Steam II on a Khopesh.
WMD / +MD / [+EO / WEO]
Steam II gives chance for 2d8+8 untyped dmg on each swing. The chance by my testing in pvp with friends it is more around 10%(1/10 swings) compared to the guard versions reported every 3-5 hits. It might just be me because if you do know me, youll know I cause dice to be bad. (sorry for the nerf to loot guidlies). Unless something is wrong with it, I think this tier3 on a weapon is a complete waste of 24 or even 12 l.ingreds.
1000 swing test. average comes to 20%= 1/5 hits. Also has nothing linked to crits if ppl have that question.
so 2d8+8 = 17 dmg average every 5 hits = 3.4 which is worse then elemental masteryand if lightning strike average is about 1/60-80 swings (so between 1-2%) then lightning strike averages to about 7-9 dmg per hit.
I would not go for this on a weapon unless they upgrade its chance per hit.
Here are the SS: