Kargon used to be in NSR, so kargon considermer the 'Church of Kargon' to be allied with NSR, but Kargon decide are bettermer for kargon if kargon not stick to any single guild so kargon can get around in lots of pugs and meet more peopamul. Oh, and that time Lebrac threw keensly and kargon out of NSR might be why he so vocamal about it, even if keensly back in NSR and NSR now trying re-recruit kargon with tasty ham and ingredimient bribes. mmm... tasty ham....
as far as back on topamic, Kargon pretty tapped out on ingredimients aftermer making 3 tier 3 upgramades, including one double shard upgramade. and kargon have to start pay keensly back and craft some sort of healamalling 'scepter' for keensly next so going be a while before kargon try anymathing new. Then kargon eventuamally have to finish keensly's pos/neg necklamace, kargonas pos/neg necklamace, Tazty's water/water bracermers, Kiensly's air/air goggamels.... so kargon not going to have anymathing too new for a good while, even though kargon DOES want to eventuamally make an ooze II weapamon (mmm... hope for grease on hit), for kargon to give that priorimaty would have to be green steel bastard swords first. so if somemabody find a bastard sword recimape, kargon be all overmer crafting new stuff again![]()