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  1. #321
    Community Member UtherSRG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UtherSRG View Post
    Have these been tried?
    ore + filament + taper
    ore + filament + wonderous
    ore + taper + taper
    ore + wonderous + wonderous
    filament + taper + taper
    filament + wonderous + wonderous
    taper + taper + wonderous
    wonderous + wonderous + taper
    Quote Originally Posted by SneakThief View Post
    Some of them, yes. There are a couple spread sheets in the first post. The only successes so far follow the pattern of: Key Ingredient (ore or filament) + taper + wonderous where weapons are ore and primary color tapers and Accessories are filaments and secondary color tapers.
    Ah, I see the spreadsheets now. It still looks like there are many combinations to try... just because we found one pattern doesn't mean there isn't another pattern in the combinations we haven't tried. It looks like the following have not been tried at all:
    ore + filament + taper(any)
    filament + taper(any) + taper(any other)
    ore + taper(any) + taper(any other)
    and only 4 out of the 84 possible combinations without either ore or filament have been tried

    Quote Originally Posted by SneakThief View Post
    It would seem to be coded to require unique recipes (where ingredients do not repeat) so that the stack substraction is not an issue. i.e. Many people are putting in stacks of each ingredient and not one of each. The alter subtracts the correct amout and leaves the rest. Duplicating ingredients in the recipe would make coding for this messier. That said, I did try around 40 or so duplicates recipies just to feel better about that conclusion. None of them worked.
    I wasn't meaning duplicates... just two kinds of tapers, or two kinds of wonderous items (balm, etc.). Certainly there are two "sets" of tapers, so it makes sense to try combinations with two tapers.

    Quote Originally Posted by UtherSRG View Post
    each item/weapon can have 1, 2, or 3 upgrades, but only 1 small, 1 medium, and 1 large upgrade, and assuming it doesn't matter which order the upgrade happens
    An upgrade works one way for a weapons, and possibly another way for an item.
    1 upgrade: 3 possible (S, M, or L) => 3 * 2 * 36 = 216 combinations to try (6 small, 1 medium valid so far)
    2 upgrades: 3 possible (SM, ML, or SL) => 3 * 2 * 36 * 36 = 7776 combinations (1 SM valid so far)
    3 upgrades: 1 possible (SML) => 1 * 2 * 36 * 36 *36 = 93312 combinations (none valid so far)
    Quote Originally Posted by SneakThief View Post
    I dont know that anyone has tried updgrading a blank with a Medium before adding a Small. A Meduim may require that a Small be present, which would at least knock down your 1 and 2 upgrade numbers. Maybe I will try that tonight.
    Yes. That would certainly reduce the possible combinations down to S, SM, or SML:
    1 upgrade: 2 * 36 = 72 combinations
    2 upgrades: 2 * 36 * 36 = 2592 combinations
    3 upgrades: 2 * 36 * 36 * 36 = 93312 combinations

    I expect that many of these will be invalid combinations, as the items may have to be upgraded along the "S" line's focus, so that there is only a limited number of M upgrades for each S upgrade, likewise for M -> L.

    Quote Originally Posted by SneakThief View Post
    The other pattern I see coming out here is that Tier 1 upgrades and Tier 2 upgrades dont mix to make something different they just add different affects with possible synergies if the same matierals are used. That would make the total number of individual effects for 3 upgrades: (36 effects *3 upgrades *2 item types = 216) + Synergies?. What exactly is needed for a synergy I havent seen yet. It could be you need to use the same Foci, Gem, AND Essence for all upgrades, or possibly just the same Foci, Gem, OR essence. We will have to see as more Tier 2 and 3 uppgrade combos are tried. Though, I suspect that it will be along the just Foci line since that is the only thing that shows up on the actual item (Affinity to XXX), which would limit it down to 5 Synergies at any level with a total of maybe 30 new effects.
    Exactly so.

  2. #322
    Community Member UtherSRG's Avatar
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    Ore + yellow + violet + signet + energy

  3. #323


    Quote Originally Posted by Boulderun View Post
    Flaweds can be recombined into Imperfect Siberys Shards, and Imperfect into full Siberys shards. They appear to have no use beyond that point other than paying Fred to rearrange your brain.
    For what it's worth, if you want to speculate on the future:

    Siberys shards generally make items that interact with and improve dragonmarks, like an Altar of Ressurection which lets you spend a Greater Mark of Healing use to cast Resurrection.
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  4. #324
    Community Member UtherSRG's Avatar
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    ore + green + yellow + signet + energy

  5. #325
    Community Member UtherSRG's Avatar
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    ore + green + violet + signet + energy

    I can rule out several others, but three of the ore combinations could be possible:
    ore + 2 ore-aligned tapers + signet + energy (three combinations: rb, ry, by... are we missing 3 weapon types?)

    If this works, then I'd guess that there's a working filament combination as well:
    filament + violet + green + signet + energy (could this be the ring combination?)

  6. #326
    Community Member UtherSRG's Avatar
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    filament + green + violet + signet + energy
    filament + green + yellow + signet + energy
    filament + violet + yellow + signet + energy

    Ah well... so much for those ideas....

  7. #327
    Community Member UtherSRG's Avatar
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    ore + filament + (yellow or green or violet) + signet + energy

  8. #328
    Hatchery Founder
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    Just tried

    Ore + Green Taper + Jewel + Signet Stone + Energy Orb = Failure
    RedShirt / Roleplayer of Giant Slayers, Inc. on Thelanis, formerly Tharashk.
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  9. #329
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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge View Post
    For what it's worth, if you want to speculate on the future:

    Siberys shards generally make items that interact with and improve dragonmarks, like an Altar of Ressurection which lets you spend a Greater Mark of Healing use to cast Resurrection.
    Cool, I'm sure thats not here yet, but may be in the future.
    Blind Faith


  10. #330
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    OK my chart was completely reworked and updated. ( abit more user friendly and includes basic instructions)

    I'm having some formatting issues when it comes to charging the power crystals. I'm really not liking the whole "fire affinity 2 or 3 times, but with different stones" thing. I'll think of something soon

    Eldritch Chart
    Last edited by CaptGrim; 02-06-2008 at 05:20 PM.
    Blind Faith


  11. #331
    Waylander of the Stolen Blade Cambo's Avatar
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    Major Revamp Started..Mostly complete

    Also summary of lates upgrades posted

    I have group these by the focus item but it looks like better grouping for like effects might be gem or essecne..will wait a bit longer before re-sorting

    Positive + Ethereal + Opposition + Low Energy Cell = Weapon: "Lieutenant" (+1 AC Bonus) +5 Lieutennant Khopesh Equipment:
    Positive + Ethereal + Domination + Low Energy Cell
    Positive + Ethereal + Escalation + Low Energy Cell = Weapon: +6 Charisma Equipment: Wiz VI and Cha Skill +1 Commander Goggles
    Positive + Material + Opposition + Low Energy Cell = Weapon: ??? Equipment: Lesser Regeneration (Gloves)
    Positive + Material + Domination + Low Energy Cell
    Positive + Material + Escalation + Low Energy Cell = Weapon: ??? Equipment: +1 Con Stacking +10 HP (Gloves)

    Negative + Ethereal + Opposition + Low Energy Cell
    Negative + Ethereal + Domination + Low Energy Cell
    Negative + Ethereal + Escalation + Low Energy Cell
    Negative + Material + Opposition + Low Energy Cell
    Negative + Material + Domination + Low Energy Cell = Weapon: Unholy (Longsword) Equipment: ???
    Negative + Material + Escalation + Low Energy Cell = Weapon: "Lieutenant" (15% Neg Enrgy Abs) Equipment: ???

    Air + Ethereal + Opposition + Low Energy Cell
    Air + Ethereal + Domination + Low Energy Cell
    Air + Ethereal + Escalation + Low Energy Cell
    Air + Material + Opposition + Low Energy Cell
    Air + Material + Domination + Low Energy Cell
    Air + Material + Escalation + Low Energy Cell = Weapon: +6 Dex Equipment: ???

    Fire + Ethereal + Opposition + Low Energy Cell
    Fire + Ethereal + Domination + Low Energy Cell
    Fire + Ethereal + Escalation + Low Energy Cell
    Fire + Material + Opposition + Low Energy Cell
    Fire + Material + Domination + Low Energy Cell = Weapon: +6% Fire Critical Spells Equipment: ???
    Fire + Material + Escalation + Low Energy Cell = Weapon: +6 Dex +5 Dexterous Longbow Equipment: ???

    Water + Ethereal + Opposition + Low Energy Cell
    Water + Ethereal + Domination + Low Energy Cell
    Water + Ethereal + Escalation + Low Energy Cell
    Water + Material + Opposition + Low Energy Cell
    Water + Material + Domination + Low Energy Cell = Weapon: Frost Damage (1d6 Cold) Equipment: ???
    Water + Material + Escalation + Low Energy Cell

    Earth + Ethereal + Opposition + Low Energy Cell
    Earth + Ethereal + Domination + Low Energy Cell
    Earth + Ethereal + Escalation + Low Energy Cell
    Earth + Material + Opposition + Low Energy Cell
    Earth + Material + Domination + Low Energy Cell
    Earth + Material + Escalation + Low Energy Cell = Weapon: ??? Equipment: +1 Con Skills +10 HP Green Helm Upgrade 1

  12. #332
    Community Member Benjai's Avatar
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    Diluted Ethereal Essence + Cloudy Gem of Opposition + Inferior Positive Focus

  13. #333
    Founder Hemo's Avatar
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    Default Loss of BRAiN CeLLS

    I'm losing brain cells, watch:

    fungus + fungus + fungus +fungus + oil = failure
    lily + husk + green + blue + yellow = failure
    yellow + yellow + green + lily + signet = failure
    signet + signet + fungus + fungus + husk = failure
    twigs + green + blue + yellow + green = failure
    wondrous oil + wondrous balm + wondrous oil + ore + signet = failure

    And now I made you lose brain cells too! HA, eat some of that, UtherSRG.

    FFS u ppl chose to read this but didn't read my first post explaining what you can and can't do. How insulting!
    Time to stop publishing my research, and give it only to my guild.

  14. #334
    Waylander of the Stolen Blade Cambo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hemo View Post
    I'm losing brain cells, watch:

    fungus + fungus + fungus +fungus + oil = failure
    lily + husk + green + blue + yellow = failure
    yellow + yellow + green + lily + signet = failure
    signet + signet + fungus + fungus + husk = failure
    twigs + green + blue + yellow + green = failure
    wondrous oil + wondrous balm + wondrous oil + ore + signet = failure

    And now I made you lose brain cells too! HA, eat some of that, UtherSRG.

    FFS u ppl chose to read this but didn't read my first post explaining what you can and can't do. How insulting!
    Time to stop publishing my research, and give it only to my guild.
    I can understand to a degree why people are not reading all the posts..this thread has got a lot of pages over a short period of time. Sorry that I am not tracking the failures...but it is too much for a froum post to track the changes..hence the spreadsheet links... I will highlight this in the main thread and direct people there.

    By now we have all the combinations sorted I feel just the upgrades to be tested and features to be posted.

  15. #335
    Community Member Boulderun's Avatar
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    Oh, you didn't miss tracking his failure reports. He just latched on to the pattern that naturally emerged and stated it as law.

    Somehow I think we'll be able to muddle through without his "contributions."
    -Valok of Khyber, The Free Companions
    Still furious about the horrendous CS mismanagement of the so-called Abbot timer "exploit," and not going to let anyone forget it.

  16. #336


    did anyone notice that on the great commander goggles the min lvl went up to 11
    Fallen former minion of the Gelatinous Cube
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  17. #337
    Community Member UtherSRG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cambo View Post
    I can understand to a degree why people are not reading all the posts..this thread has got a lot of pages over a short period of time. Sorry that I am not tracking the failures...but it is too much for a froum post to track the changes..hence the spreadsheet links... I will highlight this in the main thread and direct people there.

    By now we have all the combinations sorted I feel just the upgrades to be tested and features to be posted.
    Yup, I was going off of the spreadsheet's list of failures and noting the potentially viable patterns that hadn't been tried. Too bad the troll above couldn't understand that. No, I'm not going to read 17 pages worth of posts. I'm going to read the very excellent summary you've laid out, Cambo, and i'll ignore trollish insults.

  18. #338
    Community Member Auran82's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ArkoHighStar View Post
    did anyone notice that on the great commander goggles the min lvl went up to 11
    Green Steel goggles are ML 11 by default with nothing on them

  19. #339
    Waylander of the Stolen Blade Cambo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boulderun View Post
    You combine a Shard of Power with a Focus, Gem, and Essence (and power source) to make an Imbued Shard. Imbued Shard + Green Steel item + power source is what finally adds an actual enchantment to the green steel.

    Shards of Power drop rarely and are bind on acquire, adding more grind to the supposedly convenient crafting mechanic. They also don't stack and don't go into any containers, adding more inconvenience.

    ** Shards of Power, Great Power and Supreme Power seem to drop as loot and Bind.
    You still need to pwoer the shard with Foci, Gem and Essence...I wonder if it stacks an additional power with the ?Random? one on it already
    Once Powered with the recipe they become Imbued Shard...Are they the Holy Grail of Equipment Manufacture for Uber results ....

    Anyone know otherwise ??

  20. #340


    Quote Originally Posted by Auran82 View Post
    Green Steel goggles are ML 11 by default with nothing on them
    Fallen former minion of the Gelatinous Cube
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