+3 tome is by far not as good as wearing 2 greensteel item.
I dont see how someone can choose +1 stat over greensteel uberness.
+3 tome is by far not as good as wearing 2 greensteel item.
I dont see how someone can choose +1 stat over greensteel uberness.
°Shima Ra °Roots °Zielle °Sisqi °Downpour
Depends, on how many you can fit in, most of my chars can fit 2 in but a 3rd woudl be very very hard, with out +6 stats and other effects i consider manditory for most of my guys there is limited slots to put greensteel in.
For my sorc For Eg, I will make 2 items a +hp one and my +sp one, after that I would GLADLY grab a +3 tomb for +1 to my spell Dc's before another clensing, to be honest If that +3 ch a tome is in the first list I'll probably grab it first, as I can just spend a few of my larges on my tank first and get rdy for her 40th completion.
Prophits of the New Republic-- Khyber--PnP Vetren of more years then I wish to admit
Desteria MoonStar-Sorc20--Mcgruf The Crime Dog-Dwarf Ftr12/Pal3/Rgr5Annibelle of the Woods-Rgr20--St.Fut H'Tennek-H-Orc Barb 20Kwaiii Chang Caine-Monk 20--Sandradee-Bard 3
Well I finished my goggles the other day, which have concordant opposition.. nothing new, but I did do some testing and thought I would share the results.
The hp is 30 temporary hp tacked on to your existing hp, rather than healing you for 30. It works the same way house buffs do in that if you log or switch maps/instances, it does not get rid of it. I have not had a chance to test it when shrining, but I would imagine that it works in the same way in which house buffs do in that regard. There is no timer, and of course, it goes away upon death or when you take 30 damage.
The hp portion does seem to happen much more often than the sp portion does for me, but from my understanding of earlier dev postings, there is a 1% chance for either so it's just the way my rolls have gone so far I guess. I have had both the hp and sp happen at once. I'm pretty sure this is self explanatory for most players, but for those who are newer, the sp is also 30, but it does not work like the hp.. it just refills your sp bar by 30 points.
I'm still trying to find out if either the hp or sp "stack" in that you can have 30,60,90 hp as a cummulative effect etc. but I doubt it will work that way for the hp portion... though I suspect the mana portion is cummulative.
I do not have the torque yet, but I have heard the sp portion stacks with the torque. I'll be happy about that... trying to lean away from pots for raids given their cost on the ah and that as we continue to progress in level, there is more likelyhood of them being destroyed in my pack. If I get them as a reward, I'll carry them, but not gonna spend the plat.
OH... a note on guard effects... you'll want to be careful about not having anything equipped that does damage when you are attacked on quests where you fail if you kill x amount of said mob... so you may want to be careful about putting guard effects like this on anything that you put yourself at risk by unequipping.
EDIT: The sp portion went off for 28 sp once this morning... not sure why it wasn't 30.
So I am planning ahead for multiple crafted items. I would like to make the E+P+E/P as a helm for the hvy fort and +5 prot then the immunity item N+N+N as a necklace. BTW, this is for a cleric.
Here is what I want to do:
Tier 1- Greater acid resist
Tier 2- +15hp +2 con skills
Tier 3- +20hp +3 con skills / positive shard for +5 prot /hvy fort bonus
Tier 1- Blindness/Disease Immunity
Tier 2- Fear/Poison Immunity
Tier 3- 20hp +3 str skills.
I have a great DB item so dont need to overlap. The question is, will the 20hps at tier 3 stack or not? I would assume not but, would like to know if anyone has tried 2 tier 1 or tier 2 hp effects as a test. If general consensus is they wont, which would be better +2 fort or +10 more acid resist?
3 Parts Potassium Nitrate, 1/2 part Charcoal and 1/2 part Sulfur add external heat source and PHOOSH!!!!!
Aegean-Clr, Balar-Ftr,Cyclonik-Wiz, Davir-Rog, Soroden-Sorc, Towong-Mnk, Waring-Rng
Server: Fernia Guild: Southern Tenant Farmers UnionMrTreats:lv20 Fighter Huma Macleod:lvl20Pali WF Octavius:lvl20 Rgr Drow Ramrez:lvl20 Clr Halfling Faygo:lvl20 Rog Drow Ampata:lvl20 Wiz Drow Bach:lvl17 Bard Drow Odafin:lvl5 Life 10 Seeley:lvl1 Barb 1/2 Orc
Thanks for the help. I haven't made either yet so I have yet to see the message. But, I did assume they wouldn't. Guess, i'll go with fort saves. BTW if i have immunity to disease, poison, blindness and fear, what else am I using fort save for? Disintegrate, pk, charm?
3 Parts Potassium Nitrate, 1/2 part Charcoal and 1/2 part Sulfur add external heat source and PHOOSH!!!!!
Aegean-Clr, Balar-Ftr,Cyclonik-Wiz, Davir-Rog, Soroden-Sorc, Towong-Mnk, Waring-Rng
Disint, PK, FOD, Destruction, Slay living, nausea (from non-troglodyte sources), a few rare paralysis effects.
+3 con skills does NOT include fortitude saving throws, by the way. When it says skills, in this case it means skill: Concentration, the lone con-based skill.
-Valok of Khyber, The Free Companions
Still furious about the horrendous CS mismanagement of the so-called Abbot timer "exploit," and not going to let anyone forget it.
3 Parts Potassium Nitrate, 1/2 part Charcoal and 1/2 part Sulfur add external heat source and PHOOSH!!!!!
Aegean-Clr, Balar-Ftr,Cyclonik-Wiz, Davir-Rog, Soroden-Sorc, Towong-Mnk, Waring-Rng
has anyone posted a pic of any of the good or evil guards? I'm very interested in knowing the wording on the effects, basically to what extent they're alignment restricted. Whether they work agaisnt all non-good or non-evil, or only agaisnt good/evil
Shadowsteel [TR train wreck]
Thought I would mention that a relatively large number of us have completed our 20th run in the last few days but without the 20th end reward. It is speculated (rumored, etc) that runs completed before the first patch are not included in the total or perhaps we all count poorly. Either way we should have 20s on many characters by this weekend![]()
Bow of Vacuum
[M/D/-] Altar I
[M/D/Air] Altar II
[M/D/-] + [M/D/Air] Altar III
Shocking Burst
Shocking Blast
Destruction x2/day
Trap the Soul
Was late last night, and only played around a bit before logging, but it appears to go off about 2-3% of the time as expected.
Was able to create a couple shiny little gems...
Soul Gem: Giant (This was a troll)
Soul Gem: Magical Beast (This was a spider)
Question: The character that has this is Neutral Good. And I take a negative level when I equip the item? Was this something recently changed for crafted items? I seem to remember several hundred posts ago that someone made an unholy sword on a paladin, and they were not taking any negative levels when the item was equip?
Last edited by Graz; 04-09-2008 at 07:13 PM. Reason: Added screenshot
I hit my 20th completion on Norg and I got the following options:
+3 strength tome
+2 Intelligence tome
+3 Wisdom tome
+2 Dexterity tome
+2 Charisma tome
+3 Constitution tome
Essence of Cleansing
You saw that right 3 +3 tomes. I cant wait to get the next character to 20.
Norg Fighter12/Paladin6/Monk2, Jacquiej Cleric18/Monk1/Wiz1, Rabiez Bard16/Ranger3/Cleric1, Hangover Bard L20, Boomsticks Fighter12/Monk 6/Druid 2, Grumblegut Ranger8/Paladin6/Monk6, Rabidly Rogue L20, Furiously Rogue10/Monk6/Paladin4, Snowcones Cleric 12/Ranger 6/Monk 2, Norge Barbarian 12/FVS4/Rogue4. Guild:Prophets of The New Republic Khyber.
Several confused people thought that alignment restrictions were waived, but that was untrue.
They were only "waived" insofar as you can equip Good Burst / Evil Burst without needing to be Good / Evil aligned. But of course, since there is no other way to get Good Burst / Evil Burst in DDO, there actually never was an alignment requirement on them in the first place.
Master Cryptologist
Community Member
As the above poster said the evil burst did not come with alignment restriction however there have been unholy weapons in game (though they are VERY rare) and they have the restriction on them and if you read the discription of unholy it states that "good charactures weilding this weapon suffer a negative lvl". I am pretty sure the evil burst doesn't because its requirement would be that any non-evil aligned charactures weilding this weapon suffer a negative lvl and since you can not create evil charactures that would be just welll "EVIL" lol (sorry had to say it).
P.S. Thanks everyone for all the usefull info in this great thread.
Last edited by Falcion; 04-10-2008 at 03:48 PM.
Falcion Silverfeather - 20 clr (Argo)
Falcionn Silverfeather - 15rgr, 3rog, 2mnk (Argo)
Johnathon Ranthor - 13 rog, 6 rgr, 1mnk (Argo)