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  1. #2981
    Community Member Zaodon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yaga Nub View Post
    Option A is how I read it at first glance. I hope that's the correct answer.
    It is not. The correct answer is B.

  2. #2982
    Community Member Ilandrya's Avatar
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    Both the light damage and the blinding effect are on a crit, so it is "B". They occur together... it's not either/or or a chance of one or the other... you get both effects. I edited the earlier post to include pvp testing results.
    Last edited by Ilandrya; 03-19-2008 at 10:05 AM.

  3. #2983
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    Here is a list of all the unknowns that are on my spreadsheet:

    Tier 1:
    • Water + Opposition + Ethereal + Item (Assumed to be +5 Will save)

    Tier 2:
    • Water + Opposition + Ethereal + Item (Assumed to be +1 Insight to Will save)

    Tier 3:
    • Air + Dominion + Material + Item (probably Electrical lore)
    • Earth + Dominion + Material + Item (probably Acid lore)
    • Fire + Dominion + Material + Item (probably Fire lore)
    • Water + Dominion + Material + Item (probably Frost lore)
    • Negative + Dominion + Material + Item (probably Void lore)
    • Positive + Dominion + Material + Item (probably Healing lore)
    • Water + Opposition + Ethereal + Item (Assumed to be +2 Insight to Will save)
    • Air + Opposition + Material + Weapon (Assumed to be Electrical Absorption)
    • Earth + Opposition + Material + Weapon (Assumed to be Acid Absorption)
    • Fire + Opposition + Material + Weapon (Assumed to be Fire Absorption)
    • Water + Opposition + Material + Weapon (Assumed to be Water Absorption)
    • Negative + Opposition + Material + Weapon (Assumed to be Negative Energy Absorption)

    Tier 3 Bonuses:
    • Dust II + Item (Earth and Negative)
    • Dust II + Weapon (Earth and Negative)

    If anyone has tried these or can point me to someone that has, I'd appreciate it. There are also a lot of weapons and items that I would like to see screenshots for verification purposes.

    Basically there are three groups of unknowns:
    • The Water Opposition Ethereal items are assumed to be Will saves based on the fact that Will is the only save without 2 sources. It's just a guess. One WOE upgrade would probably be good enough to change the three unknowns to unconfirmed if it is a save bonus.
    • The Tier 3 Dominion Material items are assumed to be lores based on the Tier 1 and Tier 2 upgrades, again it is a guess. Any of these upgrades would be enough to remove all the unknowns and change the rest to unconfirmed.
    • The Tier 3 Opposition Material weapons are assumed to be absorption based on the Tier 1 and Tier 2 upgrades as well, and are guesses. However, the Tier 3 was not mentioned in the release notes when Tier 1 and Tier 2 were upgraded -- so maybe it is something different. Again, just one of these is likely to cause the rest to go from unknown to unconfirmed.

    Alexander Illusionist and the others, thanks for the kind words.


  4. #2984
    Community Member Mad_Bombardier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ilandrya View Post
    Both the light damage and the blinding effect are on a crit, so it is "B". They occur together... it's not either/or or a chance of one or the other... you get both effects. I edited the earlier post to include pvp testing results.
    Thanks, Ilandrya! With no scaling for higher crit multipliers, it definitely favors daggers and swords.

  5. #2985
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    I missed that blindness affect on Radiance II. I am drooling over it now. My main is a 16 rogue.

    15 seconds of +8d6+16 with a 20% chance (shortsword + IC pierce) per swing to start the timer again? I'll take that any day!

    Last edited by Inkblack; 03-19-2008 at 11:02 AM.

  6. #2986
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    Default Hmmmm

    Quote Originally Posted by Inkblack View Post
    I missed that blindness affect on Radiance II. I am drooling over it now. My main is a 16 rogue.

    15 seconds of +8d6+16 with a 20% chance (shortsword + IC pierce) per swing to start the timer again? I'll take that any day!


    Yup, I'm seeing where this is a rogue's delight. Forget about the Barbarians. Or .... a Barbarian using this weapon with a rogue in the group!

  7. #2987
    Community Member Yaga_Nub's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zaodon View Post
    It is not. The correct answer is B.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ilandrya View Post
    Both the light damage and the blinding effect are on a crit, so it is "B". They occur together... it's not either/or or a chance of one or the other... you get both effects. I edited the earlier post to include pvp testing results.
    Oh well, one could only hope.
    Characters - Brion, Damerchant, Deathbot, Goode-, Minusten, Sepiriz, Spiritstrike, Stee, Steilh, Vorpaal, Wyllye, Yaga, Yagalicious, Yga. RIP - Catpizzle and Qazpe
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  8. #2988


    Quote Originally Posted by Drith View Post
    Yup, I'm seeing where this is a rogue's delight. Forget about the Barbarians. Or .... a Barbarian using this weapon with a rogue in the group!
    Ya, that'd be nice., #1 source for DDO information.

  9. #2989


    Tried searching but didn't find an answer. To get rapiers, great axes, etc... did anyone try combining a pair of signet pizzas in the altar of fecundity plus 2 ingreds and a cell? Just a thought based on the double supreme shard success.
    Casual DDOaholic

  10. #2990


    Hey Hey All....

    OK, just a quick question....

    I want to make some goggles with the Following Aspects...

    Tier 1: +5 Reflex (Air + Opposition + Ethereal)
    Tier 2: Fear Immunity, Proof against Poison (Negative + Opposition + Material)

    Aspect of Vacuum I : Destruction (2/Day)

    So for Tier 3 if I want to continue with Aspect of Vacuum II

    I will need

    1 Shard + Air
    1 Shard + Negative

    Combine Air + Negative (Since Air is Greater then Negative)

    SO I am cool on that, but the question I have is

    Does my Tier III Air Recipe have to be Air + Opposition + Ethereal Also ???

    Looking on the Guide; Air + Opposition + Ethereal @ Tier III would give me: +2 Reflex Saves (Insight)

    But If I had to go for a Tier III Air Recipe I would really prefer: Air + Escalation + Material. Since that would give me +20 HP.

    So the question is...

    Does the Tier III Air Recipe have to match the Tier 1 Air Recipe or can I use any air recipe ??

    Any help towards answering this would be greatly appreciated.


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  11. #2991
    Community Member Zaodon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzSaw View Post
    Hey Hey All....

    OK, just a quick question....

    I want to make some goggles with the Following Aspects...

    Tier 1: +5 Reflex (Air + Opposition + Ethereal)
    Tier 2: Fear Immunity, Proof against Poison (Negative + Opposition + Material)

    Aspect of Vacuum I : Destruction (2/Day)

    So for Tier 3 if I want to continue with Aspect of Vacuum II

    I will need

    1 Shard + Air
    1 Shard + Negative

    Combine Air + Negative (Since Air is Greater then Negative)

    SO I am cool on that, but the question I have is

    Does my Tier III Air Recipe have to be Air + Opposition + Ethereal Also ???

    Looking on the Guide; Air + Opposition + Ethereal @ Tier III would give me: +2 Reflex Saves (Insight)

    But If I had to go for a Tier III Air Recipe I would really prefer: Air + Escalation + Material. Since that would give me +20 HP.

    So the question is...

    Does the Tier III Air Recipe have to match the Tier 1 Air Recipe or can I use any air recipe ??

    Any help towards answering this would be greatly appreciated.

    It can be (Air + Escalation + Material) + (Negative + Escalation + Material) and you'll get the +20 HP.

  12. #2992
    Community Member Vinne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge View Post
    Blur and Displacement are concealment.
    Well i figured they were 2 diffrent things because when you swing at a mob you can ether get you miss because there blurry or concealed, also you can have True seeing on and counter the blurr/displace but not the concealing effect of a cloud. O well...

  13. #2993
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    never mind -- beaten to the punch

  14. #2994


    Quote Originally Posted by Zaodon View Post
    It can be (Air + Escalation + Material) + (Negative + Escalation + Material) and you'll get the +20 HP.
    OK, so the Third Tier Shards that I am to Combine MUST match GEM and ESSENCE aspects to each other. Not the Tier I and Tier III Air Affinity Recipe.

    Did I say this correctly ??

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  15. #2995
    Community Member Zaodon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzSaw View Post
    OK, so the Third Tier Shards that I am to Combine MUST match GEM and ESSENCE aspects to each other. Not the Tier I and Tier III Air Affinity Recipe.

    Did I say this correctly ??


  16. #2996


    Thank You Very Much

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  17. #2997
    Community Member EspyLacopa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drith View Post
    Yup, I'm seeing where this is a rogue's delight. Forget about the Barbarians. Or .... a Barbarian using this weapon with a rogue in the group!
    Anyone else see the irony of the Rogue's awesome weapon being one of Radiance?
    "Traps don't do damage. They ask you to do damage to yourself." -Andy Menard
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  18. #2998
    Community Member Mad_Bombardier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EspyLacopa View Post
    Anyone else see the irony of the Rogue's awesome weapon being one of Radiance?
    Rogue, what rogue? I'm blinded by the light. Ow, ow, OWW!!! Oh, that Rogue. Great, now I'm dead.

  19. #2999
    Community Member ChildrenofBodom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vinne View Post

    I think the description on then item should be says concealing smoke witch i thought was goin to be concealmeant, thoguht would stack with blurr cloak. But it dose not when i get hit is says u was missed because you are blurry

    But weaird thing is the blur spell stays on you when u have item on...but when put on blurr cloak the blurr spell effect go's maybe just the items dont stack? not sure i guess i can try more testing

    MAT-ESC-Fire, MAT-ESC-Air

    Put air in first and fire still took over, not sure if thats new news or not
    Excuse bad typing...hate putting words on text

    I sent you a tell in-game telling you there was a VERY low chance they would stack. Guess you didn't read it. Turbine has never made anything stack with blur that I can remember, why would they start now?
    Quote Originally Posted by Handee
    You are the king of Delayed Blast Fireball.

  20. #3000
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ilandrya View Post
    A friend has done Radiance II on a weapon .... Congrats Kat.
    Wow that is awesome.. I was really doubting if there were any other cool effects that weren't silly random % effects other then mineral.. This one looks great, nice dmg and blindness.

    Question: Does the blindness effect have a save like the sirroco? If no, it is an extremely powerful effect for a rogue indeed.. And really great one for any non rogue too.

    Should even double as a nice undead fighting weapon as the holy will work, the fire willl work on most undead (and double on mumiies) and the light dmg will work on all and double on several types (certain skeletons, vampires, lich) great for the rogues who often have trouble with undead. Tho a drawback of undead being imune to blindness.

    Actually sounds like it could be an excellent "guard" type effect too.. Just reverse it so it works like the queen belts.. When you are criticalled - the attacker is blinded and hit for 4d6 light damage, sounds sweet. Someone make that!
    Also make dust II =)
    Last edited by Shade; 03-19-2008 at 12:43 PM.

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