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  1. #3421
    Founder Garth_of_Sarlona's Avatar
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    I've posted a wild theory regarding using different gems at tier 3 to control elemental dominance here.

    My expectations are that this is very unlikely to be work, but it would be nice if it allowed control over the dominant element. Can anyone confirm whether they have tried varying the gems and had any success/failure at tier 3?



    Garth 20/ftr (Kensei) Haeson 20/clr Cairis 12/ftr 6/rgr 2/rog Xortan 20/wiz
    Tinosa 20/brd Garthbot 20/fvs Gaarth 18/ftr 1/rgr 1/rog (Stal Def)
    Tibetan 20/mnk Automatic DDO raid timers Haezon 20/sor (Conj)

  2. #3422
    Waylander of the Stolen Blade Cambo's Avatar
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    Default New Crafting Changes and Recipies for Mod 7


    • NEW Energy cells in the shroud raid can now be charged by weapons with higher total plus equivalence. The medium cells can now be charged by weapons from +6 through +15, and high energy cells can be charged by weapons from +8 through +15.
    • NEW Green steel raid loot accessories from the Shroud that have the old Existential Stalemate that had a +4 to Wisdom as one of the effects can now be upgraded at a Stone of Change. The +4 Wisdom effect will be increased to the current +6 Wisdom that new Existential Stalemate items now get.
    • NEW The Twelve has discovered several new rituals that can be performed at the Stone of Change. As before, you must first bind and attune your item before performing an Eldritch Ritual. The new rituals and their recipes are as follows:
      • "Alchemical Armor Eldritch Ritual" - Grants armor a +1 alchemical bonus to AC.
        Requires: Your armor, 5 Vials of Pure Water, and 15 Strings of Prayer Beads.
      • "Alchemical Shield Eldritch Ritual" - Grants your shield a +1 alchemical bonus to AC.
        Requires: Your shield, 6 Silver Flame Hymnals, and 2 Tomes: Prophecies of Khyber.
      • "Force Damage Ritual" - Your weapon will do 1 point of force damage on each successful hit.
        Requires: Your weapon, 3 Luminescent Dusts, and 9 Fragrant Drowshood mushrooms.
      • "Force Critical Ritual"- Your weapon will do 1d4 points of force damage on each successful critical hit.
        Requires: Your weapon, 6 Sparkling Dusts, and 12 Deadly Feverblanch mushrooms.
      • "Resistance Ritual" - Your jewelry item will give you a +1 competance bonus to saves.
        Requires: Your jewelry accessory, 4 Lightning-Split Soarwoods, and 22 Funerary Tokens.
    Cambo Neebong "Waylander of the Stolen Blade", well borrowed really...
    Lover of Loot, All Things Shiny and Participant in R.O.G.U.E Part Quatre Stealth Challenge.
    Woot: Hall of Fame Post - Eldritch Device Recipes

  3. #3423
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cambo View Post

    • NEW The Twelve has discovered several new rituals that can be performed at the Stone of Change. As before, you must first bind and attune your item before performing an Eldritch Ritual. The new rituals and their recipes are as follows:
      • "Alchemical Armor Eldritch Ritual" - Grants armor a +1 alchemical bonus to AC.
        Requires: Your armor, 5 Vials of Pure Water, and 15 Strings of Prayer Beads.
      • "Alchemical Shield Eldritch Ritual" - Grants your shield a +1 alchemical bonus to AC.
        Requires: Your shield, 6 Silver Flame Hymnals, and 2 Tomes: Prophecies of Khyber.
      • "Force Damage Ritual" - Your weapon will do 1 point of force damage on each successful hit.
        Requires: Your weapon, 3 Luminescent Dusts, and 9 Fragrant Drowshood mushrooms.
      • "Force Critical Ritual"- Your weapon will do 1d4 points of force damage on each successful critical hit.
        Requires: Your weapon, 6 Sparkling Dusts, and 12 Deadly Feverblanch mushrooms.
      • "Resistance Ritual" - Your jewelry item will give you a +1 competance bonus to saves.
        Requires: Your jewelry accessory, 4 Lightning-Split Soarwoods, and 22 Funerary Tokens.
    1. Do we think that Armor like White Dragonscale (Collectables) can be upgraded?
    2. Do we think that Shields like Madstone (Raid Loot) can be upgraded?
    3. Do we think that Jewelry like Ring of Feathers (Rare Named) can be upgraded?
    4. Do we think that Greenstell Items/Weapons (Crafted) can be upgraded?

    5. I assume the +1 armor alchemical bonus to AC would not stack with Armor and Shield (same bonus type)?
    Characters: Maels
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  4. #3424
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    Quote Originally Posted by stockwizard5 View Post
    1. Do we think that Armor like White Dragonscale (Collectables) can be upgraded?
    2. Do we think that Shields like Madstone (Raid Loot) can be upgraded?
    3. Do we think that Jewelry like Ring of Feathers (Rare Named) can be upgraded?
    4. Do we think that Greenstell Items/Weapons (Crafted) can be upgraded?

    5. Do we assume that the +1 armor alchemical bonus to AC would not stack (same bonus type) with the +1 shield alchemical bonus to AC?
    Well, you are able to "Bind and Attune" and perform Hardening rituals on all these items, so....Guess the best thing is to wait and see.

  5. #3425
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    Trying to start slowly here

    Is there any reason (past, present, or projected future) to believe that performing the "Ritual of Binding" on any Bound Item would have any possible negative consequences?
    Characters: Maels
    Guild: Maelstrom
    Server: Thelanis

  6. #3426
    Waylander of the Stolen Blade Cambo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stockwizard5 View Post
    Trying to start slowly here

    Is there any reason (past, present, or projected future) to believe that performing the "Ritual of Binding" on any Bound Item would have any possible negative consequences?
    I've done it to my dragon robe to stop permanent damage...I cant see any negative at all.
    Cambo Neebong "Waylander of the Stolen Blade", well borrowed really...
    Lover of Loot, All Things Shiny and Participant in R.O.G.U.E Part Quatre Stealth Challenge.
    Woot: Hall of Fame Post - Eldritch Device Recipes

  7. #3427
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cambo View Post
    I've done it to my dragon robe to stop permanent damage...I cant see any negative at all.
    Dragon robes are bound, so it already couldn't take perma.

  8. #3428
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    Default Understanding Tier 3 "Dominant" Super Shard

    I have been reading this thread for a while now, and while this may be addressed elsewhere in this thread already, in two days of scouring these 100+ pages of posts, I have yet to find what I'm looking for. I apologize ahead of time if I am repeating this question.

    I am curious about this "Dominant" Shard when you combine two imbued shards for a tier 3 bonus. I am trying to get the Mineral II effect. I would like the +4 insight to AC bonus as the third affect added, but I want to make sure I do it right. If I go with a Positive/Etheral/Opposition I get the positive shard to have the +4 AC affect. Since the positive is considered the dominant shard, does that mean that I can make ANY tier 3 earth shard, combine it with the positive to get my Mineral II shard, and the +4 AC bonus will be what the third tier bonus will be? For instance, if I made my earth shard out of Earth/Escalation/Material, would the +4 AC bonus from the positive shard be what is on my final item, or would the 15% acid damage absorb of the Earth shard show up?

    If not, please let me know. I am curious if I have to get two Etheral and Opposition items to go with the Positive and Earth, or if I can be a lot more flexible and grab whatever I have available to make the Earth shard.

    Pre-emptive thanks!

  9. #3429
    Community Member Bunker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nictolopy View Post
    I have been reading this thread for a while now, and while this may be addressed elsewhere in this thread already, in two days of scouring these 100+ pages of posts, I have yet to find what I'm looking for. I apologize ahead of time if I am repeating this question.

    I am curious about this "Dominant" Shard when you combine two imbued shards for a tier 3 bonus. I am trying to get the Mineral II effect. I would like the +4 insight to AC bonus as the third affect added, but I want to make sure I do it right. If I go with a Positive/Etheral/Opposition I get the positive shard to have the +4 AC affect. Since the positive is considered the dominant shard, does that mean that I can make ANY tier 3 earth shard, combine it with the positive to get my Mineral II shard, and the +4 AC bonus will be what the third tier bonus will be? For instance, if I made my earth shard out of Earth/Escalation/Material, would the +4 AC bonus from the positive shard be what is on my final item, or would the 15% acid damage absorb of the Earth shard show up?

    If not, please let me know. I am curious if I have to get two Etheral and Opposition items to go with the Positive and Earth, or if I can be a lot more flexible and grab whatever I have available to make the Earth shard.

    Pre-emptive thanks!
    When crafting a "Mineral" Aspect, Earth is the dominant of the two. So go off of what the Earth ability gives you. But here is the most important hint when crafting those double shards:


    So you will need to do 2 shards:

    1st: Ethereal Opposition Earth
    2nd: Ethereal Opposition Positive

    Make each shard with those combos and then combine them. You will get that +4 ac and the mineral aspect that you are looking for. GL and happy crafting.
    Mothergoose - Kardinal - Bunks

  10. #3430
    Founder Garth_of_Sarlona's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bunker View Post
    I totally agree that if you want to be sure that your supreme shards combine, then keep gems and essences the same, but I don't believe anyone has actually tried varying the gems (mainly due to me, and others like yourself, warning everyone not to!)

    However, if you want to help contribute to the crafting knowledge and maybe 'take one for the team' then you could try varying gems because it might control something e.g. elemental dominance. Unlikely, but possible.

    If someone has already tried varying the gems please post here whether it worked or not.


    Garth 20/ftr (Kensei) Haeson 20/clr Cairis 12/ftr 6/rgr 2/rog Xortan 20/wiz
    Tinosa 20/brd Garthbot 20/fvs Gaarth 18/ftr 1/rgr 1/rog (Stal Def)
    Tibetan 20/mnk Automatic DDO raid timers Haezon 20/sor (Conj)

  11. #3431
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    From what I understood bound items CAN take perm dmg. Items that are bound and attuned have zero chance of taking perm dmg. And as to the question asked I can not think of any negative to binding and attuning an item that is already bound. Unless they were to add a way to remove the bound state to pass them around on the same account but I honestly can't see them ever doing something like that.

    Now that you have mentioned it I'll probably attune my madstone shield and feed it in to get the bonus when I get the chance. Also did people notice that the resistance bonus is competence? Is that going to stack with bard buffs and anything else that give competence bonuses or is that upgrade kind of a waste?

  12. #3432
    Community Member Desteria's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by willphase View Post
    I totally agree that if you want to be sure that your supreme shards combine, then keep gems and essences the same, but I don't believe anyone has actually tried varying the gems (mainly due to me, and others like yourself, warning everyone not to!)

    However, if you want to help contribute to the crafting knowledge and maybe 'take one for the team' then you could try varying gems because it might control something e.g. elemental dominance. Unlikely, but possible.

    If someone has already tried varying the gems please post here whether it worked or not.

    WE had a guildie that miss read soemthing and made 2 non matching supream shards they would not combine for him.
    Prophits of the New Republic-- Khyber--PnP Vetren of more years then I wish to admit
    Desteria MoonStar-Sorc20--Mcgruf The Crime Dog-Dwarf Ftr12/Pal3/Rgr5
    Annibelle of the Woods-Rgr20--St.Fut H'Tennek-H-Orc Barb 20
    Kwaiii Chang Caine-Monk 20--Sandradee-Bard 3

  13. #3433
    Founder Garth_of_Sarlona's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Desteria View Post
    WE had a guildie that miss read soemthing and made 2 non matching supream shards they would not combine for him.
    Can you remember exactly what the two shards were?


    Garth 20/ftr (Kensei) Haeson 20/clr Cairis 12/ftr 6/rgr 2/rog Xortan 20/wiz
    Tinosa 20/brd Garthbot 20/fvs Gaarth 18/ftr 1/rgr 1/rog (Stal Def)
    Tibetan 20/mnk Automatic DDO raid timers Haezon 20/sor (Conj)

  14. #3434
    Community Member Desteria's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ikuryo View Post
    From what I understood bound items CAN take perm dmg. Items that are bound and attuned have zero chance of taking perm dmg. And as to the question asked I can not think of any negative to binding and attuning an item that is already bound. Unless they were to add a way to remove the bound state to pass them around on the same account but I honestly can't see them ever doing something like that.

    Now that you have mentioned it I'll probably attune my madstone shield and feed it in to get the bonus when I get the chance. Also did people notice that the resistance bonus is competence? Is that going to stack with bard buffs and anything else that give competence bonuses or is that upgrade kind of a waste?
    The only copetence bonus to saves that a bard song might give is fear, but they are mostly moral bonuses to the saves.
    Prophits of the New Republic-- Khyber--PnP Vetren of more years then I wish to admit
    Desteria MoonStar-Sorc20--Mcgruf The Crime Dog-Dwarf Ftr12/Pal3/Rgr5
    Annibelle of the Woods-Rgr20--St.Fut H'Tennek-H-Orc Barb 20
    Kwaiii Chang Caine-Monk 20--Sandradee-Bard 3

  15. #3435
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    Well I was going to start out the post wondering about a strange Immune message I was seeing when using my +/+/+ bow on the pit fiend and then realized that it was probably from the greater disruption failing. In the process of trying to get a screen shot of it though I stumbled across something else. I don't see the extra dmg from the blast potion of the crit from a natural confirmed 20. Based on the wording of the effect and the way it looks like it should work I should be seeing the base number and 5 additional numbers. Base + holy + pure good + good burst + good blast + good blast natural 20 bonus. Instead by looking at the log and the numbers over his head I'm seeing base + holy + pure good + good burst + good burst.

    Log reads it this way:
    (Combat): You attack Arraetrikos. You roll a 20 : you critical hit!
    (Combat): You roll to confirm a critical on Arraetrikos. You roll a 5 (+37): Critical Hit!
    (Combat): Your weapon's good burst effect hit Arraetrikos for 15 points of good damage.
    (Combat): Your weapon's good burst effect hit Arraetrikos for 19 points of good damage.
    (Combat): You hit Arraetrikos for 80 points of pierce damage.
    (Combat): Your weapon's holy effect hit Arraetrikos for 4 points of good damage.
    (Combat): Your weapon's pure good effect hit Arraetrikos for 3 points of good damage.

    There is no entry for the blast dmg and nothing about the bonus 4d6 I'm supposed to get from confirming a natural 20.

    I should be getting base + 2d6 +1d6+4d6+4d6+4d6 on a confirmed 20 but am missing at least one of the 4d6 roll.

    Eladrin if you are still watching this thread could you look into this? And other people with blast weapons could you check your log on crits? Its possible that this is just limited to +/+/+ bows and its possible that all of the blast weapons are not working correctly.

    btw I don't have improved crit ranged so all of my crits are natural 20s.

  16. #3436
    Community Member Milolyen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ikuryo View Post
    Well I was going to start out the post wondering about a strange Immune message I was seeing when using my +/+/+ bow on the pit fiend and then realized that it was probably from the greater disruption failing. In the process of trying to get a screen shot of it though I stumbled across something else. I don't see the extra dmg from the blast potion of the crit from a natural confirmed 20. Based on the wording of the effect and the way it looks like it should work I should be seeing the base number and 5 additional numbers. Base + holy + pure good + good burst + good blast + good blast natural 20 bonus. Instead by looking at the log and the numbers over his head I'm seeing base + holy + pure good + good burst + good burst.

    Log reads it this way:
    (Combat): You attack Arraetrikos. You roll a 20 : you critical hit!
    (Combat): You roll to confirm a critical on Arraetrikos. You roll a 5 (+37): Critical Hit!
    (Combat): Your weapon's good burst effect hit Arraetrikos for 15 points of good damage.
    (Combat): Your weapon's good burst effect hit Arraetrikos for 19 points of good damage.
    (Combat): You hit Arraetrikos for 80 points of pierce damage.
    (Combat): Your weapon's holy effect hit Arraetrikos for 4 points of good damage.
    (Combat): Your weapon's pure good effect hit Arraetrikos for 3 points of good damage.

    There is no entry for the blast dmg and nothing about the bonus 4d6 I'm supposed to get from confirming a natural 20.

    I should be getting base + 2d6 +1d6+4d6+4d6+4d6 on a confirmed 20 but am missing at least one of the 4d6 roll.

    Eladrin if you are still watching this thread could you look into this? And other people with blast weapons could you check your log on crits? Its possible that this is just limited to +/+/+ bows and its possible that all of the blast weapons are not working correctly.

    btw I don't have improved crit ranged so all of my crits are natural 20s.
    I thought that also however if you read the discription of blast you will see that it reads it only does dmg on a natural 20 and not just a crit so that 4d6 dmg is on 20 only and no bonus dmg.

    goodburst hit 15 (4d6 good blast for crit)
    goodburst hit 19 (4d6 good burst for nat 20)
    holy hit 4 (holy dmg for hit)
    pure good hit 3 (1d6 good burst for hit)

    appears to be working per discriptions of effects.


  17. #3437
    Founder Garth_of_Sarlona's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Milolyen View Post
    I thought that also however if you read the discription of blast you will see that it reads it only does dmg on a natural 20 and not just a crit so that 4d6 dmg is on 20 only and no bonus dmg.

    goodburst hit 15 (4d6 good blast for crit)
    goodburst hit 19 (4d6 good burst for nat 20)
    holy hit 4 (holy dmg for hit)
    pure good hit 3 (1d6 good burst for hit)

    appears to be working per discriptions of effects.

    The devs changed the Good Blast effect to make it better a while back. Before it looked like this, now it looks like this. Ikuryo is right in wondering where his extra 4d6 for the natural 20 has gone.

    You actually have to confirm twice when rolling a 20 with this weapon. The first confirmation will give you the 8d6 damage (one 4d6 from the Good blast tier 2 effect and one from the 4d6 Good Blast tier 3 effect). The second confirmation will give you the Good Blast 4d6 damage.

    My guess would be that the extra confirmation roll on the natural 20 is a 'hidden' roll that's not being shown on the combat log. When this roll passes AC then you will see the Good Blast effect as well. Try hitting Harry a bit more and looking for the Good Blast effect.


    Garth 20/ftr (Kensei) Haeson 20/clr Cairis 12/ftr 6/rgr 2/rog Xortan 20/wiz
    Tinosa 20/brd Garthbot 20/fvs Gaarth 18/ftr 1/rgr 1/rog (Stal Def)
    Tibetan 20/mnk Automatic DDO raid timers Haezon 20/sor (Conj)

  18. #3438
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    I checked through my log and had 4 or 5 natural confirmed 20s but only 4 bonus dmg numbers show up. I hit Harry on a 3 or higher so confirming it should not have failed that many times. The way I read the new description of good blast is on a weapon with a wider crit range a crit will do 8d6 but on a confirmed natural 20 it will do 12d6. Since the crit range on the bow for me is 20 only any time I'm confirming a crit it should be doing the full 12d6. Its hard to remember since alot of the time I'm running manyshot and there are so many numbers that its just a red line over his head but I don't remember getting more then 4 +s on anything I have shot at. I'll continue testing but I wanted to see what other peoples experiences are and to have them take a look at their logs to see if they can see ANY blast effect going off.

    Its possible that they did not get the code in right and that its so rare to get a confirmed natural 20 that people don't notice it in the middle of battles. I'm mostly just asking people to take a look and see what their experience is.

    btw the crit dmg from the arrow was so low because I had run out of silver and was just pinging him with arcane arrows.
    Last edited by Ikuryo; 04-24-2008 at 06:47 PM.

  19. #3439
    Founder Garth_of_Sarlona's Avatar
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    I would guess that the Good Blast extra damage is coded as a OnVorpal effect (See here for details on the different on-hit effects).

    (wild guessing...) Maybe the code that controls the OnVorpal effect conflicts with the code for purple named immunties? Have you tried using your bow on a normal mob and seeing if you get the blast damage on crit?

    Either way, sounds like a bug... make sure you bug report it!


    Garth 20/ftr (Kensei) Haeson 20/clr Cairis 12/ftr 6/rgr 2/rog Xortan 20/wiz
    Tinosa 20/brd Garthbot 20/fvs Gaarth 18/ftr 1/rgr 1/rog (Stal Def)
    Tibetan 20/mnk Automatic DDO raid timers Haezon 20/sor (Conj)

  20. #3440
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    Read the OnVorpal effect type and even if that is the case my bow only crits on a natural 20 so it should still be going off. Its still just the one roll to confirm the crit, no secret secondary roll.

    I did notice some strangeness when I got a crit on a 17 somehow. But I've seen those out of place crits for a long time and am not sure what is causing them. If there was a way to save the combat log I could do a more complete check of the log but once it scrolls off the screen you lose it and with manyshot running and all the other spell effects the combat log scrolls away rather fast.

    I know tier 3 weapons are not that common but it would be nice if people with them could check their logs and try and watch for how many numbers they are getting. I'll see if I can find an interesting group to go test the bow with and see what happens with more targets to ping.

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