Um, did you read what I read? I'm pretty sure that: "I believe there's nothing "especially different" about Dust II." is pretty much a confirmation that Dust II should be the same as all the other Quasi-Upgrades, but he wants to check just to be sure.
I guess people will hear what they want to hear, regardless of what's said...
If the "words" were not in quotes it would have a more direct meaning, but since they "were" in quotes that could still be loosely interpreted.
And yeah, I believe also that people read/hear what they want to.
Not trying to cause you grief because I don't believe, that is just my opinion. If it bothers you so much, simply hit ignore and not see my posts.
But, you also failed to quote my other text, about turbine's past of not "fixing" items already done. Want to take a bet if people who created this item will be out of 24 large ingredients and a few days of grinding?![]()
I think Borror0 said it best with:
And let the waiting continue..
But seriously, did the thread really need to be de-railed with so many non stone of change - eldritch rituals cookbook offtopic chat?
And yes, I know I am part of it, but shame on the others for being better and knowing better.
Originally Posted by Handee
Ive created what was supposed to be Dust II, and have been working in both PvP and various quests to see if it was a hidden effect, and i can say im 99.9% positive that either the effect has a less than 1% chance to work (because i havent seen it go of in any shape or form) or that it is infact bugged (to my knowledge) and there is no effect, even in the name "Supreme Tyrant Greensteel Longsword" is does not say "of Dust" at the suffix, unlike the 3rd tier triple aspect of earth items, which have that same suffix "of Earth". As for the way i upgraded it i see no flaw in the 1st or 2nd tier, or in the way I imbued the final supreme shard. Im very much open to someone than a keener eye than myself or any conventional ideas on why this didnt work.
For the Devs:
I have a report that the lesser guard/minor guard/guard were stacking when they were the same type of guard, and that this was supposed to have been fixed as of 3/10, but have not received confimation from the player who stated this that it was indeed fixed as of 3/10. Are these stacking the way they are supposed to now (not with regard to the focus enchantment special guards but just the standard, fire guard, good guard, etc.) and if not, do we have an eta on when they will be fixed?
Has "earthgrab guard" been fixed to display the description yet? If not, do we have an eta on this?
Do we have an eta on the regeneration bug or has this been fixed so that switching maps no longer cancels the regen effect requiring a reequip of the item?
Is regen not supposed to work on a wf who receives less than 100% of incoming heals, or is this a bug? If the latter, eta on fix?
Was "Balance of Land and Sky" balance competence bonus changed from +10 to +11 as of 6.1 or is there a bug? If the former, was it retroactive, and if not, will there be a way to fix this later at the stone of change as with wis 4 from existential stalemate on an accessory?
Will a change be made to the descriptions of three and four focus enchantment effects so that they display the chance, damage die, stacking etc so that people have a better understanding of how these will work without having to rely on user word of mouth/testing? If they aren't hidden effects, and they are not common items, imho the descriptions should be more inclusive of what these do/how they work.
For the Players:
I know the base die on green steel weapons is greater than that of standard weapons. Has anyone looked into or is aware of:
a) any changes to the base critical range on a green steel weapon vs. non green steel
b) any change to the critical multiplier on a green steel weapon vs. non green steel
Anyone figured out the reason why some items get titles of "Lieutenant", "Great Commander" etc. while others do not?
Things I'm still curious about:
I'm still curious about four focus pures like pos/pos/pos/pos. I think that if one does not work, it would be a safe bet that none of the pures will result in anything different than the triple focus pures.
BoLaS or Tempered with Existential Stalemate. To me, that still seems a plausable thing to result in BoLaS II or Tempered II... somehow I have trouble with the concept that elemental mastery is both "BoLaS II" AND "Tempered II" rather than just being a special effect resulting from the combination of four elements.
Other combinations of all four elements such as Ooze/Smoke for example, also creating elemental mastery. Again, if one such combination fails, I expect them all to do so. It may be that only BoLaS and Tempered create the stability/balance necessary for the formation of elemental mastery, but I could see that the addition of things like Ooze/Smoke would provide people more variables in getting some kind of four focus enchantment without necessarily having to repeat the focuses they used at the first two altars... giving them a bit more wiggle room as it were.
If I ever get enough ingredients to test any of these out I will because I am curious... yes we know... curiosity killed the cat... but it's a chance I'm willing to take. = )
I am also wondering if anyone ever tried to figure out why some items get the Great Commander label and some do not. When I was making my E/+ bow I looked at the other mineral weapons made up until that point and found that they had gone +/E to get Holy, the weapons were lacking the Great Commander label and were just called +5 Acid Burst (weapon type). I was a bit surprised when I made my E/+ and found that it ended up with the Great Commander label. I'm wondering if there is a preferred order to the upgrades that will give us something better for the end combine.
I know Willphase had an archive of the various items and weapons made to date that could be checked. It does look like most of the tier 3 upgrades did end up with the Supreme tyrant label though.
DDO Wiki has been updated with all known Tier 3 (Devastation Altar) "Special" Bonuses.
I think I am missing some of the Devastation Altar known basic upgrade effects, if anyone can confirm things that are missing or listed as unconfirmed, that would be a great help!
Dworkin, Benedict, Gerard, Vialle, Beldin... too many to list
Founder: Guild of Amber (Mabar/Argo)
Now Living on Orien
Will work on posting a screenshot. Did radiance II on goggles today. End results were +45 hit points, +4 dex skills, +2 con skills, and radiance guard which gives 4d6 light damage and blindness chance to anything that hits me.
Derigal Sorceror 19 -Lorient Ranger 15/Paladin 3/Monk 2 -Phaken Fighter 12/Paladin 3/Rogue 2-Placate Barbarian Fighter 2/Monk 3/Rogue 1 Aribel Cleric 18- - Silverpie Bard 18/Barbarian 2 Metaclone Ranger 18/Monk 1/Rogue 1
Lightning II is way out of balance with every other tier 3 special. Hopefully the devs realize this.
ok, thats your oppinion, now lets hear an actual arguement.
Mineral give transmuting, which alone on a +5 weapon is great.
Radiance does light damage and blinding on crits, which is awesome.
Most of the 2 element weapons get a great finish, because of the time it takes to make them. I have so far made about 8 greensteel items up to teir 2, and dont even have the 24 ingredients i will need to finish a teir 3.
Aundair, New Khyber
Alreck Gingerbarrel(15clr/1barb), Torrak Gingerbarrel(16 Brd), Oat(13 Rgr/3Ftr), Moxxy(16 Sor), Thorrac Gingerbarrel(6 Pal/1 Ftr) <<Current Toons>>
I'm sorry i just dont see it , 1-2% proc of 600 damage = 6-9 extra shock damage a hit.
even elemental mastery does 1d6-4d6 75% of the time = around 18 damage a hit.
Steam hits often for 2d8+8 extra damage, and salt does around 20 irresistable damage a hit on average.
ALL tier three bonus enchantments are good, especially when u look at the weapon / accessory IN TOTAL.
The best thing with crafting is that you can make something that actually fits in with your character, and their other gear
P.S the proper translation for Eladrins comment re: dust II is - it should have worked i am investigating it.
Last edited by Raidon; 03-20-2008 at 08:30 PM.
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