Lieutenant", which we're assuming means it was a good match. (Ethereal + Escalation + Earth= Wpn: +6 Con Longbow being the only exception so far?) So some upgrades are a "good match" and some are not. Perhaps, then, the number of initial recipes is less than 720... 36 upgrade paths * (good weapon match + not good weapon match + good item match + not good item match = 4) = 144.

    4. "Great Commander" is when a "Lieutenant" is given an identical 2nd tier upgrade to its 1st tier upgrade. (What about the 1st tier non-"Lieutenant" upgrades?) However, there are 35 other possible upgrades to try. Do they all work? Do any of them work? I would guess that not all of them work, otherwise the total upgrade tree would have far more than 1200 total recipes (as shown in a previous post of mine... 36 * 36 * 36 = 46656). If we're limited to following the same focus, this removes two factors of 6: 36 * 6 * 6 = 1296, which brings us much closer to the magic number of 1200. (However, I would have said "nearly 1300 recipes" instead of "over 1200" if 1296 were the real number... but perhaps the devs wanted to be more obfuscatory....) However, 36 * 6 * 6 doesn't take into account the difference between a weapon upgrade and an item upgrade...

    Oy... my head hurts....
    Quote Originally Posted by Cambo View Post
    Not limited to follow the same foci.
    The Bow from the dev thread had positive and air = Aspect of Lightning an new aspect all together..

    Lieutennant I think refers to non stat upgrade as Dex = Dexterous, Con = Health
    Ok, that makes sense then. And I see that the Health weapon when upgraded a 2nd time became "Great Commander" as well.

    So... we're back to 36 * 36 * 36 * 2 combinations... so that's gotta be combinations of recipes. Let's count a different way...

    There are 4 categories of raw ingredients: Vale, Small, Medium, and Large. The Vale raw ingredients combine in 15 recipes, and the Shroud raw ingredients combine in 11 recipes (4 invalid combinations) for a total of 48 recipes. No other possible recipes here.

    The Vale manufactured items can be combined to make 20 green steel items (12 weapons and 8 items), with some notable weapons and items missing. Many combinations yet to be checked for exclusion, but no additional recipes expected to be found. (Still, it would be nice if the devs buried the rapier, scimitar and ring blanks on purpose so we'd not find them immediately....)

    The Shroud manufactured ingredients combine in 36 recipes for each size, for a total of 108 recipes. Each of these 108 power shards can be applied to either a weapon or an item, yielding another 216 recipes.

    Adding it up, so far we have 48 + 20 + 108 + 216 = 392 recipes related to the Shroud raid.

    We also have a small number of recipes related only to the Stone of Change: Binding/Attuning, Adamantine, Siberys fragments => Flawed => Imperfect => Siberys, and Khyber fragments => Tiny => Small => Average. 8 total recipes here.

    400 total. Only about a third of the way from that point of view.

    What are we missing?

    Oh yeah... This is only part 1 of DDO Crafting. Perhaps part 2 will have the other 800 recipes related to upgrading our existing items? One can only hope....

  15. #395
    Community Member UtherSRG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge View Post
    It was worth finding out if it did something useful, I suppose. Since you already kind of "ruined" the item.

    Who knows, the second tier might've made it +5 resistance to all saves a +1 exception bonus to all saves. That might've made it worthwhile.
    True. Very true. And who knows what the 3rd tier will bring....

  16. #396


    so has anyone tried true ressurection does it wipe out the neg level penalty from death?
    Fallen former minion of the Gelatinous Cube
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  17. #397


    Quote Originally Posted by ArkoHighStar View Post
    so has anyone tried true ressurection does it wipe out the neg level penalty from death?
    No. It doesn't.

    Eladrin already said it wouldn't (when we asked about the Undying Court cleric ability which acts as True Resurrection elves). All it does is raise you with full HPs.
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  18. #398


    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge View Post
    Eladrin already said it wouldn't (when we asked about the Undying Court cleric ability which acts as True Resurrection elves). All it does is raise you with full HPs.
    That's silly. As per SRD:

    Upon completion of the spell, the creature is immediately restored to full hit points, vigor, and health., #1 source for DDO information.

  19. #399
    Community Member Laith's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Borror0 View Post
    That's silly. As per SRD:
    fortunately for us, death & its cures have always been handled differently in DDO than in PnP.

  20. #400


    Will be creating a missing slot as soon as I can get 2 med scales and enough stuff for another green steel item/equipment blank.

    Recipe as follows that I am no one else begins it at least:

    Inferior Focus of Earth
    Diluted Ethereal Essence
    Cloudy Gem of Escalation

    Focus of Fire
    Ethereal Essence
    Gem of Escalation

    Will combine these to see what it makes asap and post the results here when done. Hopefully tonight. I know they dont seem to line up for a synergy bonus or are in the same path...but it was intentional. I plan to add them to bracers if anyone is interested.
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