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Subjugation Manufactured Ingredients "Tier 2"
These ingredients can be combined to make "Tier 2" or Manufactured Ingredients using an Shavarath (Medium Energy Cell)
Depleted Medium Energy Cell can be powered with an Junk Item of +7 or greater
*** All Matching Invasion Recipe so far ***
Gem of Escalation: M.Chain, M.Scales, M.Shrapnel, M.Stone, Medium Energy Cell
Material Essence: M.Shrapnel, M.Arrowhead, M.Stone, M.Scales, Medium Energy Cell
???: M.Scale, M.Bones, M.Shrapnel, M.Arrowhead, Medium Energy Cell
Focus of Air: M.Arrowhead, M.Shrapnel, M.Stone, M.Bone, Medium Energy Cell
Focus of Positive Energy: M.Bone, M.Stone, M.Arrowhead, M.Scales, Medium Energy Cell
???: M.Chain, M.Bone, M.Arrow, M.Stone, Medium Energy Cell
Focus of Negative Energy: M.Chain, M.Arrow, M.Shrapnel, M.Stone, Medium Energy Cell
???: M.Chain, M.Arrow, M.Shrapnel, M.Stone, Medium Energy Cell
???: M.Chain, M.Bone, M.Scale, M.Stone, Medium Energy Cell
???: M.Chain, M.Shrapnel, M.Scales, M.Bone, Medium Energy Cell