Ah, I see the spreadsheets now. It still looks like there are many combinations to try... just because we found one pattern doesn't mean there isn't another pattern in the combinations we haven't tried. It looks like the following have not been tried at all:
ore + filament + taper(any)
filament + taper(any) + taper(any other)
ore + taper(any) + taper(any other)
and only 4 out of the 84 possible combinations without either ore or filament have been tried
I wasn't meaning duplicates... just two kinds of tapers, or two kinds of wonderous items (balm, etc.). Certainly there are two "sets" of tapers, so it makes sense to try combinations with two tapers.
Yes. That would certainly reduce the possible combinations down to S, SM, or SML:
1 upgrade: 2 * 36 = 72 combinations
2 upgrades: 2 * 36 * 36 = 2592 combinations
3 upgrades: 2 * 36 * 36 * 36 = 93312 combinations
I expect that many of these will be invalid combinations, as the items may have to be upgraded along the "S" line's focus, so that there is only a limited number of M upgrades for each S upgrade, likewise for M -> L.
Exactly so.